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Borsa Italiana S.p.A. is responsible for the organisation and management of the Italian stock exchange. The Company, founded in 1997 following the privatisation of the exchange, has been operational since January 2nd, 1998.
January 2nd, 1998.
日 月 年
己 壬 丁
酉 子 丑
2006 → 2016 辛亥
2011 Nov己亥
己=Borsa Italiana S.p.A. (Italian stock exchange)
so 正財($$) will be gone in 2011 Nov as Borsa Italiana S.p.A. (Italian stock exchange) is concerned
Banca d'Italia (Italian for Bank of Italy) is the central bank of Italy and part of the European System of Central Banks. It is located in Palazzo Koch, Roma, via Nazionale. The bank's current governor is Mario Draghi(born 3 September 1947, who took the office on 16 January 2006.He has been designated to succeed Jean-Claude Trichet as President of the European Central Bank by November 2011.[1]
Mario Draghi(born 3 September 1947)
日 月 年
乙 戊 丁
酉 申 亥
2011辛卯 clashes 日柱乙酉
by 2011 Nov 己亥---己偏財clashes/contaminates 亥正印
Mario Draghi's establishments Banca d'Italia (Italian for Bank of Italy) and European Central Bank will not be good by Nov 2011 (as designated as 亥正印)
The national day of Italy is celebrated on June 2 every year; the Italian Republic
was born on June 2, 1946.
June 2, 1946
日 月 年
丁 癸 丙
未 巳 戌
201i Nov 己亥 clashes 月癸巳
Nov 2011 will be a remarkable month to Italy
UniCredit SpA (UCG), Italy’s biggest bank, UniCredit SpA (UCG)
Chairman -Dieter Rampl (* 5. September 1947
日 月 年
丁 戊 丁
亥 申 亥
2007 → 2017 壬寅
201i Nov 己亥
Nov 2011 could be a hard month to Dieter Rampl
Federico Ghizzoni (Piacenza, 14 ottobre 1955)-CEO since 30 September 2010
14 ottobre 1955
日 月 年
戊 丙 乙
申 戌 未
his establishment UniCredit SpA (UCG)is designated as 丁印 which will be eshausted by己 and clashed by 亥 in Nov 2011 己亥
Federico Ghizzoni 's Chinese natal astrology shows 2011 Nov might be a hard month for his bank UniCredit SpA (UCG)
CEO since 30 September 2010
日 月 年
癸 乙 庚
未 酉 寅
己=七殺, 亥=劫財--2011 Nov might be a hard month
Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 宣傳封建迷信:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定