John Derrick, Director of Research, U.S. Global Investors releases his report" A Golden Cross for the S&P 500 Index"-"On Friday, the S&P 500’s 50-day moving average crossed above the 200-day moving average--a long-term investment signal and sometimes these crosses persist for years before the 50-day moving average crosses back below the 200-day moving average. "
Porky wonders if a short-term downside adjustment will come first with his MACD(6,7,1) and RSI(14)
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Friday, 8 October 2010
Oct 9 Updates
$HSI:$OIX chart seems to run an intertesting inverse rtelationship to $HSI chart
Re-短線需要調整(Shangahi A stocks)
"10月的時間窗口在8日、18日和25/26日。8日既然出高點,接下來應有短線調整;18日是20090804以來的17平方日,那天上午的拐點級別較大(可能是高點),屆時如果指數沒有到達藍色柵形線,隨後應在25/26日做第二個頭--可以衝過2800,卻很難到達2850點" (黑嘴分析
Porky-in line with other analysis below
Re-OCT 24 post-OmNaMo:為何歐羅升咗咁多,330都唔升番dd
Porky- KDJ and SlowD could have told the Oct 8 rally(a day for change ; read astrology ref below) but its future performance ---
Re:4 Oct-陶尚 asks abt 386,Final Updating
Porky-陶尚 bro take a note of its monthly chart
could be a traingle breakout for harvest in future. What do you think?
RE-Previous Oct 24 Post-So Sing Sing on 利君国际LIJUN Int'l (2005)
Porky's previous comment-Monday Sep 27庚辰--combines年乙酉 (one last rally white candle on 27th)
Wed Sep 29 壬午clashes 月戊子;Fri Oct 1 甲申 clashes 戊寅-could mean changes (and then started to fall )
Porky-ladies, really 今秋時尚流行長度及膝?? Tell me
Re-October 2010 Spiral Calendar Score Chart (Spiral dates)
Porky-Oct 11,12,13 are days of decreasing scores
and will turn up on Oct 14,15
That is in line with 邵康節四字斷 This coiming trading week(read below)
Re-长期资本管理公司"The news that J. Meriwether is starting his 3rd fund, a global macro fund, has me wondering if we're nearing a top for that strategy."(David Shvartsman-Finance Trends)
Porky-John William Meriwether (born August 10, 1947 -- is opening his third hedge fund venture, named JM Advisors Management after LTCM(1998) and JWM(2007-2009) partners Failures (wiki)
日 月 年
辛 戊 丁
酉 申 亥
1989 → 1999 癸卯(1998 戊寅)
1999 → 2009 壬寅 (2007丁亥)
2009 → 2018 辛丑
2011 Mar辛卯月 watch out
日 月 年
癸 戊 乙
亥 子 未
2002 → 2013 癸未:癸(刘晓波) vs 未(七殺)--in prison
Re--邵康節四字斷 This coiming trading week
時 日 月 年
正 食 七
財 神 殺
己 甲 丙 庚
巳 午 戌 寅
午戌寅=食; 巳午=食could be bad but we still see 財/ The attached zi-wei chart is not good but we still see $$祿 in 遷移,田宅
上弦 First quater: 2010-10-15 Fri 05:26:37
Re--邵康節四字斷 Last Week Mkt
1(Holiday)下弦 Last quater Moon
8-垂柳鳴蟬(寒露); 初一朔月
Porky-4-晚節黃花-丁日 and 5-獨立觀蓬-子日 were consolidation for the week's rally.子日 is a time for chane indeed
Re-HKEx Oct9-16 Verdic Astrology行運相位趨勢圖
Porky-Still OK this coming week--still hot $$ in the stock market?? Take caution as situation in HKSAR might turn sour
Re-HK SAR Oct9-Oct16 Verdic Astrology行運相位趨勢圖
Porky: See if ant bad news in the paper this week
Re Oct 3-HKEX-本命2006-Jan-16??"possible adjustment on Oct 5,6 Tues and Weds"行運相位趨勢圖(showed buoyant market)
Porky- two black HSI candle in last week
Re-Oct 3 Updating "KSAR-本命1997-Jul-1 (2:30 am raised flag行運相位趨勢圖 getting worse after Oct5,6 "
Porky-"政府啟用郊野公園修訂令擴建將軍澳堆填區風波仍未解決--關懷香港批評自願醫保計劃是糖衣毒藥-- 恒生銀行預期,第4 季香港經濟增長將放緩至約2%---專家憂中美因匯率爆貿易戰"
梁業豪 今天恒指期貨陰陽燭日線圖「射擊之星」只屬於威力排名第三位的利淡轉向形態,可靠程度只屬一般。當下周出現高於形態高位的收市位時,利淡的局勢將被破壞。若「上升窗口」22717 – 22886被完全補回,價位的回跌動力將告明顯增強。此外,即使市況真的掉頭回跌,淡友亦只宜將首目標放於仍在上移中的20天平均線和8月9日高位21797。
Porky-time will tell
Re-受惠智能電網計劃的博耳電力(1685)-追尋自由之路 blog(!dDLWvl.ZFQHA2eb9TMVL_APODSs-)
Porky-click and read
许沂光:歐元兌美元Oct 7「十字」收市。Rsi(14)雙頂背馳,
Porky-disappointing US employment figures --wait till around 12 Oct first--But 许沂光 is a "bright lamp"
谢国忠:人民币或被高估 资本外流才是真正考验
Porky -perhaps RMB monetary base expansion is still small when compared to that of Greenbacks
Porky's disclaimer-
Of course--「市場玄學」係mystic, esoteric religion而唔係有效嘅trading methodology-
(quote 竹本疋虫 Bro)
Re-短線需要調整(Shangahi A stocks)
"10月的時間窗口在8日、18日和25/26日。8日既然出高點,接下來應有短線調整;18日是20090804以來的17平方日,那天上午的拐點級別較大(可能是高點),屆時如果指數沒有到達藍色柵形線,隨後應在25/26日做第二個頭--可以衝過2800,卻很難到達2850點" (黑嘴分析
Porky-in line with other analysis below
Re-OCT 24 post-OmNaMo:為何歐羅升咗咁多,330都唔升番dd
Porky- KDJ and SlowD could have told the Oct 8 rally(a day for change ; read astrology ref below) but its future performance ---
Re:4 Oct-陶尚 asks abt 386,Final Updating
Porky-陶尚 bro take a note of its monthly chart
could be a traingle breakout for harvest in future. What do you think?
