Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin

Kudrin, See Stable Ruble Ahead
Combined Reports-Moscow Times 30 Jun
The ruble's sharp depreciation in the wake of falling oil prices, a liquidity crisis and the global financial crisis seem to be a distant memory as Russia's economy recovers and investors flock back in, Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said Tuesday(29 Jun)

Porky's search
Alexei Leonidovich Kudrin (Russian: Алексей Леонидович Кудрин) (born 12 October, 1960) is the Russian Minister of Finance. He has held the post since 7 May, 2000.

DOB-12 October, 1960
日 月 年
癸 丙 庚
酉 戌 子
50 ~ 59 辛卯

Office-since 7 May, 2000
日 月 年
乙 辛 庚
丑 巳 辰
大運: 11 ~ 20 壬午
2011辛卯 clashes 日乙丑

Monday, 28 June 2010

JOHN HUSSMAN -Double Dip Now?

"Based on evidence that has always and only been observed during or immediately prior to U.S. recessions, the U.S. economy appears headed into a second leg of an unusually challenging downturn"

Porky's Search
wiki-John Hussman is a stock market analyst and mutual fund owner. He is known for his criticism of the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve and for predicting the 2008-2009 US Recession.

Hussman is a former professor of economics and international finance at the University of Michigan]

Hussman Strategic Growth Fund(HSGFX)
Fund Inception Date: Jul 24, 2000
日 月 年
癸 癸 庚
未 未 辰
大運: 6 ~ 15 甲申
2010 Jul癸未=日=月
2010 Aug甲申=大運
2010庚寅 vs 大運甲申

HSI 28Jun-2Jul

HK Stocks
Porky's Own View
BB(6,3)--MTM(30)---Macd(13,34,1)--Slow Sto(14,3)--Roc(5)--all daily bearish-prone

浪圖盡:旗形暫整固恒指將大升-王逸 (apple daily)
短線止蝕位在 19900
雖然HSI/HSCEI指數的 50日線亦已明顯跌破 250日線,但兩項指數的 10日線亦已升破 50日線,且現「旗形」整固,顯示短期跌勢已告段落,末來兩、三周將現明顯回升。
已短線獲利者,可於現水平再行入市,下個獲利目標區提高至 21500/22000( H指 11600/13200);「短線止蝕/離市」位訂於 19900( H指 11400)。

Western Astrology-殺破狼的占星手記http://kt102441.pixnet.net/blog/post/31765921
The effect of lunar eclipse will still prevail(Porky-at least for the week start)
Venus n Neptune in bad configuration and the Grand Cardinal Cross (ref lasr wk comment) are tensions in inter-personal communications
Various Zidiac might have seeming luck with $$ but still cannot meet the expenses

Financial Astrology-Raymond Merriman
This will be a pre-holiday week, ahead of the USA Independence Day celebration on July 4 (markets are closed July 5 in the U.S.).
Uranus will go stationary on July 5.Uranus is in conjunction to Jupiter(Greed) and opposition to Saturn (Fear)
(Porky-Uranus is important to financial mkt)

Reuters Market Technical Technical Analysis
Phil Smith
--expect the intermediate trend to continue up but more consolidation short term.-- 200-day line is now starting to slope down and that is a sure sign of a bear market

P.S. 26 Jun was a Full Month, watch out on Monday

HSI 28Jun-2Jul

HK Stocks
Porky's Own View
BB(6,3)--MTM(30)---Macd(13,34,1)--Slow Sto(14,3)--Roc(5)--all daily bearish-prone

浪圖盡:旗形暫整固恒指將大升-王逸 (apple daily)
短線止蝕位在 19900
雖然HSI/HSCEI指數的 50日線亦已明顯跌破 250日線,但兩項指數的 10日線亦已升破 50日線,且現「旗形」整固,顯示短期跌勢已告段落,末來兩、三周將現明顯回升。
已短線獲利者,可於現水平再行入市,下個獲利目標區提高至 21500/22000( H指 11600/13200);「短線止蝕/離市」位訂於 19900( H指 11400)。

Western Astrology-殺破狼的占星手記http://kt102441.pixnet.net/blog/post/31765921
The effect of lunar eclipse will still prevail(Porky-at least for the week start)
Venus n Neptune in bad configuration and the Grand Cardinal Cross (ref lasr wk comment) are tensions in inter-personal communications
Various Zidiac might have seeming luck with $$ but still cannot meet the expenses

Financial Astrology-Raymond Merriman
This will be a pre-holiday week, ahead of the USA Independence Day celebration on July 4 (markets are closed July 5 in the U.S.).
Uranus will go stationary on July 5.Uranus is in conjunction to Jupiter(Greed) and opposition to Saturn (Fear)
(Porky-Uranus is important to financial mkt)

Reuters Market Technical Technical Analysis
Phil Smith
--expect the intermediate trend to continue up but more consolidation short term.-- 200-day line is now starting to slope down and that is a sure sign of a bear market

P.S. 26 Jun was a Full Month, watch out on Monday

HSI 28Jun-2Jul

HK Stocks
Porky's Own View
BB(6,3)--MTM(30)---Macd(13,34,1)--Slow Sto(14,3)--Roc(5)--all daily bearish-prone

浪圖盡:旗形暫整固恒指將大升-王逸 (apple daily)
短線止蝕位在 19900
雖然HSI/HSCEI指數的 50日線亦已明顯跌破 250日線,但兩項指數的 10日線亦已升破 50日線,且現「旗形」整固,顯示短期跌勢已告段落,末來兩、三周將現明顯回升。
已短線獲利者,可於現水平再行入市,下個獲利目標區提高至 21500/22000( H指 11600/13200);「短線止蝕/離市」位訂於 19900( H指 11400)。

Western Astrology-殺破狼的占星手記http://kt102441.pixnet.net/blog/post/31765921
The effect of lunar eclipse will still prevail(Porky-at least for the week start)
Venus n Neptune in bad configuration and the Grand Cardinal Cross (ref lasr wk comment) are tensions in inter-personal communications
Various Zidiac might have seeming luck with $$ but still cannot meet the expenses

Financial Astrology-Raymond Merriman
This will be a pre-holiday week, ahead of the USA Independence Day celebration on July 4 (markets are closed July 5 in the U.S.).
Uranus will go stationary on July 5.Uranus is in conjunction to Jupiter(Greed) and opposition to Saturn (Fear)
(Porky-Uranus is important to financial mkt)

Reuters Market Technical Technical Analysis
Phil Smith
--expect the intermediate trend to continue up but more consolidation short term.-- 200-day line is now starting to slope down and that is a sure sign of a bear market

P.S. 26 Jun was a Full Month, watch out on Monday

HSI 28Jun-2Jul

HK Stocks
Porky's Own View
BB(6,3)--MTM(30)---Macd(13,34,1)--Slow Sto(14,3)--Roc(5)--all daily bearish-prone

浪圖盡:旗形暫整固恒指將大升-王逸 (apple daily)
短線止蝕位在 19900
雖然HSI/HSCEI指數的 50日線亦已明顯跌破 250日線,但兩項指數的 10日線亦已升破 50日線,且現「旗形」整固,顯示短期跌勢已告段落,末來兩、三周將現明顯回升。
已短線獲利者,可於現水平再行入市,下個獲利目標區提高至 21500/22000( H指 11600/13200);「短線止蝕/離市」位訂於 19900( H指 11400)。

