Thursday, 1 July 2010

Re-GE Jeffrey Immelt 's Anti-China Comment

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- General Electric Co. said Thursday that reported comments by Chief Executive Jeffrey Immelt were taken out of context after the Financial Times quoted him knocking President Barack Obama and criticizing China during a private discussion

The CEO reportedly accused China's government of being increasingly hostile to foreign multinational corporations, according to the newspaper.

Immelt acknowledged the importance of China, which accounted for $5.3 billion of the company's revenue last year, but he declared that GE was encountering its toughest business conditions there in 25 years.

He said GE is exploring better prospects elsewhere in resource-rich countries which did not want to be "colonized" by Chinese investors.

"I really worry about China," Immelt was quoted as saying. "I am not sure that in the end they want any of us to win, or any of us to be successful

born February 19, 1956
日 月 年
丙 庚 丙
辰 寅 申
虛歲:55 歲
46 ~ 55 乙未
56 ~ 65 丙申
So starting 2011
2011辛卯---丙辛(晦)合; 辰卯寅(晦)合

Thou shall never speak against the All Mighty China, if the Obama

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