RE-Previous Oct 24 Post-So Sing Sing on 利君国际LIJUN Int'l (2005)
Porky's previous comment-Monday Sep 27庚辰--combines年乙酉 (one last rally white candle on 27th)
Wed Sep 29 壬午clashes 月戊子;Fri Oct 1 甲申 clashes 戊寅-could mean changes (and then started to fall )
Porky-ladies, really 今秋時尚流行長度及膝?? Tell me
Re-October 2010 Spiral Calendar Score Chart (Spiral dates)
Porky-Oct 11,12,13 are days of decreasing scores
and will turn up on Oct 14,15
That is in line with 邵康節四字斷 This coiming trading week(read below)
Re-长期资本管理公司"The news that J. Meriwether is starting his 3rd fund, a global macro fund, has me wondering if we're nearing a top for that strategy."(David Shvartsman-Finance Trends)
Porky-John William Meriwether (born August 10, 1947 -- is opening his third hedge fund venture, named JM Advisors Management after LTCM(1998) and JWM(2007-2009) partners Failures (wiki)
日 月 年
辛 戊 丁
酉 申 亥
1989 → 1999 癸卯(1998 戊寅)
1999 → 2009 壬寅 (2007丁亥)
2009 → 2018 辛丑
2011 Mar辛卯月 watch out
日 月 年
癸 戊 乙
亥 子 未
2002 → 2013 癸未:癸(刘晓波) vs 未(七殺)--in prison
Re--邵康節四字斷 This coiming trading week
時 日 月 年
正 食 七
財 神 殺
己 甲 丙 庚
巳 午 戌 寅
午戌寅=食; 巳午=食could be bad but we still see 財/ The attached zi-wei chart is not good but we still see $$祿 in 遷移,田宅
上弦 First quater: 2010-10-15 Fri 05:26:37
Re--邵康節四字斷 Last Week Mkt
1(Holiday)下弦 Last quater Moon
8-垂柳鳴蟬(寒露); 初一朔月
Porky-4-晚節黃花-丁日 and 5-獨立觀蓬-子日 were consolidation for the week's rally.子日 is a time for chane indeed
Re-HKEx Oct9-16 Verdic Astrology行運相位趨勢圖
Porky-Still OK this coming week--still hot $$ in the stock market?? Take caution as situation in HKSAR might turn sour
Re-HK SAR Oct9-Oct16 Verdic Astrology行運相位趨勢圖
Porky: See if ant bad news in the paper this week
Re Oct 3-HKEX-本命2006-Jan-16??"possible adjustment on Oct 5,6 Tues and Weds"行運相位趨勢圖(showed buoyant market)
Porky- two black HSI candle in last week
Re-Oct 3 Updating "KSAR-本命1997-Jul-1 (2:30 am raised flag行運相位趨勢圖 getting worse after Oct5,6 "
Porky-"政府啟用郊野公園修訂令擴建將軍澳堆填區風波仍未解決--關懷香港批評自願醫保計劃是糖衣毒藥-- 恒生銀行預期,第4 季香港經濟增長將放緩至約2%---專家憂中美因匯率爆貿易戰"
梁業豪 今天恒指期貨陰陽燭日線圖「射擊之星」只屬於威力排名第三位的利淡轉向形態,可靠程度只屬一般。當下周出現高於形態高位的收市位時,利淡的局勢將被破壞。若「上升窗口」22717 – 22886被完全補回,價位的回跌動力將告明顯增強。此外,即使市況真的掉頭回跌,淡友亦只宜將首目標放於仍在上移中的20天平均線和8月9日高位21797。
Porky-time will tell
Re-受惠智能電網計劃的博耳電力(1685)-追尋自由之路 blog(!dDLWvl.ZFQHA2eb9TMVL_APODSs-)
Porky-click and read
许沂光:歐元兌美元Oct 7「十字」收市。Rsi(14)雙頂背馳,
Porky-disappointing US employment figures --wait till around 12 Oct first--But 许沂光 is a "bright lamp"
谢国忠:人民币或被高估 资本外流才是真正考验
Porky -perhaps RMB monetary base expansion is still small when compared to that of Greenbacks
Porky's disclaimer-
Of course--「市場玄學」係mystic, esoteric religion而唔係有效嘅trading methodology-
(quote 竹本疋虫 Bro)
Oct 8 Updates
江西铜业(0358 ) surgesHK CR (1211602) 2008 Feb 18
時 日 月 年
丁 戊 甲 戊
巳 子 寅 子
小運2010庚申 Wait till
2010 Aug-庚申 clashes 月甲寅
That explains 竹本疋虫兄's磨爛蓆
国泰君安2010-10-8港股报告:2868 (首創置業 )low P/B
Porky notices in Taifook research "A mania lies ahead"
(1)"Optimism over increased Asian trade flows ---should benefit container shippers such as OOIL 0316.HK--the container shipping
sector is likely to see 13% growth this year
RE-Gao Hua(Goldman Sachs) Economics Research-"China’s 12th Five-Year Program preview: Changes in policy makers’ expectations will be key"
"consumer staples, retail,healthcare, IT/internet and alternative energy sectors as likely beneficiaries with a unilaterally
positive exposure to the next Five-Year Program :autos,industrials/machinery are in
tune with most themes"
Porky-Domestic Demand for the next Five years as expected
Elliott Wave Index Trader -Looks like jobs (Report) will do it (SPX-CBOE Wave 5 top) on Friday US market
Porky-Next Week then??