Western Astrology-殺破狼的占星手記http://kt102441.pixnet.net/blog/post/31765921
The effect of lunar eclipse will still prevail(Porky-at least for the week start)
Venus n Neptune in bad configuration and the Grand Cardinal Cross (ref lasr wk comment) are tensions in inter-personal communications
Various Zidiac might have seeming luck with $$ but still cannot meet the expenses

Financial Astrology-Raymond Merriman
This will be a pre-holiday week, ahead of the USA Independence Day celebration on July 4 (markets are closed July 5 in the U.S.).
Uranus will go stationary on July 5.Uranus is in conjunction to Jupiter(Greed) and opposition to Saturn (Fear)
(Porky-Uranus is important to financial mkt)

Reuters Market Technical Technical Analysis
Phil Smith
--expect the intermediate trend to continue up but more consolidation short term.-- 200-day line is now starting to slope down and that is a sure sign of a bear market

P.S. 26 Jun was a Full Month, watch out on Monday

HSI 28Jun-2Jul

HK Stocks
Porky's Own View
BB(6,3)--MTM(30)---Macd(13,34,1)--Slow Sto(14,3)--Roc(5)--all daily bearish-prone

浪圖盡:旗形暫整固恒指將大升-王逸 (apple daily)
短線止蝕位在 19900
雖然HSI/HSCEI指數的 50日線亦已明顯跌破 250日線,但兩項指數的 10日線亦已升破 50日線,且現「旗形」整固,顯示短期跌勢已告段落,末來兩、三周將現明顯回升。
已短線獲利者,可於現水平再行入市,下個獲利目標區提高至 21500/22000( H指 11600/13200);「短線止蝕/離市」位訂於 19900( H指 11400)。

Western Astrology-殺破狼的占星手記http://kt102441.pixnet.net/blog/post/31765921
The effect of lunar eclipse will still prevail(Porky-at least for the week start)
Venus n Neptune in bad configuration and the Grand Cardinal Cross (ref lasr wk comment) are tensions in inter-personal communications
Various Zidiac might have seeming luck with $$ but still cannot meet the expenses

Financial Astrology-Raymond Merriman
This will be a pre-holiday week, ahead of the USA Independence Day celebration on July 4 (markets are closed July 5 in the U.S.).
Uranus will go stationary on July 5.Uranus is in conjunction to Jupiter(Greed) and opposition to Saturn (Fear)
(Porky-Uranus is important to financial mkt)

Reuters Market Technical Technical Analysis
Phil Smith
--expect the intermediate trend to continue up but more consolidation short term.-- 200-day line is now starting to slope down and that is a sure sign of a bear market

P.S. 26 Jun was a Full Month, watch out on Monday


"--資本充足比率(Capital Adequacy Ratio - CAR)--同大幅削減財赤在內,看來G20多倫多聲明並不是帶來好消息"
Porky's Search-

日 月 年
X 正 傷
X 財 官
己 壬 庚
酉 午 寅
食 印 官

(1)年-- 傷官vs 官=lose rank n status
(2)月--財 vs 印=lose $$ n institution
(3)日-- 庚壬gold water vs 己earth
寅午 wood fire vs 酉 gold

Conclusion(Wild Guess)- No Luck


日 月 年
X 印 官
乙 壬 庚
巳 午 寅
傷 食 劫
sounds OK??
the Future Wild Guess
大運: 5 ~ 14 癸未 偏財破偏印
15 ~ 24 甲申沖年庚寅
25 ~ 34 乙酉 比坐七殺
35 ~ 44 丙戌 戌午寅=傷官??
Comrades, get used to coming real politik

2010年6月25日 立法會就2012年立法會選舉辦法表決,議案以46票贊成,12票反對通過,
日 月 年
X 殺 財
丙 壬 庚
午 午 寅
大運: 5 ~ 14 癸未 正官坐傷官
15 ~ 24 甲申沖年庚寅; 偏印坐偏財
25 ~ 34 乙酉 正印坐正財
35 ~ 44 丙戌 戌午寅=比
Comrades, get used to coming real politik

Thursday, 24 June 2010

25 Jun-澳資源概念股逆市升??

記者︰李嘉麟 崔競文 "
中信泰富( 267)
業務:持有西澳洲皮爾巴拉地區的鐵礦,擁有 20億噸磁鐵礦的開採權

福山能源( 639) 礦產:鐵礦
業務:持有鐵礦公司 Mount Gibson逾 14%股權,擁有西澳洲 Koolan Island及 Tallering Peak赤鐵礦開採權

中國中冶( 1618)
業務:持澳西澳亞蘭伯特角鐵礦權益,計劃在 2014年投產

兗州煤業( 1171) 礦產:煤礦
業務:持有澳思達煤礦及菲利克斯資源旗下 6個煤礦權益

中國秦發( 866)
業務:持有澳洲採礦公司 Tiaro Coal三成權益

中信資源( 1205)
業務:為澳洲煤炭生產商 Macarthur Coal最大股東,持有 17%權益,擁有 Coppabella及 Moorvale煤礦直接權益

湖南有色( 2626) 礦產:鈾礦
業務:持有天大鈾礦 49%股權,擁有澳洲境內 16個鈾礦勘探權
Porky's Wild Guess
267-Citic Pacific中信泰富
Listing Date 26-2-1986
HKCR Re-Name 22-Aug 1991
日 月 年
甲 丙 辛
子 申 未
15 ~ 24 甲午

2011辛卯 --申,未爭卯??
639 Fusan Inter Energy Gp Ltd福山能源
Listing Date 2/10/1990
2005-06-30 Re-named as 褔山國際能源集團有限公司 (prev 福山控股有限公司 )
HKCR Re-name 24 Jun 2005
日 月 年
己 壬 乙
卯 午 酉
大運: 7 ~ 16 辛巳 (starting 2011)
中國中冶( 1618)Metallurgical Corp of China Ltd
MCC (H-share)
Listing Date 24/9/2009

HKCR 12-Mar 2009
日 月 年
丙 丁 己
辰 卯 丑
大運: 3 ~ 12 丙寅 (starting 2011)

兗州煤業( 1171)yanzhou coal mining co ltd

兖州煤业股份有限公司(“公司”)为一家在中华人民共和国(“中国”)成立的中外合资股份有限公司,系由兖矿集团有限公司(“兖矿集团”)发起重组而成。公司成立于1997年9月25 ...
日 月 年
庚 己 丁
午 酉 丑
大運: 7 ~ 16 戊申
中國秦發( 866)China Qinfa Gp ltd
HKCR-24 Apr 2008
日 月 年
甲 丙 戊
午 辰 子
2011辛卯合月丙辰 ??
中信資源( 1205)Citic Resources Holdings Ltd
2002-11-20 re-named as 中信資源控股有限公司(prev 東南亞木業集團有限公司 )
HKCR-renamed 27 Nov 2002
日 月 年
己 辛 壬
亥 亥 午
大運: 4 ~ 13 壬子財多身弱
湖南有色( 2626)Hunan Nonferrous Metals Corp
(H shares)
日 月 年
戊 甲 乙
子 申 酉

ProShares UltraShort Lehman 20 (NYSEArca: TBT)

Re-The Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund trader
The Bond Market is Blind to Risk
To cash in on global debt inservice crisis

ProShares UltraShort Lehman 20 (NYSEArca: TBT)
Fund Inception Date: Apr 29, 2008
時 日 月 年
己 己 丙 戊
巳 亥 辰 子
大運: 3 ~ 12 丁巳
Watch out 2012 壬辰 -壬=財(reap profit by T-bond shorts )

Julia Gillard吉拉德接任澳洲總理

hkej.com News
澳洲總理陸克文下台 吉拉德接任成首位女總理上任只有兩年半的澳洲總理陸克文今早宣布辭職,由副總理吉拉德接任,吉拉德成為澳洲歷來首位女總理。由於吉拉德已經穩奪黨內近6成半支持,陸克文知道大勢已去,決定請辭。


Julia Eileen Gillard (born 29 September 1961) is a Welsh-born Australian politician who is currently the Prime Minister designate of the Commonwealth of Australia. Gillard is due to be sworn in as Australia's 27th Prime Minister on 24 June 2010 after a leadership ballot confirmed she had the support of the Australian Labor Party to ascend to the party leadership and hence the Australian Prime Ministership.

