Tuesday, 8 June 2010

BP CEO Tony Hayward

Obama lashes BP chief, media over oil disaster President Barack Obama said he would fire BP CEO Tony Hayward for flippant comments and lashed out at media "talking heads," ratcheting up his rhetoric on the 50th day of the US oil disaster.
Anthony Bryan Hayward CCMI (born 21 May 1957)-CEO of BP since 1 May 2007

born 21 May 1957
日 月 年
癸 乙 丁
巳 巳 酉
虛歲: 54 歲
大運46 ~ 55 庚子
about to change 大運
庚乙--his 印庚 is being captured
2011辛卯--子卯 ordeal

2012壬辰 captures his 年丁酉(company in tighted hands)
大運56 ~ 65 己亥 opposes 日癸巳
will be done by that time
or 2013癸巳=born day

CEO of BP since 1 May 2007
日 月 年
乙 甲 丁
未 辰 亥
2013癸巳 opposes 年丁亥

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