Friday, 31 August 2012
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Sep Moon--9月月亮
September 2012 Moon Declination
Sep 3, 9 and 22 could be special days (see chart)
Moon apogee and perigee--Sep 7, 19
Sep 8 Jupiter -in conjunctuin with Moon
Sep 10 Mercury -in conjunctuin with Moon
Sep 13 Venus in conjunction with Moon
Sep 18 Saturn in conjunction with Moon
Sep 20 Moon eclipses Mars
9月3日,9日和22可能是特殊的日子 (看圖)
月球遠地點和近地點 - 9月7日,19日
September 2012 Moon Declination
Sep 3, 9 and 22 could be special days (see chart)
Moon apogee and perigee--Sep 7, 19
Sep 8 Jupiter -in conjunctuin with Moon
Sep 10 Mercury -in conjunctuin with Moon
Sep 13 Venus in conjunction with Moon
Sep 18 Saturn in conjunction with Moon
Sep 20 Moon eclipses Mars
9月3日,9日和22可能是特殊的日子 (看圖)
月球遠地點和近地點 - 9月7日,19日
Monday, 27 August 2012
德意志銀行 Deutsche Bank AG 2014-16
Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定
Deutsche Bank AG---Key people-- Key Person-Anshu Jain ---DOB--7 Jan 1963
德意志銀行----Anshu Jain -- 出生日期 - 1963年1月7日
Chinese Astrology
Yr年柱 食神 壬(水) 寅(木) 偏財
M月柱 傷官 癸(水) 丑(土) 正印
D日柱 日主 庚(金) 戌(土) 偏印
10-yr Trend大運 2012-2021 偏印 戊(土) 午(火) 正官
2015乙未--丑未戌刑2016丙申-沖年柱 壬寅
2014-16 could be raw years for Anshu Jain
經過三年的翻新工程進行期間,這兩個高155米德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)塔被正式重新開放-2011年02月14日
After a three-year renovation period, the two 155-metre-high Deutsche Bank towers were officially re-opened on February 14, 2011
年柱 劫財 辛(金) 卯(木) 正財
月柱 比肩 庚(金) 寅(木) 偏財
日柱 日主 庚(金) 子(水) 傷官
2014甲午沖日主庚 子
2016丙申--合年柱 辛卯
2014-16 could be raw years for Deutsche Bank
headquarters in the Deutsche Bank Twin Towers --Taunusanlage 12
Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany----
The Capital City-Berlin is in the North-East of Germany --The above Feng-shui Fly-Star argument should be applicable
Deutsche Bank AG---Key people-- Key Person-Anshu Jain ---DOB--7 Jan 1963
德意志銀行----Anshu Jain -- 出生日期 - 1963年1月7日
Chinese Astrology
Yr年柱 食神 壬(水) 寅(木) 偏財
M月柱 傷官 癸(水) 丑(土) 正印
D日柱 日主 庚(金) 戌(土) 偏印
10-yr Trend大運 2012-2021 偏印 戊(土) 午(火) 正官
2015乙未--丑未戌刑2016丙申-沖年柱 壬寅
2014-16 could be raw years for Anshu Jain
經過三年的翻新工程進行期間,這兩個高155米德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)塔被正式重新開放-2011年02月14日
After a three-year renovation period, the two 155-metre-high Deutsche Bank towers were officially re-opened on February 14, 2011
年柱 劫財 辛(金) 卯(木) 正財
月柱 比肩 庚(金) 寅(木) 偏財
日柱 日主 庚(金) 子(水) 傷官
2014甲午沖日主庚 子
2016丙申--合年柱 辛卯
2014-16 could be raw years for Deutsche Bank
headquarters in the Deutsche Bank Twin Towers --Taunusanlage 12
Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany----
Traffic from Mainzer Landstraße (美因茨公路) comes from North-East of Deutsche Bank Twin Towers
(美因茨公路)Mainzer Landstrasse交通來自德意志銀行雙塔的東北
2014甲午年 東北紫白飛星=7
2016丙申年 東北紫白飛星=5
The Feng-shui Fly-Star in NE will be 7 and 5 in 2014 and 2016, both are not good
Physical Geography Map og Germany ( )
(美因茨公路)Mainzer Landstrasse交通來自德意志銀行雙塔的東北
2014甲午年 東北紫白飛星=7
2016丙申年 東北紫白飛星=5
The Feng-shui Fly-Star in NE will be 7 and 5 in 2014 and 2016, both are not good
Physical Geography Map og Germany ( )
The Capital City-Berlin is in the North-East of Germany --The above Feng-shui Fly-Star argument should be applicable

Saturday, 25 August 2012
September--Euro and HSI Rally??