Porky says-Take Note of her Background
Gillard was born in Barry, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales in 1961.Her father was a coal miner in Wales--(In Australia) Her father trained as a psychiatric nurse, while her mother worked at the local Salvation Army Old People's Home-- Gillard was also formerly the secretary of the left-wing organisation, Socialist Forum

29 September 1961
日 月 年
乙 丁 辛
丑 酉 丑
44 ~ 53 壬寅
2010 庚=官 寅=劫(乙日empowered by 寅)
That explains all
2011辛(=殺) 卯(=比)- a stressful year for Gillard
辛卯 clashes月丁(食)酉(殺)
2012壬(=印)辰(=財) not a fortune yr as 財 clashes 印

Sworn in
24 June 2010
日 月 年
X 印 官
乙 壬 庚
巳 午 寅
24 June 乙日 stands for Gillard (乙日) Her natal 4 pillar and the sworn in date forms巳-酉-丑=官
That explains all

General Stanley A. McChrystal

Following unflattering remarks about the vice president and other administration officials attributed to McChrystal and his aides in a Rolling Stone article, McChrystal has been summoned to Washington, D.C. and has reportedly offered his resignation to Defense Secretary Robert Gates

(born August 14, 1954)
壬日--2010庚寅--偏印vs食神 PK
Starting 2012 59 ~ 68 戊寅 殺vs 食 PK

USA-No Luck??

汇改下一站?? Still Unhappy

諾貝爾經濟學獎得主Robert Mundell表示,中國重啟更具彈性的匯率政策,可能不利於全球與中國經濟的穩定。

哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)教授Mundell今天在香港向記者指出,對中國和世界來說,維持人民幣匯率盯住美元的政策一直是「穩定的重要來源」。

FT says RMB surge could inflate lending cost and commodity prices

Chk my last post on Mundell 's destiny-He is not bad

BlackSwan's View
theoretically speaking, the reasoning may be something like this:

1) Help reduce global market trade tensions; a trade war sinks all boats
2) Begin that process of making it cheaper for Chinese companies to import stuff
3) Start the process of weaning off the Western consumer by increasing relative domestic purchasing power of your own consumer
4) Make sure workers hankering for a pay raise understand the rising yuan is a pay raise
5) Continue to make yuan convertibility possible at the margins and reduce the need to mop up so much money domestically

The potential upshot of all this (China’s actions will ultimately speak louder than words):
1. Blunting of rising Chinese prices (reduced domestic liquidity and more control of own monetary policy)
2. Reduction in US Treasury market buying i.e. less recycling
3. Increase in imports and relatively more balanced trade
4. Reduction in “hot money” flow to China in hopes of a one-off big revaluation
5. Relative pressure valve for European currency depreciation
6. Maybe the risk aversion/risk appetite correlated world changes

日 月 年
庚 壬 庚
子 午 寅
THe last Saturday when China made the RMB news release was a day of clashes
子vs午 庚vs 寅

We shall see

Before RMB surge, they were unhappy
Now they are still unhappy

Tuesday, 22 June 2010


White House budget director Peter Orszag has decided to leave the administration, likely in the next few weeks, after an intense 18-month stint overseeing the development of the president’s spending initiatives.

Peter Richard Orszag (pronounced /ˈɔrzæɡ/; born December 16, 1968) is an American economist who is currently the 37th Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Barack Obama. He was Director of the Congressional Budget Office when nominated.

DOB-Dec 16,1968
日 月 年
庚 甲 戊
申 子 申
38 ~ 47 戊辰
2010庚 寅
Jun 壬午
寅 clashes 申
午 clashes 子
Jun 壬午=食-官 equiv傷官-resignation
申子(大運辰)clashes 戊印-
USA no good??

汇改下一站?? Still Unhappy

諾貝爾經濟學獎得主Robert Mundell表示,中國重啟更具彈性的匯率政策,可能不利於全球與中國經濟的穩定。

哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)教授Mundell今天在香港向記者指出,對中國和世界來說,維持人民幣匯率盯住美元的政策一直是「穩定的重要來源」。

FT says RMB surge could inflate lending cost and commodity prices

Chk my last post on Mundell 's destiny-He is not bad

BlackSwan's View
theoretically speaking, the reasoning may be something like this:

1) Help reduce global market trade tensions; a trade war sinks all boats
2) Begin that process of making it cheaper for Chinese companies to import stuff
3) Start the process of weaning off the Western consumer by increasing relative domestic purchasing power of your own consumer
4) Make sure workers hankering for a pay raise understand the rising yuan is a pay raise
5) Continue to make yuan convertibility possible at the margins and reduce the need to mop up so much money domestically

The potential upshot of all this (China’s actions will ultimately speak louder than words):
1. Blunting of rising Chinese prices (reduced domestic liquidity and more control of own monetary policy)
2. Reduction in US Treasury market buying i.e. less recycling
3. Increase in imports and relatively more balanced trade
4. Reduction in “hot money” flow to China in hopes of a one-off big revaluation
5. Relative pressure valve for European currency depreciation
6. Maybe the risk aversion/risk appetite correlated world changes

日 月 年
庚 壬 庚
子 午 寅
THe last Saturday when China made the RMB news release was a day of clashes
子vs午 庚vs 寅

We shall see

Before RMB surge, they were unhappy
Now they are still unhappy

Monday, 21 June 2010

Re-劉江華退出了港同盟, 還配稱民主派嗎

日 月 年
乙 丙 丁
丑 午 酉
2010 虛歲:54 歲
46 ~ 55 辛丑
2011辛卯 clash born 年丁酉
Nov 庚子 clash born 月丙午
Porky's Wild Guess
2011 Nov-Dec will be a "fun" time for 劉江華 ???

Sunday, 20 June 2010



查尔斯·埃利斯(查克)·舒默(Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer),美国国会参议员,来自纽约州。美国民主党核心人物,目前党内排名第三。国内大部分媒体将其名字翻译为查尔斯·舒默。少数国内媒体将其名字译为查克·舒默1950年11月23日生于纽约布鲁克林一个犹太人家庭

2005年在人民币汇率问题上,舒默为强压人民币升值,曾和另一位参议员格雷汉姆联合提出“舒 默议案”,声称中国如果不在6个月内调整人民币汇率,美国将对所有进口的中国商品加征27.5%的惩罚性关税。而在人民币升值后,舒默仍然不依不饶,发誓 要向北京施加新的压力,以使之营造一个“更加开放”的投资环境。

在中海油竞购尤尼科的问题上,舒默也扮演了重要的角色。在美国参议院最近批准的一项修正案中, 对海外企业主导的收购美国公司的交易增加了新的障碍,显示出对类似中海油竞购案的担忧,而这也是由舒默提出的。值得注意的是,这项修正案不允许联邦政府批 准外国政府控股的公司进行的并购交易,除非国务院向国会汇报该国的投资环境;它同时还要求国务院评估并购案所涉及的外国政府是否会批准美国企业对该国国内 企业实施购买、收购、合并或与之建立合作关系





