“Totally by accident,” Jodie Foster says of that considerable glitch, “ I was three. My brother went to audition, but they couldn’t leave me in the car. I got the part.
國曆: 51 年 11 月 19 日 午 時生 性別: 女 性
農曆: 51 年 10 月 23 日 午 時生 虛歲: 55 歲
八字: 時 日 月 年 大運: 5 ~ 14 庚戌
柱 柱 柱 柱 15 ~ 24 己酉
: : : : 25 ~ 34 戊申
正 比 傷 35 ~ 44 丁未
財 肩 官 45 ~ 54 丙午
甲 辛 辛 壬 55 ~ 64 乙巳
午 酉 亥 寅 65 ~ 74 甲辰
己丁 辛 甲壬 戊丙甲 75 ~ 84 癸卯
偏七 比 正傷 正正正 85 ~ 94 壬寅
印殺 肩 財官 印官財
大運: 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5
傷 食 正 偏 正 七 正 偏 劫
官 神 財 財 官 殺 印 印 財
壬 癸 甲 乙 丙 丁 戊 己 庚
寅 卯 辰 巳 午 未 申 酉 戌
戊丙甲 乙 癸乙戊 庚戊丙 己丁 乙丁己 戊壬庚 辛 丁辛戊
正正正 偏 食偏正 劫正正 偏七 偏七偏 正傷劫 比 七比正
印官財 財 神財印 財印官 印殺 財殺印 印官財 肩 殺肩印
Sunday, 15 May 2016
Thursday, 7 April 2016
Amber Ambrose Aurele's haute couture shoe exhibition at the Dutch Consul General Residence In Hong Kong

Lucky me have received this invitation
Information on the Dutch artist Amber Ambrose Aurele can be found on her personal web
I am well impressed by her explanation in person that evening that the legend of Lilith, Adam's first wife, is a source behind one of her masterpiece
Monday, 4 April 2016
RE-Sosei Group Corp/Ralph Acampora/Apr 2016