ISEQ (Irish Stock Exchange) Overall Index (INDEX)--Weekly Chart since 2010-1-1
In fact nearly all of Ireland’s GDP comes from net exports, offsetting ongoing declines in domestic demand.
-Sober Look on Aug 24, 2012 06:30 pm Credit Writedowns)
So the final question is what happens when we look at “extra-Eurozone” exports as a percentage of countries’ GDP--Ireland is by far the largest beneficiary of euro’s correction. That explains in part why Ireland has been able to buck the trend of Eurozone’s recession, expanding its manufacturing base while others in the Eurozone have been undergoing a contraction ---(Source-Look who benefits most from a weak euro
-Sober Look on Aug 24, 2012 06:30 pm Credit Writedowns)
Ding-Fire-168--Note the Irish Stock Index Chart-chance of a Euro rally??
Chinese Feng Shui Flying- Star by September
The West-Europe is in the West of China-cardinal 7, year 8, month 9--$$ prone
HKSAR--1997-7-1 甲辰日
2012 Sep己酉財官月合日柱
2012 Sep己酉財官月合日柱
Chinese 4 Pillar Astrology hints for a good time for HK in September 2012
HKEX Trading Pit--2006-1-16
HKEX Trading Pit--2006-1-16
時 日 月 年
辛 乙 己 乙
巳 巳 丑 酉
辛 乙 己 乙
巳 巳 丑 酉
Chinese 4 Pillar Astrology hints for a good time for HKEX Trading Pit in September 2012
Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定
Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定
必和必拓(BHP Billiton)and after-market 後場
世界上最大的銅生產商之一的必和必拓(BHP Billiton),決定推遲其計劃的$20十億擴展其澳奧林匹 克壩礦Australia's Olympic Dam mine 拉響警報全球經濟的短期狀態的。---約翰·托馬斯John Thomas (一個瘋狂的對沖基金交易員The Mad Hedge Fund Trader):"我已經用它作為一個事實上的領先指標和對未來 世界經濟的看漲期權"---
"By The Mad Hedge Fund Trader
August 24, 2012
The decision by BHP Billiton, one of the world’s largest producers of copper, to postpone its planned $20 billion expansion of its Olympic Dam mine is sounding alarms about the near term state of the global economy.
". I have used it as a de facto leading indicator and call option on the future of the world economy. When the share price delivers a prolonged multiyear downturn as it has recently done, it is a warning to be cautious and limit your risk."--John Thomas ,The Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Ding-Fire-168/Porky--BHP since 2003
A pattern of five completed--5的模式完成
看跌背離技術指標--bearish divergence with technicals
"By The Mad Hedge Fund Trader
August 24, 2012
The decision by BHP Billiton, one of the world’s largest producers of copper, to postpone its planned $20 billion expansion of its Olympic Dam mine is sounding alarms about the near term state of the global economy.
