Friday, 27 April 2012

2012 Chinese Calendar Leap 4th Month-2012闰4月

 二 00 九年 12 月 29 论丛编号:20094002 1 报告题目
徐清振 中国股市规律的探索
 摘要: 本报告详细论述了闰月前後1個月多不利股市-----
2012 May 21/June18-- 2012闰4月--闰月前後1個月多不利股市??

2012 May 21/June 18 -Chinese Calendar Leap 4th  Month--
could be bearish  one monthy before and after

Ref-陰陽曆英語lunisolar calendar)--
      徐清振 中国股市规律的探索

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Days Around May 3

5  plus 3=8 so the next interesting day should be May 3

Dave of the Elliott Wave & W.D. Gann Trading Blog (   )  holds a view that "It appears the SPX wants to rally into early May cluster between May 4-9

 May 3 will be
Time will Tell

Monday, 23 April 2012

HSI related to Yen and SPX

Ding-Fire-168 (Porky) owes crdit to Eric Lau (小龍股評) 's inspiration on correlation between HSI and Yen


Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定

Apr 21子日
紫白飛星 2012壬辰年 6; 四月2中--已開始
陰曆Apr 21初一日

生2土; 2土生6
陰曆四月(Apr21-May 21)


62--否 or 26地天泰--2 退

Apr 23 Moon void of course --空虛日--2星座之間過境--容易發生變化
Apr 23甲月甲日


Friday, 20 April 2012


Abigail F. Doolittle says theS&P 500 Bullish Percent Index is starting to turn red afterflashing yellow for much of this year and this supports a reversal of the S&P’s Operation Twist LTRO rally.

Ding-Fire-168 (Porky) pastes a 3-yr chart here--Red Line is BPSPX (S&P 500 Bullis h Percent Index) and Black Line is SPX 500--Changes in the Red line pattern is more obvious at peak

After Apr 20 NY market, Apr 25丙日, 26丁巳日 NY and HK mkt  could be interesting

Thursday, 19 April 2012

HSI Apr 20?

港交所新交易大堂在2006年1月16日重新使用,並由財政司司長唐英年主持啟用儀式 (wiki)

2012 年4月20日辛(金)亥(水)

2012 年4月20日--穀雨

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Re-華人置業(00127)今早Apr 17停牌

華人置業(00127)今早Apr 17停牌,暫未公布停牌原 因
Ding-Fire-168 (Porky)'s google search-

年柱 食神 戊(土) 子(水) 正官

月柱 七殺 壬(水) 戌(土) 食神
日柱  丙(火) 申(金) 偏財

正財 辛(金) 酉(金) 正財


清明(4月3-5日) ~ 立夏(5月4-6日)


Apr 17 流日食神戊土申金偏財


子時支 by Apr 16 22.00 pm
2012 Apr 17 --辰土食神 官殺
食神正財的印, 公司
Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定

Friday, 13 April 2012

Mars at 16 Virgo35 on 4/5 June 2012

Larry Pesavento in his Planetary Harmonics of Speculative Markets states that Mars at 16 deg 35 of any sign might trigger some market ripples and reversals

Mars should be at 16 deg 25 sec at Virgo on 4/5 June 2012

Time will tell what might come up

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Days Around Apr 17 ??

Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定

Grain Rains 穀雨-2012年4月20日 Apr 20
地支藏氣, 3
Apr 17

Apr 16 土星

Apr 18
月柱  甲(木) 辰(土)
日柱 己(土) 酉(金)

致富證券 SFC發牌日期:

SFC發牌日期: 14/03/2005
For a male born on  4/03/2005 9-11 am,his Chinese Astrology
日柱 丁(火) 酉(金)
大運- 2012-04~ 2022-04- 正財 庚(金) 辰(土) 傷官--
2012 壬辰--
(2)壬辰合丁 酉

any astrological co-incidence--time will tell

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Re-Sizzler's Black Friday

Sizzler left a comment on 2012年04月11日 小龍股評 in HKEJ
"Thank you for the analysis. Yes, the US VIX has gone up over 40% since the 14-15 level. This friday is black friday......wonder how the US market will trade"

Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定

Ding-Fire-168 (Porky) finds-
2012-04-13 19:00-21:00[HK 時區:GMT +8]

年柱 偏印 壬(水) 辰(土) 偏財
月柱 比肩 甲(木) 辰(土) 偏財
日柱 日主 甲(木) 辰(土) 偏財
時柱 比肩 甲(木) 戌(土) 偏財
that time slot will be (1)甲(木) 辰(土)月甲(木) 辰(土)日--(2)甲月日時   "The stationary period of the Mars cycle begins April 13th and Mars turns direct on April 15th around 4 am GMT"---Ding-Fire-168 (Porky) remembers 何昭劻 and others had realted this to conflicts in S.E. Asia
Apr 13, 2012     18:50 HKT  Sun Square Moon (Last Quarter Moon)"土星衝發生於4月16日2時26分"

RE-Ivan Leung "s Request

Ivan Leung :Good afternoon, Ken, find that Cheuung Kong seems running ahead of the market, would you please 卜一卜卦 (Apr 11)

Ding-Fire-168 (Porky)'s Wild Guess-Apr 11 HK night market might see some changes which may lead to Apr 12 HK stock market changes

Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定

April 12
年柱 劫財 壬(水) 辰(土) 正官

月柱 傷官 甲(木) 辰(土) 正官
日柱 日主 癸(水) 卯(木) 食神
時柱 偏財 丁(火) 巳(火) 正財
Void of Course Moon 無相月
Apr 11, 2012 11:05 am UTC Moon Begins VoC Sagittarius

Apr 11, 2012 5:01 pm UTC Moon Enters Capricorn


4月12日01:01 HKT 月球進入摩羯座

April 11 HK:001 hrly chart

Monday, 9 April 2012

死得人多 AA: 23 April

Ref-何昭劻師傅 2012

Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定 --

April 2012甲月--年6月3
六白乾6為表金 (融)--宮-克三碧震3

上半月甲事-助3抑6--金 (融)更弱??

下半事-助6抑3-金 (融)改善??

April 23 -甲月甲日--有機會觸發

April 23/24-候形勢轉變

April 22---4+2+2=8

April  21--陰曆4月1日-有機會觸發--壬子--子new start

Apr 23 日--

Thursday, 5 April 2012

VIX:VXV ratio chart (Weekly)

死得人多 AA--April 15 低開, 回彈後回落

Previous Post-死得人多 AA--April 15

April 15丙申日--丙fire申gold--fire clashes gold

陰曆3月15日--陰曆1日, 15日 probable for changes

丙,丁-probable for changes

Now 從低回彈



死得人多 AA-April

 2012 April 三月甲
HKSAR 1007-7-1--甲
2012 April 

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

死得人多 AA--April 15

April  15日--丙fire申gold--fire clashes gold
陰曆3月15日--陰曆1日, 15日 proble for changes
丙,丁-probable for changes

Interesting Dates

Apr-4, 13,22

May-3, 12, 21, 30