舒默议案要求美国财政部识别“汇率根本性失当”的国家,并拟定一份包括寻求类似不平衡政策国家的“优先行动”名单。名单上的国家将面临美国的一系列反应,包括可能改变对其市场经济称号的认定。 议案要求美国政策对这些国家的货币低估作出反应,禁止美国政府购买来自这些国家的商品和服务,除非它是国际货币基金组织《政府采购协议》的签署国。在这些国家“未能采取合适政策”的360天后,将禁止美国海外私人投资公司(OPIC)参与这些国家的项目融资,并反对新的多边银行融资项目。   根据议案,华盛顿将要求国际货币基金组织与这些特定国家举行有关汇率问题的特别会谈。议案还要求美国贸易代表与汇率存在问题的国家通过世界贸易组织寻求解决争议的方案。   议案还要求财政部与联邦储备委员会和其他中央银行举行咨商,考虑对货币市场进行补救性干预。

Porky's four Pillars Wild Guess

Chuck Schumer
born November 23, 1950)
日 月 年
壬 丁 庚
戌 亥 寅
56 ~ 65 癸巳
P.S. 2013癸巳=大運=PK??

United States Senator from New York
Assumed office January 3, 1999
日 月 年
乙 甲 戊
卯 子 寅
2010虛歲:13 歲
12 ~ 21 丙寅= 傷官劫財=大運PK??

日 月 年
乙 己 庚
丑 卯 寅
2011辛卯== 七殺坐身=PK??



日 月 年
辛 戊 己
卯 辰 卯
65 ~ 74 乙亥

日 月 年
乙 己 辛
亥 亥 卯
58 ~ 67 癸巳

日 月 年
辛 癸 甲
酉 酉 戌
13 ~ 22 乙亥

Notice 乙亥, 梁愛詩.民主黨.何俊仁 might have some chemistry and 2010 could be a good yr. 2011 could be tough for梁愛詩

Friday, 18 June 2010


香港興業 480.hk
紫薇-IPO- 1988-3-11-10.00am
Wild Guess8月謹防...


香港興業 480.hk
紫薇-IPO- 1988-3-11-10.00am
Wild Guess8月謹防...


羅斯富豪Oleg Deripaska控制的投資公司En+ Group週四稱﹐該公司已經收購了香港商品交易所(Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange) 10%股權

Porky's Search
Oleg Deripaska-Born 2 January 1968
日 月 年
辛 壬 丁
未 子 未
2010 虛歲: 44 歲
39 ~ 48 戊申
49 ~ 58 丁未
2012 壬辰--申子辰=食傷(水) 衝散 戊(土)印=institution

En+ Group
The formation of En+ Group was announced on 21 February 2006. Registered in Jersey
日 月 年
辛 庚 丙
巳 寅 戌
大運: 5 ~ 14 辛卯

Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange
Date of In-corporation
日 月 年
乙 庚 丁
巳 戌 亥
2013癸巳--衝年柱丁亥 ???

永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定
Porky:想起 倪匡作品-在數難逃

Thursday, 17 June 2010


2010年06月17日 :韩志国 (caijing.com.cn)-

Porky's Response
My Previous Post

時 日 月 年
辛 乙 己 乙
巳 巳 丑 酉

2010虛歲: 6 歲
5 ~ 14 戊子=財+印 =no $$$
2014甲午 vs 5 ~ 14 戊子
永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定
Porky:想起 倪匡作品-在數難逃

Wild Guess on 天匯-39 Conduit Road 開發者

Porky's wiki search-售樓手法是報出2009年10月當年的歷史性天價---開發者 恆基兆業及培新集團

2009 己丑 Oct甲戌
開發者 恆基兆業及培新集團

Petersons Holdings Company Limited
公司註冊日期-13-May -1975
日 月 年
己 辛 乙
未 巳 卯
33 ~ 42 丁丑
報出天價2009 己丑 Oct甲戌

轉換名稱-13-Sep 1994
日 月 年
壬 癸 甲
寅 酉 戌
10 ~ 19 甲戌
以及報出天價2009 Oct甲戌 --多事???
16-Jan 1976
日 月 年
丁 己 乙
卯 丑 卯
34 ~ 43 乙酉
2009 己丑

2011辛卯衝 大運乙酉--多事???

The NASDAQ OMX CRD Global Sustainability 50 Index

Porky's Copy n Paste
The NASDAQ OMX CRD Global Sustainability 50 Index is powered by CRD Analytics' SmartView(tm) system based on over 150 quantitative financial, environmental, and social performance indicators of a global universe of equities. Each component of the NASDAQ OMX CRD Global Sustainability 50 Index must:

produce a publicly available corporate sustainability/responsibility report;

disclose compatible sustainability data according to (GRI) G2/G3 guidelines;

report at least 20% of total core environmental performance indicators;

report at least 20% of the total core social performance indicators; and

report at least 70% of the total financial performance indicators.

The Index is calculated in real-time and began calculation with a value of 1,000.00 on June 15, 2009.

Global Sustainability Index started on Jun 15, 2009
日 月 年
辛 庚 己
卯 午 丑

Again the 2011 辛卯 code comes out. Given 60 combinations, we are talking about a probability of less than 5 % And Again?

Humans, fasten your seat-belt for these coming days
(P.S. Pigs can just go back to the sty if worst comes to the worst)

Global Peace Index (GPI),

Porky's Copy N Paste
June 09, 2010
Radio Free Europe
By Richard Solash
WASHINGTON -- The world became slightly less peaceful in 2009, representing a second straight year of setbacks. That's according to the newly released Global Peace Index (GPI), a ranking of 149 countries based on factors ranging from potential for terrorist attacks to military expenditures to relations with neighboring countries.

1. New Zealand
2. Iceland
3. Japan
4. Austria
5. Norway

The Australia-based Institute for Economics and Peace, which publishes the index, considers more than 20 domestic and international factors in determining a country's rating. The index uses data obtained from the UN and Amnesty International, among other groups, and is overseen by a panel of peace experts.

the launch of the GPi on May 30, 2007,
日 月 年
甲 乙 丁
子 巳 亥
2010庚寅--殺 比
No wonder, the world in 2010 is not that peaceful

Global Peace Index (GPI),

Porky's Copy N Paste
June 09, 2010
Radio Free Europe
By Richard Solash
WASHINGTON -- The world became slightly less peaceful in 2009, representing a second straight year of setbacks. That's according to the newly released Global Peace Index (GPI), a ranking of 149 countries based on factors ranging from potential for terrorist attacks to military expenditures to relations with neighboring countries.

1. New Zealand
2. Iceland
3. Japan
4. Austria
5. Norway

The Australia-based Institute for Economics and Peace, which publishes the index, considers more than 20 domestic and international factors in determining a country's rating. The index uses data obtained from the UN and Amnesty International, among other groups, and is overseen by a panel of peace experts.

the launch of the GPi on May 30, 2007,
日 月 年
甲 乙 丁
子 巳 亥
2010庚寅--殺 比
No wonder, the world in 2010 is not that peaceful

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

15 Jun-Re-陶尚on financial astrology+France vs Germany

陶尚: porky, there is a school states that the field of the stars do affect the investment behaviours.

Porky's Response-
. 《行星与长期天气预报》

If planetary motion can be used to forecast weather,
The butterfly effect will be profound
German- French Relations On the Rocks
For decades, the German-French relationship has been the most important one in the European Union. These days, however, Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Nicolas Sarkozy can hardly stand each other. Why can't they just get along?

