Saturday, 15 March 2008

Spring Equinox 2008 Mundane Astrology of HK

On 2008-Mar-20 5:48(UTC) Spring Equinox, the 2008 HK mundane astrology chart (13:48 local UTC+8 114.10E 22.18N Equal House Ecliptic), is as follows
House 1 (the Whole Picture)- 26 Can 1-no major planets-a weak year?
House 2(Economy)-26 Leo 17- Saturn in Retrograde-a bad year?
Moon in Leo-Responsibility and Risk-Averse-Being cautious?
House 6 (Public Health) 26 Sag 17-Jupiter- Financing options?
Pluto- epidermics?
House 7 (Foreign Affairs) 26 Cap 17- Neptune- foreign economies no longer on dreams bit in sweat works
House 8 (Finances with Foreigns) 26 Aqu 17 Uranus- some money parking to HK
House 12 (Prisons and Hospitals) 26 Gem 17 Mars -disputes

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