". I have used it as a de facto leading indicator and call option on the future of the world economy. When the share price delivers a prolonged multiyear downturn as it has recently done, it is a warning to be cautious and limit your risk."--John Thomas ,The Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Ding-Fire-168/Porky--BHP since 2003
A pattern of five completed--5的模式完成
看跌背離技術指標--bearish divergence with technicals
Friday, 24 August 2012
Blow Ar Chart (HSCEI-5-hr )
紫白飛星 Feng-shui Purple White Flying stars
August --Yr 6 Mth 8
Sept--Yr 6 Mth 7
8月市底強?? Market sentiments remain strong In August
Friday 24th--,月亮合計都刑太陽,--海王星沖太陽。月亮在近地點--Moon in conjunction with Rahu(Moon-Node) in Perigee, square the Sun which opposites Neptune--
Monday 27 th--申月申日Monkey month Monkey Day--楊公忌日Master Yeung "s Bad Day
But take a look of my "Blow Ar Chart"--(HSCEI 5-hr)
Augt 29-Sun trines Pluto--Moon samedeclination with Mars太陽拱冥王星三分 - 月球與火星同樣的赤緯角
Next "Rat" day 下
一個子日--31 August--初十五--Lunar month the 15th day (Full Moon)
Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定
August --Yr 6 Mth 8
Sept--Yr 6 Mth 7
8月市底強?? Market sentiments remain strong In August
Friday 24th--,月亮合計都刑太陽,--海王星沖太陽。月亮在近地點--Moon in conjunction with Rahu(Moon-Node) in Perigee, square the Sun which opposites Neptune--
Monday 27 th--申月申日Monkey month Monkey Day--楊公忌日Master Yeung "s Bad Day
But take a look of my "Blow Ar Chart"--(HSCEI 5-hr)
Augt 29-Sun trines Pluto--Moon samedeclination with Mars太陽拱冥王星三分 - 月球與火星同樣的赤緯角
Next "Rat" day 下
一個子日--31 August--初十五--Lunar month the 15th day (Full Moon)
Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Monday, 20 August 2012
Aug 20 19:10 HKT Charts
Aug 20 IntraDay chart
My Previous Post
Aug 20 Mon
Market Open
命(癸卯 )---太陰,,鈴星--太陽,祿存加會;--天梁化祿, 火星加會;
Ding-Fire-168/Porky's Wild Guess is --Some decline will be seen on Wednesday and Thurs--A renounce will start on Friday with some pull-back at market close--However, next Monday should be bullish
Heng Seng 40---- 5-hr Chart with Alligator
My Previous Post
Aug 20 Mon
Market Open
命(癸卯 )---太陰,,鈴星--太陽,祿存加會;--天梁化祿, 火星加會;
Ding-Fire-168/Porky's Wild Guess is --Some decline will be seen on Wednesday and Thurs--A renounce will start on Friday with some pull-back at market close--However, next Monday should be bullish
Heng Seng 40---- 5-hr Chart with Alligator
Forex - USD/CHF hits session high as ECB hopes dim
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Lakhdar Brahimi--敘利亞危機聯合特使。
Lakhdar Brahimi
United Nations and Arab League Envoy to Syria
Assumed office
18 August 2012
born January 1, 1934
born January 1, 1934
Chinese Astrology Analysis
年柱 劫財 癸(水) 酉(金) 正印
月柱 食神 甲(木) 子(水) 劫財
日柱 日主壬(水) 申(金) 偏印
申子辰水 vs 辰酉金
Assumed office
18 August 2012
年柱 正印 壬(水) 辰(土) 正財
月柱 正財 戊(土) 申(金) 正官
日柱 日主 乙(木) 巳(火) 傷官
Ding-Fire-168/Porky do not have high hope for Lakhdar Brahimi 's envoy mission in Syria
Lakhdar Brahimi
United Nations and Arab League Envoy to Syria
Assumed office
18 August 2012
born January 1, 1934
born January 1, 1934
Chinese Astrology Analysis
年柱 劫財 癸(水) 酉(金) 正印
月柱 食神 甲(木) 子(水) 劫財
日柱 日主壬(水) 申(金) 偏印
申子辰水 vs 辰酉金
Assumed office
18 August 2012
年柱 正印 壬(水) 辰(土) 正財
月柱 正財 戊(土) 申(金) 正官
日柱 日主 乙(木) 巳(火) 傷官
Ding-Fire-168/Porky do not have high hope for Lakhdar Brahimi 's envoy mission in Syria
Taxi & PLB Trade 2013-2015??