Chancellor Angela Merkel -born 17 July 1954
日 月 年
甲 辛 甲
戌 未 午
54 ~ 63 乙丑

President Nicolas Sarkozy- 28 January 1955
日 月 年
己 丁 甲
丑 丑 午
54 ~ 63 癸未

Porky's Analysis
月 clashes-辛未 vs 丁丑
日 clashes-甲戌 vs己丑
戌 未 丑 square each other

大運54 ~ 63 癸未 vs 54 ~ 63 乙丑 as
未 vs 丑
No Eye See

谷垣 禎一, 東国原 英夫,Kyrgyzstan Otunbayeva

Sadakazu Tanigaki (谷垣 禎一 born March 7, 1945)現任日本自由民主黨總裁(第24代)
日 月 年
乙 己 乙
亥 卯 酉
61 ~ 70 壬申
Watch out for Sep 2010 乙酉 month if anything might happen to 日本自由民主黨
2012 could be a critical yr for 谷垣 禎一
東国原 英夫(Sonomanma Higashi - 1957年9月16日-
宮崎縣Miyazaki Prefecture 現任知事 Governor任期為2007年1月23日至今)。

DOB 1957年9月16日
日 月 年
辛 己 丁
卯 酉 酉
53 ~ 62 癸卯
2011辛卯 coincides born 日 and clashes born 年
no good
日 月 年
丁 辛 丙
巳 丑 戌
2010 虛歲: 5 歲
大運: 5 ~ 14 壬寅
2010庚寅-- 財印--lose money and hurt institution
Jun壬午--寅午戌=劫--lose $$
2011辛卯合年丙戌 might not be good
2012壬辰--官+傷官=lose office??

Kyrgyzstan 吉爾吉斯
Roza Isakovna Otunbayeva罗萨·奥坦巴耶娃

President of Kyrgyzstan
Assumed office
19 May 2010
日 月 年
X 食 傷
X 神 官
己 辛 庚
巳 巳 寅
印 印 官
食-傷 are the offsprings or commons of the government--Uzbekistan vs Kyrgyzstan ethnic bloodshed

出生 1950年8月23日(female)
日 月 年
庚 甲 庚
寅 申 寅
56 ~ 65 戊寅 偏印-偏財==lose fortune and clash the institution

2010= 庚寅 coincides the born 日 and 年
Coming August will be甲申 month which coincides
with the born 月

Holy Smoke
The Chinese Government should send Chinese astrologists to help the Cental Asian countries

Israel EIS

the iShares MSCI Israel Investable Market Index Fund (EIS)

ETFdb Daily E-Mail-
In recent weeks, increased international scrutiny over Israel’s blockade of Gaza and conflicts with vessels carrying aid to the impoverished area have overshadowed a rather unique economic accomplishment. Israel was recently reclassified from “emerging” to “developed” market status by index provider MSCI Barra, the firm responsible for creating and maintaining the benchmarks behind many popular exchange-traded products.

the iShares MSCI Israel Capped Investable Market Index Fund (EIS)
Listing date 28 Mar 2008 (IPO )
時 日 月 年
乙 丁 乙 戊
巳 卯 卯 子
2010虛歲:3 歲
大運: 3 ~ 12 丙辰 劫財 -傷官 bad from now on??
2010庚寅--寅卯辰 =印 ; 庚= 財 --lose reputation and fortune??

Furthur check-
declaration of independence- May,14,1948
日 月 年
己 丁 戊
亥 巳 子
59 ~ 68 癸亥 clashes 月 丁巳
period of big change
by 2015
69 ~ 78 甲子 holds 日己亥
not so good ??

總統。希蒙·佩雷斯Shimon Peres (2 August 1923)[ is the ninth and current President of the State of Israel.
日 月 年
丁 己 癸
未 未 亥
2010虛歲: 88 歲
89 ~ 98 庚戌
Assumed office
15 July 2007
日 月 年
庚 丁 丁
戌 未 亥
3 ~ 12 丙午-殺官 mix--wrong decision??
2010 庚寅 --寅午戌 =殺--under pressure
so starting 2011, 總統。希蒙·佩雷斯Shimon Peres 10-yr destiny coincides with Assumed office Day庚戌
no good starting 2011??

Monday, 14 June 2010

Coffee ETF (JO)

FRom ETFdb Daily E-Mail
The iPath Dow Jones-AIG Coffee ETN (JO), an exchange-traded note linked to the Dow Jones-UBS Coffee Subindex Total Return, has been on a hot streak as of late. The index underlying JO consists of one futures contract on the commodity of coffee, and posted close to a 5.7% gain on Friday. That surge pushed the fund into positive territory on the year, making it one of the better performers in the commodity ETF category. There are several reasons as to why coffee has managed to buck the trend of most of the ’soft commodities’ and post a gain in 2010, but the vast majority of JO’s gains can be traced to supply issues which have riled markets in recent weeks (also see the Definitive Guide To Coffee ETFs).

One of the key supply issues originates in Vietnam, the largest grower of lower-quality robusta beans which are mostly used for instant coffee. Many traders had been betting on lower prices but “the market has now realized that the Vietnamese crop, the largest in the world for robusta, is smaller than previously thought,” said Jose Sette, head of operations at the International Coffee Organization in London. This has led to short-covering in the market which has helped to send prices sharply higher in recent days. Additional good news for investors in JO came in the form of more humid and damp weather in Colombia, which is expected to curtail production from the third largest exporter of the crop. Meanwhile the African nation of Uganda, which is the biggest exporter of coffee in the region, has had supply troubles of its own as of late. Coffee exports are expected to fall by as much as 17% this month due to a drought and ongoing issues from a disease that destroyed the coffee crop in 1996-1997. All of these events have chipped away at global production of the crop; worldwide production is expected to slide almost 6% for the 2009-2010 growing season.

These supply issues look to give JO a nice boost in the short to medium-term and could help he coffee ETN continue to outperform other soft commodities such as sugar.

Porky's Search
iPath® Dow Jones-UBS Coffee Subindex Total Return ETN (JO)
NYSE Listing date 25 Jun 2008
By Zi Wei Dou Shou-2-10 could mean abrupt fortune
Coffee could be in real shortage this yr

Coffee ETF (JO)

FRom ETFdb Daily E-Mail
The iPath Dow Jones-AIG Coffee ETN (JO), an exchange-traded note linked to the Dow Jones-UBS Coffee Subindex Total Return, has been on a hot streak as of late. The index underlying JO consists of one futures contract on the commodity of coffee, and posted close to a 5.7% gain on Friday. That surge pushed the fund into positive territory on the year, making it one of the better performers in the commodity ETF category. There are several reasons as to why coffee has managed to buck the trend of most of the ’soft commodities’ and post a gain in 2010, but the vast majority of JO’s gains can be traced to supply issues which have riled markets in recent weeks (also see the Definitive Guide To Coffee ETFs).

One of the key supply issues originates in Vietnam, the largest grower of lower-quality robusta beans which are mostly used for instant coffee. Many traders had been betting on lower prices but “the market has now realized that the Vietnamese crop, the largest in the world for robusta, is smaller than previously thought,” said Jose Sette, head of operations at the International Coffee Organization in London. This has led to short-covering in the market which has helped to send prices sharply higher in recent days. Additional good news for investors in JO came in the form of more humid and damp weather in Colombia, which is expected to curtail production from the third largest exporter of the crop. Meanwhile the African nation of Uganda, which is the biggest exporter of coffee in the region, has had supply troubles of its own as of late. Coffee exports are expected to fall by as much as 17% this month due to a drought and ongoing issues from a disease that destroyed the coffee crop in 1996-1997. All of these events have chipped away at global production of the crop; worldwide production is expected to slide almost 6% for the 2009-2010 growing season.

