Wednesday, 29 May 2013


EWH vs LMT (Daily)

LMT--Lockheed Martin Corp

EWH--HK i shares

EMAENV (13,2)

LMT is my crazy  proxy for US (military) pivot to Asia

RE-29 May HSI Close

RE-29 May HSI Close

any  chance for technical rebound to-morrow (30 May)?

紫白日飞星 --
May 23=2 (年5月8日2--合258)
May 27=6 (月8日6) take note
May 30=9(顺排 last day) take note
May 31=1

May 30---5+3+0=8

SINGAPORE, May 29 (Reuters) - A spike in U.S. interest rates triggered by expectations the Federal Reserve will tighten policy soon spurred a massive selloff in Asian bonds on Wednesday and forced Indonesia’s central bank to step in to support its bond market. The selling was triggered by a drop in U.S. Treasuries during Asian trading that took U.S. 10-year yields to 13-month highs, extending the run-up in yields since Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s testimony last week. That testimony raised the possibility of the Fed rolling back its extraordinary quantitative easing (QE) program sooner than markets had anticipated. Foreigners who have been huge buyers of high-yielding Asian debt led the selling, traders said, putting pressure on bond markets in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea and Australia. As Australian bonds dropped, 10-year cash yields jumped to two-month highs at 3.48 percent and the Aussie dollar hit a 19-month low.--

GBPNZD 15 min

HSI 60-min
A+H intraday

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

29 May 2013 HSI Morning Dip

A+H Intra-Day this morning

A+H daily

GBPNZD 15-min
RE-15 min GBPNZD chart--note the very early morning long green (rally) candle--that hints for this morning's HSI dip?? pig-talk of-course

紫白日飞星 --May 23=2 (年5月8日2--合258);

May 27=6 (月8日6)
May 28=7,
May 29=8;
May 30=9(顺排 last day)
May 31=1(first day)--(月8日1)
May 29 未白 (after winter soltice and before summer soltice)
辰時---飞星月8 日8時8-max
my pig-talk on this morning dip

Re-QQKK " Change of HSI trends can tell from GBP/NZD daily ".貞係豬翕 !!!!..

Copy and mark to-day (28-May 2013) 15-min chart from

Just a matter of trial-and-error, very much a pig-talk indeed

GBPNZD 15-min

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Two more charts on 山雨欲來风滿樓

$IVX--S&P Value Index Cash

XIV--Inverse VIX short-term ETN


Received a reminder 似乎山雨欲來风滿樓, so  try with U.S. Global Investors Funds  charts

Global Resources Fund (PSPFX)  wkly

see previous post

Friday, 24 May 2013

EWH wkly

May 27- Jun 2

Jupiter's  Lunar Eclipse chart
月食May 25 12;24,(source-Magic Life by Jupiter)---月食,在香港這邊,剛好緊貼著天頂天底線,在世俗占星來看天頂/太陽是政府,月亮是大眾; 再加上代表欺騙、謊言的海王星合著下降點,除了商交所和廉署案外,還有多少官員問題會被揭露出來?



Note in May-Lunar declination chart--moon min declination and declination same as other planets by around 26-27 May--then Moon and planets declination curve intersect by around 30 May

May 23--奇门中2局last day; 冬至后--the 16th "9天数计" last day

May 27(Monday)

May 31 丁月丁日

奇门下8 May 24-May 28--May 28 last day
奇门上6 May 29-June 2--June 2 last day

June 1--冬至后--the 17th "9天数计"last day
In June Moon-Planet declination chart--the first intersection is on June 1
June 3-子日

紫白日飞星 --
May 23=2 (年5月8日2--合258)
May 27=6 (月8日6) take note
May 30=9(顺排 last day)
May 31=1(first day)--(月8日1)


My HSI Guess on May 8

Just Wild Guess

EUROX fund insights?

A+H May 24

intra-day-今天是尾市入現貨. note A+H May 24 intra-day chart--trading volume change

Wkly -updated to May 24 close-Above

Daily Update-Below

Thursday, 23 May 2013

24 May Morning

HSI weekly -24 May 10:00

A+H Index 24 May 10:00

Mt previous chart

Malaysia Index-KBMKLCI

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Re-Joseph Nye Jr and Pivot to Asia

JOSEPH S. NYE, JR. the mastermind behind "Pivot to Asia"


 the March/April 2013 issue: the National Interest
"fears that China will become a threat to the United States. The fear is not necessary, however, if we remember that Asia is not one entity. It has its own internal balance of power. Japan, India, Vietnam and other countries do not want to be dominated by China, and thus welcome an American presence in the region. Unless China proves able to better develop its soft power of attraction, the rise in its hard military and economic power is likely to frighten its neighbors into seeking coalitions to balance against it. "

Joseph Nye, Bill Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of Defense

The United States Security Strategy for the
East Asia-Pacific Region
in 1998 Joseph Nye was Bill Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of Defense

My Wild Guess-

US  Pivot to Asia won't last by around 2020

Joseph Nye  Jr--Born (1937-01-19) January 19, 1937
年柱 比肩 丙(火) 子(水) 正官
月柱 正財 辛(金) 丑(土) 傷官
日柱 日主 丙(火) 午(火)劫財
2012- ~ 2022- 傷官(喜) 己(土) 酉(金) 正財(閒)

Re-Kingsoft 3888


年柱 正官 甲(木) 辰(土) 劫財 本氣
月柱 七殺 乙(木) 亥(水) 正財 本氣
日柱 日主 己(土) 卯(木)

2008-06-~ 2018-06-傷官 庚(金) 辰(土) 劫財
2013癸巳---癸(偏財)-- 巳亥沖 trigger?

21 May日柱 丁(火) 亥(水)月柱丁(火)巳(火)

年柱 偏財 己(土) 酉(金) 七殺
月柱 傷官 丙(火) 子(水) 偏印
日柱 日主 乙(木) 丑(土) 偏財

2012-11-2022-11-七殺(閒) 辛(金) 未(土) 偏財(忌)

癸印---殺印 powerful CEO??

Just Wild Guess