冠榮車行(Koon Wing Motors Limited)是香港最大規模的專線小巴經營商,其股東是被稱為「小巴大王」的馬亞木, 其兒子馬僑生和馬僑武。它以不同子公司的名義,擁有約600輛16座位小巴,並經營了75條專線小巴路線
HK Company Search
Koon Wing Motors Limited--06 May 1980 date-of-incorporation
For a male born on 06 May 1980
年柱 傷官 庚(金) 申(金) 傷官
月柱 食神 辛(金) 巳(火) 正印
日柱 日主 己(土) 卯(木) 七殺
大運流年2甲合1日主 己
Hong Kong Company Search--Tai Wo Motors Limited-date-of-incorporation--20 Jun-1984
For a male born on 20 Jun 1984
年柱 劫財 甲(木) 子(水) 偏印
月柱 正官 庚(金) 午(火) 食神
日柱 日主 乙(木) 酉(金)七殺
2 酉1午合1巳
Just wonder what might happen to Taxi & PLB
Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定
HK Company Search
Koon Wing Motors Limited--06 May 1980 date-of-incorporation
For a male born on 06 May 1980
年柱 傷官 庚(金) 申(金) 傷官
月柱 食神 辛(金) 巳(火) 正印
日柱 日主 己(土) 卯(木) 七殺
大運流年2甲合1日主 己
Hong Kong Company Search--Tai Wo Motors Limited-date-of-incorporation--20 Jun-1984
For a male born on 20 Jun 1984
年柱 劫財 甲(木) 子(水) 偏印
月柱 正官 庚(金) 午(火) 食神
日柱 日主 乙(木) 酉(金)七殺
2 酉1午合1巳
Just wonder what might happen to Taxi & PLB
Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定
Friday, 17 August 2012
5-hr Charts of All Sorts
Heng Sang 40 Index
ProShares QQQ (US)
Coca-Cola Icecek AS (CCOLA TI), the bottler of Coca-Cola drinks in Turkey--Take Note
US Dollar Index Futures (5 hr)-upsticks probable??
US 10-Yr T-Note Futures
Crude Oil Futures (5-hr)
Gold Futures(5-hr)
AUD/JPY (5-hr)
ProShares QQQ (US)
Coca-Cola Icecek AS (CCOLA TI), the bottler of Coca-Cola drinks in Turkey--Take Note
ICAP is the world’s leading interdealer broker and provider of post trade risk and information services.
Anglo American Plc (AAL) , the diversified mining company that makes up 10 percent of the benchmark stock index,
US 10-Yr T-Note Futures
Crude Oil Futures (5-hr)
Gold Futures(5-hr)
AUD/CAD (5-hr)
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Aug 22/24 --紫微,占星
Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定
22 Aug 2012 9:30 HKT
星群Stellium 格局 級數:1級 組合: ;月亮(天秤26°14')---火星(天秤29°00')土星(天秤25°21')角宿一
分宮制:Placidus -香港-2012-08-22 09:30:00
T型三角格T Square <北交:射手00°31'> - <太陽:獅子29°22'> - <海王:雙魚01°49'>
命 (癸卯)--天相,,鈴星,天刑--火星加會--廉貞,破軍,(遷移)相對
夫妻(身宮)(癸丑 )---武曲化忌貪狼,
Aug 24丁巳日月亮 3;00近地點perigee
月亮上弦 21:54
Porky/Ding-Fire-168 Wild Guess--Aug 22-24 market actions??
22 Aug 2012 9:30 HKT
星群Stellium 格局 級數:1級 組合: ;月亮(天秤26°14')---火星(天秤29°00')土星(天秤25°21')角宿一
分宮制:Placidus -香港-2012-08-22 09:30:00
T型三角格T Square <北交:射手00°31'> - <太陽:獅子29°22'> - <海王:雙魚01°49'>
命 (癸卯)--天相,,鈴星,天刑--火星加會--廉貞,破軍,(遷移)相對
夫妻(身宮)(癸丑 )---武曲化忌貪狼,
Aug 24丁巳日月亮 3;00近地點perigee
月亮上弦 21:54
Porky/Ding-Fire-168 Wild Guess--Aug 22-24 market actions??