These supply issues look to give JO a nice boost in the short to medium-term and could help he coffee ETN continue to outperform other soft commodities such as sugar.

Porky's Search
iPath® Dow Jones-UBS Coffee Subindex Total Return ETN (JO)
NYSE Listing date 25 Jun 2008
By Zi Wei Dou Shou-2-10 could mean abrupt fortune
Coffee could be in real shortage this yr

14Jun-RE-陶尚-Sir Alan Peter Budd -GLG Partners’-台積電

Re-produced here for wider readership (I hope)
陶尚 Porky兄,VIX、VXV等有何玄機? 舉
S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN (VXX) runs somehow in inverse relationship with SP 500 index movement
U know I basically run astrology forecast since I 've found Garch and auto-vector regression, blah, blah, blah stuffs won't help much either
This(VXX) is a 乙 so its fortune$$ is earth/soil
戊戌(17-06 day) is all soil($$$ for VXX means no-no for stocks) also 戊戌日=魁罡日 so could be abrupt change in NY market
VXX is a NY mkt vehicle

Let's take 7-Jun as the day when HK's HSI rally started ( pls refer to my previous forecast about this 7-Jun)
16 -06 HK mkt is closed for Holiday but it is actually a 丁酉日 --丁 is bad for 辛(stocks) and 酉 could be the root (reflection point) for

This correction (if any) will be reinforced by the bad planetary astrology starting 20/21 Jun
But I still believe in a real peak by August

Time will tell
Sir Alan Peter Budd
(born 16 November 1937)is the head of the newly formed UK's The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR)
日 月 年
丁 辛 丁
未 亥 丑
2010虛歲: 74 歲
74 ~ 83 癸卯
癸=殺 sit on 印(OBR)
a raw-deal office
2011辛卯- 財 vs 印

Porky's Wild Guess
2010,2011 might not be good time for OBR
That means UK will be down to the tube as well

PS:From FT
UK growth forecasts face cut from OBROfficial growth forecasts for the UK economy will on Monday be cut as the newly established Office for Budget Responsibility publishes its first report on the country’s economic prospects
-------------------------- ----------
GLG Partners’ macro hedge fund, which focuses on exploiting shifts inthe global economy, gained 8% in May, a month in which many of its peerslost ground, reports the FT.At $160m, the fund, launched over a yearago as GLG expanded its range, is much smaller than its competitorsand profited from short positions against 'commodity currencies' including the Australian and Canadian dollars, said a person familiar with the fund’s strategy.
GLG NYSE Listing date 05 Nov 2007
Porky's Wild Guess
2012 could be a bad yr for GLG stock price in NYSE. Think about the implications behind
TSMC boss sees $30bn chip boost from China Rising Chinese demand for electronic goods could add nearly $30bn to the global semiconductor market over the next five years, the head of Taiwan Seminconductor Manufacturing Company said
Chairman/CEO-Morris Chang 張忠謀- July 10, 1931
2012 could be 張忠謀's hectic yr

NYSE Listing date 08 Oct 1997 (IPO) (ADR)
I doubt about optimism over the next five years

Let's see台積電 in 2014 甲午 first

Porky's Wild Guess-I doubt about optimism over the next five years

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Codelco-Copper Producer

It is currently the largest copper producing company in the world

The creation of the Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile, as it is currently known, was formalized by decree of April 1, 1976, under the Augusto Pinochet administration

日 月 年
癸 辛 丙
未 卯 辰
32 ~ 41 乙未
beware 2011 is 辛卯
If copper demand will slump in 2011, so will the global economy

金融占星行情-浪圖盡-iPath S&P 500 VIX 短期期貨

12 06-新月在雙子座,土星刑日月合
14 06-金星在獅子座-看漲傾向
21 06太陽在巨蟹座,大十字木星,天王星,土星和4分冥王星bad
港股於上周調整後回升高收,雖然兩項指數的 50日線已跌破 250日線,但 10日線已升破 20日線,顯示調整壓力未消除之際,短期反彈動力持續。
the iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN (VXX), which slumped by 2.4% in Friday trading
Listing date 30 Jan 2009 (IPO)
時 日 月 年
辛 乙 乙 戊
巳 亥 丑 子
大運: 2 ~ 11 丙寅

Beware戊戌17-06 NY market VXX might rally (stocks fall)

SEA - Claymore/Delta Global Shipping Index ETF

As there is no Baltic Index ETF-
SEA - Claymore/Delta Global Shipping Index ETF Profile
SEA Tracks This Index: Delta Global Shipping Index
Description: The Index is designed to measure the performance of companies listed on global developed market exchanges within the maritime shipping industry. Delta Global Indices, LLC, the Fund's index provider, defines the shipping industry to include companies within the following business segments of the maritime shipping industry: companies deriving a significant portion (in excess of 80%) of their revenues from the seaborne transport of dry bulk goods and the leasing and/or operating of tanker ships, container ships, specialty chemical ships and ships that transport liquid natural gas
Issuer: Claymore
Category: Transportation Equities
Exchange – NYSE Arca
Started 8/25/2008
Fund shut down in 2009 due to administrative hurdles -Claymore was acquired by Guggenheim
Re-launch date-11 Jun 2010

時 日 月 年
乙 丁 庚 戊
巳 酉 申 子
2011 辛卯 clashes launch date 丁酉日

11 Jun 2010
時 日 月 年
乙 壬 壬 庚
巳 辰 午 寅
2011壬辰 coincides with the re-launch date壬辰日

Porky's Wild Guess-Rollar Coaster in Global Economy 2011-2012 (as stated in previpus posts)

新興市場指數基金Emerging Markets ETFs

Source- ETFdb Daily E-mail
Porky's Wild Guess according to the listing dates
10.南非指數基金 iShares MSCI South Africa Index Fund (EZA)
Listing date 16 Feb 2007
Wild Guess- a good bet

9.土耳其指數基金 iShares MSCI Turkey Investable Market Index Fund (TUR)
Listing date 28 Mar 2008 (IPO )
Wild Guess-might not be good for a few yrs

8.-印尼 Market Vectors Indonesia Index ETF (IDX)
Listing date 20 Jan 2009 (IPO)
Wild Guess-2011 ???

7.泰国iShares MSCI Thailand Index Fund (THD)
Listing date 28 Mar 2008 (IPO)
Wild Guess-might not be good for these few yrs

6.墨西哥 iShares MSCI Mexico Index Fund (EWW)
Listing date 20 Oct 2006
Wild Guess-2012 a critical yr

5.越南 Market Vectors Vietnam ETF (VNM)
Listing date 14 Aug 2009 (IPO)
Wild Guess-2011 is a critical yr

4.波兰 Market Vectors Poland ETF (PLND)
Listing date 25 Nov 2009 (IPO)
Wild Guess-might need to wait till 2015

3.埃及 - Egypt Index ETF (EGPT)
Listing date 18 Feb 2010 (IPO)
Wild Guess-2004 is a critical yr

2.智利iShares MSCI Chile Index Fund (ECH)
Listing date 16 Nov 2007 (IPO)
Wild Guess2010 is a critical yr

1.秘鲁 iShares MSCI All Peru Capped Index Fund (EPU)
Listing date 22 Jun 2009 (IPO)
Wild Guess-2002 critical

Friday, 11 June 2010

先算命 (鄭恩寵例)

The article Prisoner In His Own Home (June 10, 2010 South China Morning Post )could also be found on Council on Foreign Relations web-site:
" While hundreds of thousands flood the World Expo in Shanghai every day, former lawyer Zheng Enchong郑恩宠 is forbidden to even leave his apartment in the city. His home has been his prison since his official prison sentence ended in June 2006.