1994年 3月22日(HKCR)
日 月 年
丁 丁 甲
未 卯 戌
1998 → 2008 戊辰(傷) opposite年甲戌
1997年 9月23日10時(IPO)
時 日 月 年
丁 戊 己 丁
巳 辰 酉 丑
HKCR大運1998 → 2008 戊辰
日 月 年
丙 丙 庚
寅 戌 戌
1992 → 2002 癸未(正官--傷官)
The new euro-yen bearish pattern might turn things upside down at least for a short while and Porky recalls the Venus Retrograde (read link pls)
John Roque with WJB Capital Group provides us a very happy picture on Gold prospects in the long run (see attached link below)
Wild Guess on HK-ADR
HBC(005)---3 tops?? bearish RSI(14)??
CEO(883)--- %B(20,2)slightly bearish divergence?
CHL(941)-%B(20,2) slightly bearish divergence?
ACH(2600) down?
RE-The Banker
"According BIS in early September, an average of $4000bn is being traded every day, up from $3200bn in 2007, when the BIS last carried out a survey of the global market.---$1500bn per day, and reflects increasing trading activity by 'other financial institutions', a segment that includes hedge funds and other non-bank counterparties such as pension funds and mutual funds."
Porky-FX volume bubble as commented by the other experts??
時 日 月 年
丁 戊 甲 戊
巳 子 寅 子
小運2010庚申 Wait till
2010 Aug-庚申 clashes 月甲寅
That explains 竹本疋虫兄's磨爛蓆
国泰君安2010-10-8港股报告:2868 (首創置業 )low P/B
Porky notices in Taifook research "A mania lies ahead"
(1)"Optimism over increased Asian trade flows ---should benefit container shippers such as OOIL 0316.HK--the container shipping
sector is likely to see 13% growth this year
RE-Gao Hua(Goldman Sachs) Economics Research-"China’s 12th Five-Year Program preview: Changes in policy makers’ expectations will be key"
"consumer staples, retail,healthcare, IT/internet and alternative energy sectors as likely beneficiaries with a unilaterally
positive exposure to the next Five-Year Program :autos,industrials/machinery are in
tune with most themes"
Porky-Domestic Demand for the next Five years as expected
Elliott Wave Index Trader -Looks like jobs (Report) will do it (SPX-CBOE Wave 5 top) on Friday US market
Porky-Next Week then??
1994年 3月22日(HKCR)
日 月 年
丁 丁 甲
未 卯 戌
1998 → 2008 戊辰(傷) opposite年甲戌
1997年 9月23日10時(IPO)
時 日 月 年
丁 戊 己 丁
巳 辰 酉 丑
HKCR大運1998 → 2008 戊辰
日 月 年
丙 丙 庚
寅 戌 戌
1992 → 2002 癸未(正官--傷官)
The new euro-yen bearish pattern might turn things upside down at least for a short while and Porky recalls the Venus Retrograde (read link pls)
John Roque with WJB Capital Group provides us a very happy picture on Gold prospects in the long run (see attached link below)
Wild Guess on HK-ADR
HBC(005)---3 tops?? bearish RSI(14)??
CEO(883)--- %B(20,2)slightly bearish divergence?
CHL(941)-%B(20,2) slightly bearish divergence?
ACH(2600) down?
RE-The Banker
"According BIS in early September, an average of $4000bn is being traded every day, up from $3200bn in 2007, when the BIS last carried out a survey of the global market.---$1500bn per day, and reflects increasing trading activity by 'other financial institutions', a segment that includes hedge funds and other non-bank counterparties such as pension funds and mutual funds."
Porky-FX volume bubble as commented by the other experts??
Oct 7 Updates
-very good stuff-"十八區新盤巡禮──未來幾年發展商住宅計劃(2010/10/03)"(股海窮庭
Porky likes the 股海窮庭 motto-"只有你自己,才能令你脫苦海 "
The US market To-Nite
"October 7 is a Super New Moon (the Moon is at perigee or closest to the earth) at 14 Libra at 2:44 p.m. EDT Washington D.C."
"October 8 Venus Retrograde at 13 Scorpio"
Re-竹本疋虫bro絮語on Gold:
"What does this all mean? Well, it only means that, if we were not watchful of the lunacy of the Fed and Donald Tsang, our families and livelihoods are simply getting screwed each day with pleasure...What else do we reasonably expect, except 溫水煮蛙?
田雞過河,各有各 “young”,自己小心 goo goo。"
Porky finds the info below
"Recently, Black Swan thinker Nassim Nicholas Taleb said, “The Fed won’t exist in 25 years. Then, MarketWatch columnist Paul Farrell followed with a more imminent vision:
-Wall Street banks control the Federal Reserve system, it’s their personal piggy bank. They’ve already done so much damage, yet have more control than ever. Warning: That’s a set-up. They will eventually destroy capitalism, democracy, and the dollar’s global reserve-currency status. They will self-destruct before 2035 … maybe as early as 2012 … most likely by 2020.”
Porky- food for thought
Re-S&P 500 - October 6, 2010 -Is TED waking up?