Monday, 13 August 2012
Aug 14-20 紫微
Aug 14Tue
market open
命 (壬寅 )----天同,天梁,化祿, 天馬,
田宅 (乙巳 )----廉貞,貪狼,祿存(子女)相對
market close-申時
命 (辛亥) --廉貞,貪狼,祿存,
田宅(壬寅) 天同,天梁化祿,天馬,
Aug 15Wed
Market Open
命(壬寅) --七殺, 財帛(庚戌 )----貪狼,陀羅,天虛---武曲化,地劫加會;
Market Close-申時-------
命 (辛亥)巨門,祿存,火星,陀羅--鈴星擎羊夾---地劫,地空加會;
Aug 16 Thu
Market Open
命(壬寅) --武曲化忌,天相,天馬,
Market Close-申時-------
Aug 17 Fri
Market Open
命 (癸卯) -廉貞,破軍,,鈴星--天相相對(天梁化祿, 巨門夾)
財帛(辛亥) -紫微化權,七殺,祿存,----
Market Close-申時-------
命(壬子 ) 3~12--武曲,天府,文曲,擎羊,化忌
Aug 19 Sun---壬子日--申子辰---
Aug 20 Mon
Market Open
命(癸卯 )---太陰,,鈴星--太陽,祿存加會;--天梁化祿, 火星加會;
Ding-Fire-168/Porky's Wild Guess is --Some decline will be seen on Wednesday and Thurs--A renounce will start on Friday with some pull-back at market close--However, next Monday should be bullish
Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定
market open
命 (壬寅 )----天同,天梁,化祿, 天馬,
田宅 (乙巳 )----廉貞,貪狼,祿存(子女)相對
market close-申時
命 (辛亥) --廉貞,貪狼,祿存,
田宅(壬寅) 天同,天梁化祿,天馬,
Aug 15Wed
Market Open
命(壬寅) --七殺, 財帛(庚戌 )----貪狼,陀羅,天虛---武曲化,地劫加會;
Market Close-申時-------
命 (辛亥)巨門,祿存,火星,陀羅--鈴星擎羊夾---地劫,地空加會;
Aug 16 Thu
Market Open
命(壬寅) --武曲化忌,天相,天馬,
Market Close-申時-------
Aug 17 Fri
Market Open
命 (癸卯) -廉貞,破軍,,鈴星--天相相對(天梁化祿, 巨門夾)
財帛(辛亥) -紫微化權,七殺,祿存,----
Market Close-申時-------
命(壬子 ) 3~12--武曲,天府,文曲,擎羊,化忌
Aug 19 Sun---壬子日--申子辰---
Aug 20 Mon
Market Open
命(癸卯 )---太陰,,鈴星--太陽,祿存加會;--天梁化祿, 火星加會;
Ding-Fire-168/Porky's Wild Guess is --Some decline will be seen on Wednesday and Thurs--A renounce will start on Friday with some pull-back at market close--However, next Monday should be bullish
Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定
Saturday, 11 August 2012
critical-- Hong Kong 40 index futures Daily--ref late 2010-early2011fall--(1) same time spent by now--(2) close to 61.8% arc---
CAD/AUD Daily--trying to pierce above BB(60, sd=1) lower line, %BB (20,3) (lower)shows an ascent not reflected in the late decline pattern
CAD/AUD Index Ratio Daily (50 ma about to shoot below 200ma)--vs $SPX chart
US 10-YR T-Note--3rd Topping done and MACD(6,7,1) line (below) declines amid the rally
CAD/AUD Daily--trying to pierce above BB(60, sd=1) lower line, %BB (20,3) (lower)shows an ascent not reflected in the late decline pattern
CAD/AUD Index Ratio Daily (50 ma about to shoot below 200ma)--vs $SPX chart
US 10-YR T-Note--3rd Topping done and MACD(6,7,1) line (below) declines amid the rally
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Re-my previous post on 渣打集團
First coy and paste my previous post
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
Ding-Fire-168/Porky's Reservation-
Peter Sands was born on 8 January 1962. (standard chartered Key People )
日 月 年
丙 辛 辛
午 丑 丑
2002 → 2012 丙申
2011辛卯--財 vs 印
John Peace is Chairman of the Board. Initially an independent Non-Executive Director, he was appointed Chairman of Standard Chartered PLC on 2 July 2009(standard chartered Key People )
日 月 年
戊 庚 己
申 午 丑
2011 辛卯傷官 vs 正官 。