Around the clock, 12 guards, including uniformed police, plain-clothes public security officials and their hired hands, take turns manning the outer gate, building entrance and hallway outside Zheng's
apartment. Strategically posted surveillance cameras ensure that no one in the vicinity can escape police eyes. "

Porky's Wiki Search
Zheng Enchong (Chinese: 郑恩宠; Pinyin: Zhèng Ēnchǒng; born September 2, 1950) is a Shanghai lawyer. He has been condemned to three years of prison in 2003. The charge related to two faxes Zheng was alleged to have sent to the New York-based organisation Human Rights in China. Both were on workers' protests.


Porky's Comment
日 月 年
庚 甲 庚
子 申 寅
53 ~ 62 庚寅
2003 啟動 53 ~ 62 庚寅大運,沖克月甲申, 相同年庚寅


Wednesday, 9 June 2010

村田蓮舫(謝蓮舫) --菅 直人

Renhō Murata村田蓮舫(謝蓮舫)-「消費者行政及少子化對策特命擔當大臣」(1967年11月28日)Minister for Administrative Reforms.為首位臺裔的日本內閣大臣。
日 月 年
丙 辛 丁
申 亥 未
2010虛歲: 44 歲
44 ~ 53 丙辰
Porky's Guess--something will come up in 2011
Japan Times
"Renho, the new state minister in charge of government revitalization, reiterates her intention to trim waste in special account budgets, saying some aspects of the spending technique call for a thorough investigation by her team."

Naoto Kan (菅 直人)(1946年10月10日- Assumed office 8 June 2010
日 月 年
丁 戊 丙
巳 戌 戌
61 ~ 70 甲辰
2010辛卯 holds 年丙戌
Porky's Guess--something will come up in 2011

Assumed office 8 June 2010
日 月 年
己 壬 庚
丑 午 寅
Porky's Guess
Watch out for the coming July 2010癸未 month

Swiss National Bank Intervention

Good morning New York - The 6am Cut( ‏Wednesday, June 09 from FT Alphaville) contains a lengthy discussion : SWISS INTERVENTION IN CONTEXT

THe key person in Swiss National bank (SNB) is
Philipp Hildebrand, Chairman of the Governing Board, Zurich
Philipp M. Hildebrand was born on 19 July 1963.
日 月 年
乙 辛 癸
丑 酉 卯
We can take SNB as Hildebrand 's 印 which is 癸 or 壬
Note Jun 2010 is 壬午 still ok with SNB
July 2010 would be 癸未 so SNB might be under pressure by that time
August 2010 would be 甲申 so SNB mught face greater ordeal

興業銀行「瘋狂交易員」Jérôme Kerviel

「瘋狂交易員」凱維埃爾(Jerome Kerviel)的案件昨開始進行審訊
Jérôme Kerviel (born 11 January 1977)
日 月 年
戊 辛 丙
辰 丑 辰
大運: 9 ~ 18 壬寅財殺--good
19 ~ 28 癸卯財官---good
His good days has since been gone

29 ~ 38 甲辰殺比--problematic

Should Banks hire astrologists to do luck vetting against their traders ??

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

BP CEO Tony Hayward

Obama lashes BP chief, media over oil disaster President Barack Obama said he would fire BP CEO Tony Hayward for flippant comments and lashed out at media "talking heads," ratcheting up his rhetoric on the 50th day of the US oil disaster.
Anthony Bryan Hayward CCMI (born 21 May 1957)-CEO of BP since 1 May 2007

born 21 May 1957
日 月 年
癸 乙 丁
巳 巳 酉
虛歲: 54 歲
大運46 ~ 55 庚子
about to change 大運
庚乙--his 印庚 is being captured
2011辛卯--子卯 ordeal

2012壬辰 captures his 年丁酉(company in tighted hands)
大運56 ~ 65 己亥 opposes 日癸巳
will be done by that time
or 2013癸巳=born day

CEO of BP since 1 May 2007
日 月 年
乙 甲 丁
未 辰 亥
2013癸巳 opposes 年丁亥


2010年06月08日, 16:21:16

wiki-丹瑞( Than Shwe,1932年2月2日-)是緬甸現任最高領導人(since 23 April 1992 )
日 月 年
癸 辛 辛
巳 丑 未
2010 虛歲: 80 歲
80 ~ 89 癸巳
a lot of uncertainty--shift of power, change of office---especially by 2013癸巳



中国投资有限责任公司(简称中投公司;筹备期间被称为“国家外汇投资公司”),2007年9月29日在北京成立。它是经中华人民共和国国务院批准设立的国有大型投资公司。该公司的资金将来源于中国的国家外汇储备;成立初期的注册资本金为2000亿美元,是全球最大主权财富基金之一 (wiki)

日 月 年
X 傷 劫
X 官 財
丙 己 丁
寅 酉 亥
偏 正 七
印 財 殺


德國大選 6月30日

德國前任總統克勒(Horst Koehler)5月31日宣布辭職。
綜合媒體6月1日報道,德國聯邦議院議長拉默特(Norbert Lammert)1日表示,德國將于6月30日選舉新總統。
從 Speigel明鏡
德國總理默克爾Chancellor Angela Merkel 已經選擇了她的候選人Christian Wilhelm Walter Wulff ,(生於 1959年6月19日)
反對派的Joachim Gauck (生於 1940年1月24日)

Christian Wilhelm Walter Wulff ,(生於 1959年6月19日)
日 月 年
壬 庚 己
申 午 亥
45 ~ 54 乙丑= 傷官-正官
不是一個官職好兆頭, 幸月庚合乙傷官, 較小問題
不是一個發展好兆頭, 2庚爭合1乙 ??
寅亥合化食神, 日壬根變
Jun 2010壬午重合壬日午月
不是一個好兆頭 ??
Joachim Gauck (生於 1940年1月24日)
日 月 年
丙 丁 己
寅 丑 卯
67 ~ 76 庚午偏財- 劫財
Jun 30-辛亥日(晦?)合出生日丙寅
即使反對黨候選人Joachim Gauck 贏, 是不是也是沒有財富兆頭

兩個對立--壬申 vs 丙寅

由於我使用谷歌翻譯,所以我無法表達世俗占星術(mundane astrology得很清楚請發表評論 6月30日的結果

Monday, 7 June 2010

Friedman vs Mundell八字 w.r.s. Euro

Milton Friedman and Robert Mundell holds opposing views on Euro
Porky's search

「歐元之父」孟岱爾Robert Mundell, CC (born October 24, 1932)
日 月 年
戊 庚 壬
午 戌 申
76 ~ 85 戊午
So Porky's wild guess is Mundell is not so lucky

米爾頓·傅利曼(Milton Friedman,1912年7月31日-2006年11月16日
日 月 年
戊 丁 壬
申 未 子
84 ~ 93 丙辰
2010虛歲: 99 歲
94-103 丁巳--印
so Porky's guess is say even Friedman has passed away, his assertions still hold


The latest issue of HK economic Digest suggest the price movement 480.hk resembles that of the local HK property mkt

HKEX Listing Date 11/3/1988
日 月 年
乙 乙 戊
丑 卯 辰
19 ~ 28 丁巳
can tell 2010 a not so good yr and June壬午
could be a critical mpment

HKCR-Company Mame Eff Date-14 Aug 2002
日 月 年
甲 戊 壬
寅 申 午
大運: 9 ~ 18 己酉
Watch out for Jun 壬午

Friday, 4 June 2010


Erste Bank-Erste Bank is a retail bank in Central Europe based in Vienna, Austria, and operating in Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania (Banca Comercială Română), Serbia (Erste Bank Novi Sad), Slovakia (Slovenská sporiteľňa), Ukraine and Montenegro.

