Tuesday, 2 December 2008

On Merger of British Airways and Quantas

British Airways was founded on 31 /3/74 which in Chinese 4 Pillars writes as
甲 Jia+Wood 寅 YinTiger Year 1974
丁 Ding-Fire 卯 MaoRabbit Month Mar
辛 Xin-Metal WeiGoat 31st Day

Now it is having 2006/15 trend
also as
辛 Xin-Metal
未 WeiGoat WeiGoat
So air-liners difficulties is within expectation 2006/15
It was first listed in London Stock Exchange on 11 Feb 1987
in 4 Pillars:
癸 Gui-Water 巳 SiSnake (Hr 9-11 am)

辛 Xin-Metal 卯 MaoRabbit (Day-11)

壬 Ren+Water 寅 YinTiger (Feb)

丁 Ding-Fire 卯 MaoRa (1987 )
the 2008/17 ten yr tend is
己 Ji-Earth 亥 HaiPig and it clashes with the 2-hr癸 Gui-Water 巳 SiSnake
So the stock movement is unfavourable

Quantas was founded on 16 Nov 1920 and the 4 pillars run as

戊 Wu+Earth 寅 YinTiger (16th)
丁 Ding-Fire 亥 HaiPig (Nov)
庚 Geng+Metal 申 ShenMonkey (1920)
Its 2007/16 trend is 丙 Bing+Fire 申 ShenMonkey Monkey Yr born facinh Monkey trend is odd

Quantas was firsted listed in ASX on 31 JUl 1995 and in 4 Pillars run as

丁 Ding-Fire 巳 SiSnake 2-Hr

癸 Gui-Water 亥 HaiPig Day

癸 Gui-Water 未 WeiGoat Month

乙 Yi-Wood 亥 Hai Year

and its 2003/12 trend is 壬 Ren+Water 午 WuHorse which is clashed totally by 2008 戊 Wu+Earth 子 ZiRat
Again the Air-liner difficulty is seen

On the matter of Air-Liner mergers, THe D.O.B. of Quantas Mr. Leigh Clifford which is 8 SEp 1047 (from Marclays web-page) runs in 4Pillars as

庚 Geng+Metal 寅 YinTiger Day

戊 Wu+Earth 申 ShenMonkey Month

丁 Ding-Fire 亥 HaiPig Year

2010happens to be a 庚 Geng+Metal 寅 YinTiger year which badly coincudes wuth his day of birth pillar

2010 could be a difficult year

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