Porky has done a 3-yr daily chart. It seemms once Fed bends up ,SP500 will start to fall either in the same month or one month later
Re-Attention Government Bond Buyers: Japan Has Changed the Rules of the Game by Brian Kelly in
"The game changer was the de facto elimination of the so-called “banknote rule”. This rule prohibited the BoJ from buying more debt than banknotes in circulation, thus preventing the BoJ from monetizing the country’s enormous debt. Once the BoJ announced that the new QE fund would not be subject to the banknote rule, it is effectively allowing debt monetization.
"(Japan's new sovereign wealth fund)The BoJ, and the U.S. Fed, are making the wager that the buyers and holders of their debt must continue to buy or risk multiple asset class collapse. Typical sovereign debt buyers are pension funds, insurance companies and other sovereign nations – all have a vested interest in keeping asset prices high. For example, under the current policy of government support of asset prices, a pension fund must continue to buy sovereign debt if it wants its stock portfolio to remain elevated.
Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). Governments are betting that they hold all the cards and debt will continue to be bought…because it must be bought. "
Porky-again 竹本疋虫bro絮語:"田雞過河,各有各 “young”,自己小心 goo goo。"
Porky-compare this with US Spiral Dates
Jim Rogers: This Weekend at the Mises Institute
posted by Robert Wenzel at
Jim Rogers will be at this weekend's Supporters Summit at the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama
Porky- My understanding of Von Mises' theory is there will be a PRICE to pay after QEs--due Mar 2011??
Re-First the rate reductions, then money printing, then the currency war, then the tariffs, then….posted by Edward Harrison at Credit Writedowns -
Porky- May be we need a War at the end
Re-One Fed To Monetize Them All by Tyler Durden (zero-hedge)
" Morgan Stanley's David Greenlaw has confirmed that QE2, launching in less than one month, will mean outright monetization of US debt, --, the Fed would be absorbing virtually all of the net new Treasury issuance as long as they maintained this pace of purchases." --pretty soon the Fed will be the only holder left of Treasuries with a maturity over 10 years: -- The great benefit of monetizing it all, is that the Treasury will be paying all remnant high coupons to the Fed.--
Fed Officials Mull Inflation as a Fix
"But as the U.S. economy struggles and flirts with the prospect of deflation, some central bank officials New York Fed William Dudley and Chicago Fed Charles Evans are publicly broaching a controversial idea: lifting inflation above the Fed's informal target"
Porky-The astrology of Fed doesn't look good
Re-Pictures of Deflation by Christopher Whalen
American Enterprise Institute-October 6, 2010
"Is the Subprime Crisis Over? No---Non‐payment by borrowers and mounting foreclosure backlogs are creating the conditions for the collapse of some of the largest U.S. banks in 2011.--"
Porky-Again, enjoy the party while it lasts
Re-股份爆升 認股權行使潮即現(經濟日報)2010年10月7日
"---不少上市公司大股東已輪流配售舊股套現。同樣地,近日亦不時見到有上市公司的僱員及董事,密密行使認股權。翻查近日港交所 上市公司通告,翌日披露報表出現次數頻密,當中很多都涉及行使購股權,部分董事購股權的行使價,更較現價折讓極大,認真令人羨慕。"
Porky-Smart $$$ stays ahead of the curve??
Re-Current Treasury Yield Snapshot: Anxiety Increases (
"an overlay of the CBOE Interest Rate 10-Year Treasury Note (TNX) and the S&P 500. -yields tending to lead changes in direction"
"10-year yields have fallen dramatically since the 2010 high of 3.99 set on April 5th, three weeks before the S&P 500 2010 peak on April 23rd. They had rebounded since the 2.48 close on August 31. But the last few weeks have seen a significant decline. "
Porky--One cannot wrap up fire with paper
Re-炒落後(偉哥投資手札 Oct 7)" 內房是政策重點打壓的板塊,故內房股及受此拖累的內銀股長期跑輸大市是可以理解,但內房股及內銀股近日跑羸大市,是因為市場見到政策有機會改變,還是因為資金已飢不擇食,很難啃得落的豬頭骨也想吞落下?答案很明顯是後者。大市成交日升,今日更突破千億元大關,相信有很多新資金加入市場尋寶,市場氣氛熾熱;加上炒無可炒,連長期大落後的板塊也有資金追捧,令自己更相信大市見頂在即,隨後的調整應該是既快且深。"
Porky- will tell soon
Re-"Found: A Model For Pricing Gold "by
Eddy Elfenbein, Crossing Wall Street -
"Whenever the dollar’s real short-term interest rate is below 2%, gold rallies. Whenever the real short rate is above 2%, the price of gold falls.
Gold holds steady at the equilibrium rate of 2%--every one percentage point real rates differ from 2%, gold moves by eight times that amount per year.
So if the real rates are at 1%, gold will move up at an 8% annualized rate. I
f real rates are at 0%, then gold will move up at a 16% rate (that’s been about the story for the past decade).
Conversely, if the real rate jumps to 3%, then gold will drop at an 8% rate.--
In effect, gold acts like a highly leverage short position in U.S. Treasury bills and the breakeven point is 2% (or more precisely, a short on short-term TIPs).
The first point isgold isn’t tied to inflation. It’s tied to low real rates which are often the by-product of inflation. Right now we have rising gold and low inflation. This isn’t a contradiction.
The second point is that when real rates are low, the price of gold can rise very, very rapidly.
The third is that when real rates are high, gold can fall very, very quickly.
Fourth, there’s no reason for there to be a relationship between equity prices and gold (like the Dow-to-gold ratio).
Fifth, the TIPs yield curve indicates that low real rates may last for a few more years.