From my previous posts
時 日 月 年
乙 壬 庚 壬
巳 申 戌 午
紫微-beware 2011
2011田宅(午)武曲化忌,天府,火星,地空 vs 七殺,擎羊,文昌年忌
Ding-Fire-168/Porky's Reservation-
Peter Sands was born on 8 January 1962. (standard chartered Key People )
日 月 年
丙 辛 辛
午 丑 丑
2002 → 2012 丙申
2011辛卯--財 vs 印
John Peace is Chairman of the Board. Initially an independent Non-Executive Director, he was appointed Chairman of Standard Chartered PLC on 2 July 2009(standard chartered Key People )
日 月 年
戊 庚 己
申 午 丑
2011 辛卯傷官 vs 正官 。
From my previous posts
時 日 月 年
乙 壬 庚 壬
巳 申 戌 午
紫微-beware 2011
2011田宅(午)武曲化忌,天府,火星,地空 vs 七殺,擎羊,文昌年忌
Now Ding-Fire-168/Porky writes on 2012
紫微-2012-very bad
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
10 Aug 2012 Moon
Aug 10 2:55 HKT Sun square Moon
Aug 10 2:55 HKT 太陽刑事月亮
Aug 10 2;55月相下弦月
Aug 10 2;55 Third (last) quarter moon
Aug 10 6:34 HKT Venus Trine Neptune
Aug 10 6:34 HKT 金星拱海王星
Aug 10 19:00HKT Moon apogee
Aug 10 19:00HKT月球遠地點
Aug 10 22:00 Void-of-Moon
Aug 10 22:00 無相月
Aug 10 2:55 HKT 太陽刑事月亮
Aug 10 2;55月相下弦月
Aug 10 2;55 Third (last) quarter moon
Aug 10 6:34 HKT Venus Trine Neptune
Aug 10 6:34 HKT 金星拱海王星
Aug 10 19:00HKT Moon apogee
Aug 10 19:00HKT月球遠地點
Aug 10 22:00 Void-of-Moon
Aug 10 22:00 無相月
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
When Moon has same declinations with Planets
In the month of August, the Moon seems to have same declination angle with a planet on around
3-5 Aug
8 Aug
10,11 Aug
14,16,18 Aug
21,24 Aug
27,29 Aug
Moon and Planetary Declination Chart --
July HSI
3-5 Aug
8 Aug
10,11 Aug
14,16,18 Aug
21,24 Aug
27,29 Aug
Moon and Planetary Declination Chart --
July HSI
July Moon and Planetary Declination
..--2012年8月7日15時生 [時區:GMT +8]
命 太陰,祿存會事業(身宮) 太陽,天梁化祿
年柱 食神 壬(水) 辰(土) 偏印
月柱 偏印 戊(土) 申(金) 比肩
日柱 日主 庚(金) 子(水) 傷官
命 太陰,祿存會事業(身宮) 太陽,天梁化祿
年柱 食神 壬(水) 辰(土) 偏印
月柱 偏印 戊(土) 申(金) 比肩
日柱 日主 庚(金) 子(水) 傷官
Monday, 6 August 2012
2012 Aug 7 Wild Guess
Aug 7 庚(金) 子(水)日--子(水)日new start--2012年8月7日巳時紫微--命 武曲化忌,天相天刑,天哭---beware--
Sunday, 5 August 2012
Re-John Murphy: "WORLD STOCK INDEX PEAKED IN 2011" message-
"One of my previous messages showed a rotation out of small cap stocks into mega-caps in the middle of 2011 which continues to this day. That suggests that investors have been growing increasingly defensive over the last year. The chart below provides graphic evidence that global stocks may have actually peaked last year as well. It shows the Vanguard Total World Index (VT) since 2009. [The VT includes stocks from all over the world in both developed and emerging markets. It has a surprisingly large weight to North America (51%). Europe accounts for 22%, emerging markets 13%, and the Pacific region 12%. The chart shows a major uptrend line being broken last summer (red circle). The VT has since formed a pattern of lower peaks (red trendline). Although the U.S. stock market has held up better than other global stocks, it too is influenced by global trends. This chart isn't encouraging."