Sosei Group Corp (Jp:4565)Date-of-Incorporation
Chinese Bazi Astro--There could be some monthly "fortune" by say Apr 7
2016 Apr 7--偏財壬辰比肩流月
Godfather’ of chart analysis says the stock-market correction is over--Rebound will keep happening for commodities, emerging markets, says Ralph Acampora
Sosei Group Corporation is a holding company primarily engaged in the biopharmaceutical business. The Company is mainly involved in the research, development and sale of pharmaceutical drugs, including NVA237 and QVA149, used for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; SO - 1105, used for oral thrush. As of March 31, 2013, the Company had three consolidated subsidiaries
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
Re-Cocktail evening with Socialbakers@SEVVA
I went to Socialbakers' Cocktail evening on Mar 16 at SEVVA
SEVVA is a bar-and-restaurant sitting on the top of Prince's Building in Central. Its outdoor terrace allows for awesome views of HSBC and LegCo .Reviews I found this morning in Tripadvisor are not the finest but I just had a pleasure staying there. They kept pouring wine and the flows of canapes were absolutely tasteful.(I love their petti lamb chops btw) Socialbakers definitely had quite a decent budget for this event, I suppose.
My original intent for attending the event was all for fact-finding. I first found Socialbakers in Twitters and I was curious why a "supposed-to-be-Prague-based" social media analytics/data-driven marketing company would bother to come to Hong Kong. IThe event turned out to be a social mingle and I had some good chats with people with blue-chip properties digital marketing,TV media ,social media and apps --
I did have a chance to meet the socialbakers people.They were not interested at all hard-selling their business,though there were information booklets on the tables. Seems they now have technical teams in Singapre and Australia and I hope Hong Kong can supply a threshold users size for the Socialbakers to start one here. I later found on their web-site that there are Socialbakers around the world and they serve quite some MNCs indeed
I received my invitation/confirmation from Christina Mann @ Socialbakers, I thought she would be there but I was told byn the reception that she stays in Prague
Socialbakers' website is http://www.socialbakers.com/
Their biggest forthcoming event will be in May in Prague
SEVVA is a bar-and-restaurant sitting on the top of Prince's Building in Central. Its outdoor terrace allows for awesome views of HSBC and LegCo .Reviews I found this morning in Tripadvisor are not the finest but I just had a pleasure staying there. They kept pouring wine and the flows of canapes were absolutely tasteful.(I love their petti lamb chops btw) Socialbakers definitely had quite a decent budget for this event, I suppose.
My original intent for attending the event was all for fact-finding. I first found Socialbakers in Twitters and I was curious why a "supposed-to-be-Prague-based" social media analytics/data-driven marketing company would bother to come to Hong Kong. IThe event turned out to be a social mingle and I had some good chats with people with blue-chip properties digital marketing,TV media ,social media and apps --
I did have a chance to meet the socialbakers people.They were not interested at all hard-selling their business,though there were information booklets on the tables. Seems they now have technical teams in Singapre and Australia and I hope Hong Kong can supply a threshold users size for the Socialbakers to start one here. I later found on their web-site that there are Socialbakers around the world and they serve quite some MNCs indeed
I received my invitation/confirmation from Christina Mann @ Socialbakers, I thought she would be there but I was told byn the reception that she stays in Prague
Socialbakers' website is http://www.socialbakers.com/
Their biggest forthcoming event will be in May in Prague
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
鄭錦滿(Alvin Cheng Kam-mun,1988年6月23日-),人稱四眼哥哥
劫財 戊土 辰土 劫財
劫財 戊土 午火 偏印
日柱 己土酉金 食神
食神 辛金 酉金 食神
2017 丁酉偏印奪食流年?
Above is nust my wild guess-Wish him good luck
劫財 戊土 辰土 劫財
劫財 戊土 午火 偏印
日柱 己土酉金 食神
食神 辛金 酉金 食神
2017 丁酉偏印奪食流年?
Above is nust my wild guess-Wish him good luck
Sunday, 28 February 2016
RE-封殺任志強-中央責令新浪、騰訊閂微博 唔畀再註冊
年柱 偏財 辛金 卯木 本氣乙木偏印
月柱 偏財 辛金 卯木 本氣乙木偏印
日柱 丁火 未土食神
大運2011/21正印 甲木 申金 正財
(1)2016 劫財丙 申金 正財
寅(大運甲)--申(流年)---巳(流年丙)3 刑
劫財併3 刑 sigh
(2) 2017丁酉冲年柱/月柱
(3) 2018 戊戌
戌 傷官化比肩
Wild guess
任志強 闭嘴 (傷官化)
年柱 偏財 辛金 卯木 本氣乙木偏印
月柱 偏財 辛金 卯木 本氣乙木偏印
日柱 丁火 未土食神
大運2011/21正印 甲木 申金 正財
(1)2016 劫財丙 申金 正財
寅(大運甲)--申(流年)---巳(流年丙)3 刑
劫財併3 刑 sigh
(2) 2017丁酉冲年柱/月柱
(3) 2018 戊戌
戌 傷官化比肩
Wild guess
任志強 闭嘴 (傷官化)
RE-G20 vow to boost the global economy but fail to outline concrete joint action
Mulyani Indrawati( born 26 August 1962) is an Indonesian economist. In June 2010 she was appointed the Managing Director of the World Bank Group, and resigned as Finance Minister of Indonesia in the Second United Indonesia Cabinet.
"Mulyani Indrawati, chief operating officer at the World Bank, said in a G20 panel discussion on Friday that the key
challenge of such reforms was that costs were always immediate while the benefits were in the mid or longterm. She
added that they could be unpopular with voters in the West."
Mulyani Indrawati's Chinese Bazi Astro
七殺 壬水 寅木 偏印
食神 戊土 申金 偏財
日柱 丙火 申金偏財
Note that the 2016 transit 丙申 is exactly the same Chinese notation as her Day Pillar (House of Personality/Self) and the 2017 transit 丁酉 will oppose her 2008/18 progression 大運正官癸卯正印 which is her signifier for power 印 and office官
Using her Chinese horoscope as a proxy for the global economy ,
(1)just wonder if Apr/May癸巳would be a bad time because by then , she might face a square/hard aspect 寅申巳 with her office 正官癸
(2)some global clashes/crashes by 2017
All the above is just my wild guess
Wednesday, 24 February 2016
Re-Druckenmiller sees Gold as a 'run'
Stanley Druckenmiller, amongst other informed investors, are purchasing Gold. In fact, Druckenmiller sees Gold as a 'run'
Stanley Freeman Druckenmiller[2] (born June 14, 1953)
" He left Soros in 2000 after taking large losses in technology stocks"
Chinese Bazi-astro
癸巳-- 戊午---丙申日
1996-06 正官癸丑傷官
官殺, 傷食
Druckenmiller was having a both a bad Chinese Bazi astro 1996/06 progression and 2000 transit at that time
2016/26 正財辛亥七殺
but 2017劫財丁酉正財
2016 is definitely Druckenmiller's pivotal year
While I agree that Druckenmiller is ahaving a upper hand in his present 2016/26 progression, I just wonder if any hurdle might occur with his 2017 investment
All the above is merely my wild guess
But 2017/8 could be a critical year


Tuesday, 23 February 2016
DB CEO-Kengeter ( 31-3 -67)-2002/07高盛(香港)
LSE CEO - Rolet (12 -11-59)
倫敦交易所CEO日柱戊戌土為德交易所CEO大運戊 戌
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