Andreas Treichl (* 16. Juni 1952 in Wien ) chairman of the management board
日 月 年
癸 丙 壬
巳 午 辰
58 ~ 67 壬子
Porky's Wild Guess -No Good

SGAM Fund Bonds Converging Europe A
Morningstar-Emerging europe Fund
Inception Date 09/05/2002
時 日 月 年
乙 丁 乙 壬
巳 丑 巳 午
2010虛歲: 9 歲
大運: 10 ~ 19 丙午-劫財
Porky's wild Guess 劫財=lose $$ as the fund is身強

No Eye See


European banks are scurrying to try to take advantage of ECB lending facilities because they won't lend to one another. Euribor has been steadily rising since April.

Euribor® (Euro Interbank Offered Rate). Euribor® is the benchmark rate of the large euro money market that has emerged since 1999. It is sponsored by the European Banking Federation (EBF), which represents the interests of some 5,000 European banks, and by the Financial Markets Association (ACI). Euribor® was first published on 30 December 1998 for value 4 January 1999
(http://www.euribor.org/html/content/euribor_about.html )

日 月 年
辛 甲 戊
亥 子 寅
2010 虛歲:13 歲
大運: 3 ~ 12 乙丑
13 ~ 22 丙寅
Before 2010

this 大運 2010-2019丙寅

4 Jun-中国期货交易所

FT-加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBC Capital Markets)贱金属业务主管希思(Alex Heath)表示,就在不久前,伦敦金属交易所(London Metals Exchange)的价格波动会带动上海期货交易所(Shanghai Futures Exchange)的波动。“现在则倒过来了,如果上海下跌2%,我们这儿就会跟着下跌,”

Porky's Search-
Porky's wild guess on 上海期货交易所
2011 will be a critical yr

Porky's wild guess on 中国金融期货交易所-these few months Jun-Aug not very promising

Porky's Wild Guess-2011 a critical yr

郑州商品交易所成立于1990年10月12日 ,交易的期货合约有小麦、小麦、棉花、白糖、精对苯二甲酸(PTA)、菜籽油
Porky's Wild Guess-2011 a critical yr

3 Jun-12 Charts That Show Why This Bull Market Is FINISHED

Preety much like what we 've learned from Chao Sir and Law but still the material is revealing- The Bull Market is all over in the States, according to Joe Weisenthal , The Deputy Editor of The Business Insider
(1)Based on just about every other bear market, this rally is getting long in the tooth.
1929-34.2 mths
Tech crisis-30.5mths
This Financial Crisis-now only 17mths---

(2)Compared to the great bear market of the 30s, we're right on schedule for a fall

(3)By aligning this bear with the trough, we're due for a long grind sideways.

(4)Based on the Nikkei 1997-2000, Nasdaq is again, right on time for a big fall

(5)A further look at the 30s shows that the next stage is a long sideways grinding market.

(6)longer look at 1928-1942 again reveals the same pattern

(7)The shape of these last two years, compared to 37-39 is remarkably similar.

(8)The move from 1900-1925 is remarkably similar, with its long grind sideways

(9)Same with 1973-1982

(10)Meanwhile, volatility(VIX-New Methodology) has become elevated, meaning under tradition asset allocation models it's time to pare back

(11)Copper, a leading indicator for the market, has become very ugly

(12)The TED spread -- a measure of bank confidence -- continues to climb higher

Bonus-The recent rally in the 10-year is perfectly timed for another major stock market reversal.

If the NASDAQ is Nikkei redux, it's heading to 800.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010


Europe's Coming Summer Of Discontent

"Not only will these austerity measures cause a significant slowdown in economic growth, they are also likely to cause the same kinds of protests, strikes and riots that we saw in Greece to erupt all over Europe.

You see, most Europeans have become very accustomed to the social welfare state. Tens of millions of Europeans aren't about to let anyone cut their welfare payments or the wages on their cushy government jobs."

Porky's Reasoning
2010 August
月 年
甲 庚
申 寅

2010 Aug- Astrology is no good either
" The Cardinal Grand Cross - 7th Aug 2010
This year sees some very powerful planetary line-ups. The most striking of these occurs as Saturn, Pluto & Uranus form a challenging t-square in the cardinal signs over the summer. Indeed between 30th July and 7th August this year, we will experience a specific planetary configuration of the highest potency, prompted by Saturn & Mars entering the sign of Libra and a cardinal t-square forming into a grand cross. On 7th August, Saturn, Mars & Venus are conjunct in Libra opposing Uranus & Jupiter in Aries - making a grand cross with Pluto in Capricorn opposed Moon in Cancer. This whole configuration is exact within 5 degrees spanning the first 5 degrees of the cardinal signs."

More freak stuff
"Lunar Eclipse on Winter Solstice 2010
One of the most remarkable astrological phenomena of the year concerns the winter solstice sunrise, which, on 21st December 2010 coincides with a total lunar eclipse. This is the only lunar eclipse that will occur over this period of 36 years or so during which the winter solstice sunrise is directly aligned to the Galactic Centre. "




(Transport and Housing Bureau,THB)
日 月 年
丙 丙 丁
申 午 亥


日 月 年
辛 壬 丁
酉 寅 亥
命盤 -
壬傷官 - 丁七殺 -lose job tendency
Previous oversight-Guess just 丁壬淫合木(財) forget傷官 -七殺 nature, Sorry

2010 虛歲: 64 歲
大運63 ~ 72 乙未 偏財-偏印 lose $$
2010寅 n 大運未鬥合亥
2010庚寅 劫財-財 rip his money off
Jun 壬午傷官 七殺 -lose job

日 月 年
甲 癸 己
子 酉 丑

1 Jun 證監對美銀/美林子公司罰350萬港元

1 Jun 證監對美銀/美林子公司罰350萬港元

香港證券監管機構週一稱﹐美國銀行/美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)的兩家子公司因系統和控制失誤被課以350萬港元(合449,000美元)罰款。該機構此前發現﹐這家投資銀行的一名管理人士對交易帳簿上的虧損隱瞞了近一年。

證券及期貨事務監察委員會(Securities and Futures Commission, 簡稱SFC)發佈公告稱﹐發現Merrill Lynch (Asia Pacific) Ltd.和Merrill Lynch Futures (Hong Kong) Ltd.用於管理帳目作假風險的內部控制措施不完備。

該機構經調查後表示﹐已發現Merrill Lynch董事總經理在2007年12月至2008年10月之間通過捏造估值模型中的波動數據和改變價格參數在新型期權交易帳目上作假。SFC稱﹐這使該帳項虛增了2,500萬美元﹐從而隱瞞了其實際虧損額。




Name History-Effective date
Merrill Lynch (Asia Pacific)-2003-1-29
日 月 年
壬 癸 壬
寅 丑 午
運: 3 ~ 12 甲寅

Merrill Lynch Futures (Hong Kong) 1986-6-24
日 月 年
己 甲 丙
亥 午 寅
2010虛歲:25 歲
16 ~ 25 丙申
2010 庚寅為傷官-正官-不利声誉
