Saturday, 15 May 2010

Brown-Kaufman amendment Defeated

Brown/Kaufman Too Big to Fail Amendment Falls
An amendment offered by Senators Ted Kaufman (D-DE) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH) to the Restoring American Financial Stability Act (S. 3217) has been defeated by a vote of 33 to 61.

According to a press release, it would change the size, leveraging and capital requirement standards of “megabanks” in order to prevent financial institutions from becoming “too big to fail.” (senatus web-site)

Ted Kaufman
Edward E. "Ted" Kaufman (born March 15, 1939
日 月 年
辛 丁 己
亥 卯 卯
64 ~ 73 庚申
2010庚寅 -寅opposites申
Assumed office January 15, 2009
日 月 年
庚 乙 戊
申 丑 子
2010庚寅 -寅opposites申

Sherrod Brown
Sherrod Campbell Brown (born November 9, 1952)
日 月 年
己 辛 壬
未 亥 辰
50 ~ 59 丙辰
2010虛歲: 59
end of 大運 chaotic

Assumed office January 3, 2007
日 月 年
丁 庚 丙
酉 子 戌
大運: 2 ~ 11 辛丑
Sherrod Brown-office丑戌+destiny辰未
丑未辰戌 no good ??

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