The final point is that the price of gold is essentially political. If a central banker has the will to raise real rates as Volcker did 30 years ago, then the price of gold can be crushed.
Porky-Bamboo Bro should love this
Porky's disclaimer-
Of course--「市場玄學」係mystic, esoteric religion而唔係有效嘅trading methodology-
(quote 竹本疋虫 Bro)
Porky likes the 股海窮庭 motto-"只有你自己,才能令你脫苦海 "
The US market To-Nite
"October 7 is a Super New Moon (the Moon is at perigee or closest to the earth) at 14 Libra at 2:44 p.m. EDT Washington D.C."
"October 8 Venus Retrograde at 13 Scorpio"
Re-竹本疋虫bro絮語on Gold:
"What does this all mean? Well, it only means that, if we were not watchful of the lunacy of the Fed and Donald Tsang, our families and livelihoods are simply getting screwed each day with pleasure...What else do we reasonably expect, except 溫水煮蛙?
田雞過河,各有各 “young”,自己小心 goo goo。"
Porky finds the info below
"Recently, Black Swan thinker Nassim Nicholas Taleb said, “The Fed won’t exist in 25 years. Then, MarketWatch columnist Paul Farrell followed with a more imminent vision:
-Wall Street banks control the Federal Reserve system, it’s their personal piggy bank. They’ve already done so much damage, yet have more control than ever. Warning: That’s a set-up. They will eventually destroy capitalism, democracy, and the dollar’s global reserve-currency status. They will self-destruct before 2035 … maybe as early as 2012 … most likely by 2020.”
Porky- food for thought
Re-S&P 500 - October 6, 2010 -Is TED waking up?
Porky has done a 3-yr daily chart. It seemms once Fed bends up ,SP500 will start to fall either in the same month or one month later
Re-Attention Government Bond Buyers: Japan Has Changed the Rules of the Game by Brian Kelly in
"The game changer was the de facto elimination of the so-called “banknote rule”. This rule prohibited the BoJ from buying more debt than banknotes in circulation, thus preventing the BoJ from monetizing the country’s enormous debt. Once the BoJ announced that the new QE fund would not be subject to the banknote rule, it is effectively allowing debt monetization.
"(Japan's new sovereign wealth fund)The BoJ, and the U.S. Fed, are making the wager that the buyers and holders of their debt must continue to buy or risk multiple asset class collapse. Typical sovereign debt buyers are pension funds, insurance companies and other sovereign nations – all have a vested interest in keeping asset prices high. For example, under the current policy of government support of asset prices, a pension fund must continue to buy sovereign debt if it wants its stock portfolio to remain elevated.
Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). Governments are betting that they hold all the cards and debt will continue to be bought…because it must be bought. "
Porky-again 竹本疋虫bro絮語:"田雞過河,各有各 “young”,自己小心 goo goo。"
Porky-compare this with US Spiral Dates
Jim Rogers: This Weekend at the Mises Institute
posted by Robert Wenzel at
Jim Rogers will be at this weekend's Supporters Summit at the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama
Porky- My understanding of Von Mises' theory is there will be a PRICE to pay after QEs--due Mar 2011??
Re-First the rate reductions, then money printing, then the currency war, then the tariffs, then….posted by Edward Harrison at Credit Writedowns -
Porky- May be we need a War at the end
Re-One Fed To Monetize Them All by Tyler Durden (zero-hedge)
" Morgan Stanley's David Greenlaw has confirmed that QE2, launching in less than one month, will mean outright monetization of US debt, --, the Fed would be absorbing virtually all of the net new Treasury issuance as long as they maintained this pace of purchases." --pretty soon the Fed will be the only holder left of Treasuries with a maturity over 10 years: -- The great benefit of monetizing it all, is that the Treasury will be paying all remnant high coupons to the Fed.--
Fed Officials Mull Inflation as a Fix
"But as the U.S. economy struggles and flirts with the prospect of deflation, some central bank officials New York Fed William Dudley and Chicago Fed Charles Evans are publicly broaching a controversial idea: lifting inflation above the Fed's informal target"
Porky-The astrology of Fed doesn't look good
Re-Pictures of Deflation by Christopher Whalen
American Enterprise Institute-October 6, 2010
"Is the Subprime Crisis Over? No---Non‐payment by borrowers and mounting foreclosure backlogs are creating the conditions for the collapse of some of the largest U.S. banks in 2011.--"
Porky-Again, enjoy the party while it lasts
Re-股份爆升 認股權行使潮即現(經濟日報)2010年10月7日
"---不少上市公司大股東已輪流配售舊股套現。同樣地,近日亦不時見到有上市公司的僱員及董事,密密行使認股權。翻查近日港交所 上市公司通告,翌日披露報表出現次數頻密,當中很多都涉及行使購股權,部分董事購股權的行使價,更較現價折讓極大,認真令人羨慕。"
Porky-Smart $$$ stays ahead of the curve??
Re-Current Treasury Yield Snapshot: Anxiety Increases (
"an overlay of the CBOE Interest Rate 10-Year Treasury Note (TNX) and the S&P 500. -yields tending to lead changes in direction"
"10-year yields have fallen dramatically since the 2010 high of 3.99 set on April 5th, three weeks before the S&P 500 2010 peak on April 23rd. They had rebounded since the 2.48 close on August 31. But the last few weeks have seen a significant decline. "
Porky--One cannot wrap up fire with paper
Re-炒落後(偉哥投資手札 Oct 7)" 內房是政策重點打壓的板塊,故內房股及受此拖累的內銀股長期跑輸大市是可以理解,但內房股及內銀股近日跑羸大市,是因為市場見到政策有機會改變,還是因為資金已飢不擇食,很難啃得落的豬頭骨也想吞落下?答案很明顯是後者。大市成交日升,今日更突破千億元大關,相信有很多新資金加入市場尋寶,市場氣氛熾熱;加上炒無可炒,連長期大落後的板塊也有資金追捧,令自己更相信大市見頂在即,隨後的調整應該是既快且深。"
Porky- will tell soon
Re-"Found: A Model For Pricing Gold "by
Eddy Elfenbein, Crossing Wall Street -
"Whenever the dollar’s real short-term interest rate is below 2%, gold rallies. Whenever the real short rate is above 2%, the price of gold falls.