Above-John Murphy on VI chart
Ding-Fire-168/Porky has done a monthly log chart on VI (bigchart)
(1)The VI monthly keeps on staying below 20 ma chart since lare 2011
(2)VI seems in the third pattern
(3)S-H-S vaguely seen
(4)Bearish sign with W%R (10)
(5) Bearish sign with ROC (10)
"One of my previous messages showed a rotation out of small cap stocks into mega-caps in the middle of 2011 which continues to this day. That suggests that investors have been growing increasingly defensive over the last year. The chart below provides graphic evidence that global stocks may have actually peaked last year as well. It shows the Vanguard Total World Index (VT) since 2009. [The VT includes stocks from all over the world in both developed and emerging markets. It has a surprisingly large weight to North America (51%). Europe accounts for 22%, emerging markets 13%, and the Pacific region 12%. The chart shows a major uptrend line being broken last summer (red circle). The VT has since formed a pattern of lower peaks (red trendline). Although the U.S. stock market has held up better than other global stocks, it too is influenced by global trends. This chart isn't encouraging."
Above-John Murphy on VI chart
Ding-Fire-168/Porky has done a monthly log chart on VI (bigchart)
(1)The VI monthly keeps on staying below 20 ma chart since lare 2011
(2)VI seems in the third pattern
(3)S-H-S vaguely seen
(4)Bearish sign with W%R (10)
(5) Bearish sign with ROC (10)
Friday, 3 August 2012
Re---BoBo Blog: 2823
Sharing-from BoBo Blog--"#2823日線圖,#2823由05月14號開始,一路做RSI底背馳,股價就一路由$10.60跌至最近07月24號之低位$9.55. Cardwell講得好清楚,底背馳只會係熊市發生,所以永遠吾係入市時機.但Wilder及絕大部份既TA人(傳統想法),都話底背馳為入市訊號.
Ding-Fire-168/Porky has attached a "Pig-talk" chart--the weird parameters values are Mainlanders' choices
PS-Cardwell-- wiki/Relative_strength_index ---
Ding-Fire-168/Porky has attached a "Pig-talk" chart--the weird parameters values are Mainlanders' choices
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
new Japan--1952年4月29日--男、
年柱 正印 壬(水) 辰(土) 正財
月柱 劫財 甲(木) 辰(土) 正財
日柱 日主 乙(木) 巳(火) 傷官
2004-06-22 ~ 2014-06-22 正官 庚(金) 戌(土) 正財--
(1)2012壬(水) 辰(土)=年柱
(2) 壬(水) 辰(土) 正印耗正財9
(4)大運 戌--1 戌沖3 辰 (2012, 年柱,月柱 )------
Japan in financiall danger-??---
new Japan--1952年4月29日--男、
年柱 正印 壬(水) 辰(土) 正財
月柱 劫財 甲(木) 辰(土) 正財
日柱 日主 乙(木) 巳(火) 傷官
2004-06-22 ~ 2014-06-22 正官 庚(金) 戌(土) 正財--
(1)2012壬(水) 辰(土)=年柱
(2) 壬(水) 辰(土) 正印耗正財9
(4)大運 戌--1 戌沖3 辰 (2012, 年柱,月柱 )------
Japan in financiall danger-??---
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