Tuesday, 17 February 2009

On 563.hk cease trading

Upon my request from Maggoo Loo in Guang Zi:

For your info 0563 was listed on 28-10-05
2009 is 己 Ji-Earth 丑 ChouOx and 28-10-05 in Pak Tsz language
Hour 辛 Xin-Metal 巳 SiSnake
Day 乙 Yi-Wood 酉 YouRooster
Month 丙 Bing+Fire 戌 XuDog
Year乙 Yi-Wood 酉 YouRooster

Ox and snake and rooster will form a Gold Metal trine ; having two roosters in the natal four-pillars means 2 sets of Gold Trine struggling to form
and as the day is wood 乙

no good

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Top-Off and Bottom-Out Indicators

Bottom-Out: CCI-77
Top-Off: %B(250,2) and %B(10,2)

HSI about to top off

%B(10,2) has just cut above %B(250,2) in Daily HSI

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

HSI and FX cross-rates

WE can use FX cross-rates change to out-guess HSI change