Gold holds steady at the equilibrium rate of 2%--every one percentage point real rates differ from 2%, gold moves by eight times that amount per year.
So if the real rates are at 1%, gold will move up at an 8% annualized rate. I
f real rates are at 0%, then gold will move up at a 16% rate (that’s been about the story for the past decade).
Conversely, if the real rate jumps to 3%, then gold will drop at an 8% rate.--
In effect, gold acts like a highly leverage short position in U.S. Treasury bills and the breakeven point is 2% (or more precisely, a short on short-term TIPs).
The first point isgold isn’t tied to inflation. It’s tied to low real rates which are often the by-product of inflation. Right now we have rising gold and low inflation. This isn’t a contradiction.
The second point is that when real rates are low, the price of gold can rise very, very rapidly.
The third is that when real rates are high, gold can fall very, very quickly.
Fourth, there’s no reason for there to be a relationship between equity prices and gold (like the Dow-to-gold ratio).
Fifth, the TIPs yield curve indicates that low real rates may last for a few more years.
The final point is that the price of gold is essentially political. If a central banker has the will to raise real rates as Volcker did 30 years ago, then the price of gold can be crushed.
Porky-Bamboo Bro should love this
Porky's disclaimer-
Of course--「市場玄學」係mystic, esoteric religion而唔係有效嘅trading methodology-
(quote 竹本疋虫 Bro)
Oct 6-Updates
梁業豪- "好友應增強防守意識
Porky-a black HSI candle today indeed
文少伯 Soberman says"--日本央行於昨日突然宣布把利率由0.1%降至0 - 0.1%之間,並成立一個5萬億日圓的基金,計劃購買私營及公營資產,以希望推動經濟增長。令人訝異不止日本的舉動,昨日澳洲央行亦決定不加息,維持利率4.5%,理由是通脹放緩。美國經濟仍然不濟,失業率居高不下,再加上歐洲和日本正在墮入流動性陷阱中仍然不顧後果的印銀紙,美國聯儲局也不得不傻鬥傻的加入混戰再推第二輪量化寬鬆政策。美國將於本周五公布就業數據,令人失望的結果相信將會是推出QE2的催化劑。投資者要留意韓國、泰國、印度、巴西、哥倫比亞等央行已相繼推出各種措施以干預匯率或限制投機熱錢流入,但仍未見香港金管局推出任何防範措施。"(流動性陷阱
Porky--Even my wash for mouth feed is getting expensive
The Pragmatic Capitalist ( Oct. 6, 2010) says
"88% Of All NYSE Stocks Are Now Overbought"
-" As of Oct 5 close 88% of all stocks traded on the NYSE were above their 50 day moving average. We have seen these levels just twice in 2010.
(1)In early June the % of NYSE stocks above their 50 day moving average reached 86.27%. In the ensuing month stocks sold off 8.5%.
(2)In April the % of stocks above their 50 day moving average reached 88.8% – just a tad higher than yesterday’s closing level of 88.11%. We all know what followed in May"
($NYA50R chart in
Porky-again the Oct 8 and 12 are key dates
The US Equities Bear Rally according to runs as follows-
"For that remains the problem at the heart of the matter, in my opinion, or the swamp of slow-moving money that was born of the Fed’s
extraordinary liquidity actions taken over the last two years in the face of tremendous economic slack.--- today’s velocity of money (nominal GDP/M2) is equal to a (very low )level last seen in the mid-1980s---If the Fed can solve this problem temporarily as was done between the fourth quarter of 2003 and the second quarter of 2006, we may be looking
at a much better and a much longer bear market rally than most people are anticipating."
"1-year USD chart is even more interesting in the fact it appears be showing us a larger and somewhat awkward Descending Triangle with a
measuring implication that brings the dollar index rather precisely to its best level of support of 72 found on the 3-year chart
" SP 500 confirmed Inverse Head and Shoulders pattern in the S&P 500-neckline 1131 and target 1250"
Porky-and after the bear Rally???
According to Michael Pettis’ "What happens if the RMB is forced to revalue?"--"probably Beijing will do the same thing Tokyo did after the Plaza Accords and Beijing did after the renminbi began appreciating in 2005. It will lower real interest rates and force credit expansion.---But there will be a hidden cost to this strategy – perhaps a huge one. The revaluing renminbi will shift income from exporters to households, as it should, but cheaper financing costs will shift income from households (who provide most of the country’s net savings) to the large companies that have access to bank credit---It will fuel even more real estate, manufacturing and infrastructure overcapacity without having rebalanced consumption. Expect, for example, even more ships, steel, and chemicals in a world that really does not want any more."
Porky-A stocks will look good then??
Re-Some Markets Are Now Set To Win No Matter What Happens
"The idea is that easy monetary policy in developed nations can spill over into other (Asian)nations, inflating asset prices and strengthening local currencies against the U.S. dollar. Yet at the same time, very strong economic data, the one thing that could cause central bankers to abort their current path, would also be great news for Asian markets given that it would signal stronger than expected global growth. It's as if some markets are set to win either way the coin falls... which is unsettling.
Porky- Remember they used to talk about "white man's burden" HaHa
Dow and Berg Timer (")
BT forecasts- "It looks like we're in for a rebound in 2010 but BT then declines again and stays low for FOUR years. A double-dip recession? BT doesn't recover until 2015 so don't expect sustained market strength until then. Beware of false optimism in 2010."
Porky-When all race to the bottom, impossible is nothing
Four Pillars Finance
Chinese astrology cycles for market timing
Four Pillars Finance says "Next projected lows in our cycles are coming February-March" Danny (with 4 Pillars Finance) and Porky hold similar views
"Lunatic Trader-Trading with the Moon" poses a question for SP 5000-"how much is left in the tank here?" The chart points to about mid Oct
and Porky's last posts quoted the dates of 8 and 12 Oct
kurich的博客 (
冥王星逆行經過銀河中心點-2010-02-09 "在金融占星學中,銀河中心點(射手座26度50分)是一個重要的研究範疇。當行星途經此點而且是逆行的時候,往往在某些金融市場之中,捲起滔天大浪。金圓券發行正巧是木星逆行通過銀河中心點前夕,1948年4月15日從射手座29度開始逆行到1948年8月15日的19度,而且1949年2月天王星也在雙子座180度角對沖銀河中心點。--而這一次冥王星與銀河中心點合相期間為2007年7月23日~10月23日,又正巧與次貸風暴所引發的全球金融海嘯時間點驚人地吻合。而且2007年3月底至9月初,冥王星正巧也是逆行
世運占星學(Mundane astrology)之中冥王星代表債務、保險及財閥"
an interesting article comparing 1848 Old Shanghai KMT Gold Yuan Youcher to the present Fed/Greenbacks from an astrology perspective(Galaxic Center
Guess all have forgotten who he is
Jérôme Kerviel -Rogue Trader at Société Générale Gets 3 Years (NYT)
Jérôme Kerviel (born 11 January 1977
日 月 年
戊 辛 丙
辰 丑 辰
2004 → 2014 甲辰
2010 庚寅
Porky's disclaimer-
Of course--「市場玄學」係mystic, esoteric religion而唔係有效嘅trading methodology-
(quote 竹本疋虫 Bro)
Porky-a black HSI candle today indeed
文少伯 Soberman says"--日本央行於昨日突然宣布把利率由0.1%降至0 - 0.1%之間,並成立一個5萬億日圓的基金,計劃購買私營及公營資產,以希望推動經濟增長。令人訝異不止日本的舉動,昨日澳洲央行亦決定不加息,維持利率4.5%,理由是通脹放緩。美國經濟仍然不濟,失業率居高不下,再加上歐洲和日本正在墮入流動性陷阱中仍然不顧後果的印銀紙,美國聯儲局也不得不傻鬥傻的加入混戰再推第二輪量化寬鬆政策。美國將於本周五公布就業數據,令人失望的結果相信將會是推出QE2的催化劑。投資者要留意韓國、泰國、印度、巴西、哥倫比亞等央行已相繼推出各種措施以干預匯率或限制投機熱錢流入,但仍未見香港金管局推出任何防範措施。"(流動性陷阱
Porky--Even my wash for mouth feed is getting expensive
The Pragmatic Capitalist ( Oct. 6, 2010) says
"88% Of All NYSE Stocks Are Now Overbought"
-" As of Oct 5 close 88% of all stocks traded on the NYSE were above their 50 day moving average. We have seen these levels just twice in 2010.
(1)In early June the % of NYSE stocks above their 50 day moving average reached 86.27%. In the ensuing month stocks sold off 8.5%.
(2)In April the % of stocks above their 50 day moving average reached 88.8% – just a tad higher than yesterday’s closing level of 88.11%. We all know what followed in May"
($NYA50R chart in
Porky-again the Oct 8 and 12 are key dates
The US Equities Bear Rally according to runs as follows-
"For that remains the problem at the heart of the matter, in my opinion, or the swamp of slow-moving money that was born of the Fed’s
extraordinary liquidity actions taken over the last two years in the face of tremendous economic slack.--- today’s velocity of money (nominal GDP/M2) is equal to a (very low )level last seen in the mid-1980s---If the Fed can solve this problem temporarily as was done between the fourth quarter of 2003 and the second quarter of 2006, we may be looking
at a much better and a much longer bear market rally than most people are anticipating."
"1-year USD chart is even more interesting in the fact it appears be showing us a larger and somewhat awkward Descending Triangle with a
measuring implication that brings the dollar index rather precisely to its best level of support of 72 found on the 3-year chart
" SP 500 confirmed Inverse Head and Shoulders pattern in the S&P 500-neckline 1131 and target 1250"
Porky-and after the bear Rally???
According to Michael Pettis’ "What happens if the RMB is forced to revalue?"--"probably Beijing will do the same thing Tokyo did after the Plaza Accords and Beijing did after the renminbi began appreciating in 2005. It will lower real interest rates and force credit expansion.---But there will be a hidden cost to this strategy – perhaps a huge one. The revaluing renminbi will shift income from exporters to households, as it should, but cheaper financing costs will shift income from households (who provide most of the country’s net savings) to the large companies that have access to bank credit---It will fuel even more real estate, manufacturing and infrastructure overcapacity without having rebalanced consumption. Expect, for example, even more ships, steel, and chemicals in a world that really does not want any more."
Porky-A stocks will look good then??
Re-Some Markets Are Now Set To Win No Matter What Happens
"The idea is that easy monetary policy in developed nations can spill over into other (Asian)nations, inflating asset prices and strengthening local currencies against the U.S. dollar. Yet at the same time, very strong economic data, the one thing that could cause central bankers to abort their current path, would also be great news for Asian markets given that it would signal stronger than expected global growth. It's as if some markets are set to win either way the coin falls... which is unsettling.
Porky- Remember they used to talk about "white man's burden" HaHa
Dow and Berg Timer (")
BT forecasts- "It looks like we're in for a rebound in 2010 but BT then declines again and stays low for FOUR years. A double-dip recession? BT doesn't recover until 2015 so don't expect sustained market strength until then. Beware of false optimism in 2010."
Porky-When all race to the bottom, impossible is nothing
Four Pillars Finance
Chinese astrology cycles for market timing
Four Pillars Finance says "Next projected lows in our cycles are coming February-March" Danny (with 4 Pillars Finance) and Porky hold similar views
"Lunatic Trader-Trading with the Moon" poses a question for SP 5000-"how much is left in the tank here?" The chart points to about mid Oct
and Porky's last posts quoted the dates of 8 and 12 Oct
kurich的博客 (
冥王星逆行經過銀河中心點-2010-02-09 "在金融占星學中,銀河中心點(射手座26度50分)是一個重要的研究範疇。當行星途經此點而且是逆行的時候,往往在某些金融市場之中,捲起滔天大浪。金圓券發行正巧是木星逆行通過銀河中心點前夕,1948年4月15日從射手座29度開始逆行到1948年8月15日的19度,而且1949年2月天王星也在雙子座180度角對沖銀河中心點。--而這一次冥王星與銀河中心點合相期間為2007年7月23日~10月23日,又正巧與次貸風暴所引發的全球金融海嘯時間點驚人地吻合。而且2007年3月底至9月初,冥王星正巧也是逆行
世運占星學(Mundane astrology)之中冥王星代表債務、保險及財閥"
an interesting article comparing 1848 Old Shanghai KMT Gold Yuan Youcher to the present Fed/Greenbacks from an astrology perspective(Galaxic Center
Guess all have forgotten who he is
Jérôme Kerviel -Rogue Trader at Société Générale Gets 3 Years (NYT)
Jérôme Kerviel (born 11 January 1977
日 月 年
戊 辛 丙
辰 丑 辰
2004 → 2014 甲辰
2010 庚寅
Porky's disclaimer-
Of course--「市場玄學」係mystic, esoteric religion而唔係有效嘅trading methodology-
(quote 竹本疋虫 Bro)
Oct 5:Keep Updating
戊子, 楊天命8082,新加坡
新加坡前景堪憂(朱樹松 )
Porky--"jack wong tai sin" ahould read this
"報載香港創業板上市公司訊通(上市編號:8082),前些時宣佈進軍蘇州墓園業務,並邀請到楊天命師傅作風水顧問。該公司並向其授出 1040萬股購股權,認購價為 0.198元。報道又指該批認股權的有效日期長達 10年,夠晒「長命」---此單新聞最令人矚目者,卻原來是披露了天命師傅的真實姓名:姚偉豪。"
Porky-Which pricing modelshould be used for 10年認股權??
8th, 15th, 23th,31th
Re-October 2010 Spiral Calendar Score Chart
US mkt
Date----- Score
Oct 3-----1.0 (trough)
Oct 8-----4.0(peak)
Oct 13----1.0 (trough)
Oct 16----4.5 (peak)
Oct 21----1.0 (trough)
Oct 25----3.5 (peak)
Oct 27----1.0 (trough)
Oct 28----2.5 (peak)
Oct 30----0.5 (trough)
RE-江恩理論並非事後孔明 (HK mkt)(
螺旋历法: 29.5(Sep 31) 12(Oct 12) 10 (Oct 22)
Time will tell
"股市, 10 月份早段情況不會太差, 甚至仍然有一點升幅。接著下來, 股市應該進入呆滯狀態, 然後才大幅下瀉!
10 月份的股市頗為反覆, 完全沒有持貨的朋友, 見到港股下跌 500 點左右, 應該先入一點貨。此月真的要越跌越買, 因為以後的反彈頗為強勁, 不容忽視。--買金或黃金 ETF 的朋友, 相信有機會於 1,080 美元至 1,150 美元之間入貨。
需要買歐元、英鎊、澳幣的朋友, 更要密切注視, 因為除了美元之外, 很多主要商品貨幣都潛藏下跌 8% 至一成的風險, 這是大家入貨的機會"
Time will tell--ref NYSE 1997 -2017壬午大運 --2010庚寅 Oct丙戌--午寅戌 3合火(???)
2010庚寅 Nov丁亥--寅亥合木(???)
Time will tell
Oct 5港股開市-地產股跌幅較大, 在金融股倒升
Oct 5戊子--戊(solid soil=real estate)
子(flood water); 地產股跌幅(戊 clashed by 子)
金融股倒升(金 溫和 戊土衝子水 )
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Founded March 8, 1817
時 日 月 年
辛 乙 癸 丁
巳 丑 卯 丑
身弱 (食傷強)-??
大運----------------- Crash Years
1818 → 1827 壬寅
1827 → 1837 辛丑
1837 → 1847 庚子
1847 → 1856 己亥
1856 → 1866 戊戌
1866 → 1876 丁酉
1876 → 1887 丙申
1887 → 1897 乙未
1897 → 1907 甲午
1907-------1917 癸巳
1917------ 1927 壬辰(1920庚申 1921辛酉 己巳29)
1927------ 1937 辛卯 (1931辛未 1932壬申 )
1937------ 1947庚寅 (1938 戊寅)
1947------ 1957己丑
1957------- 1967戊子
1967------ 1977丁亥 (73癸丑74甲寅77丁巳)
1977 ------ 1987丙戌 (1982壬戌1983癸亥)
1987------- 1997乙酉 (丁卯)
1997 ------ 2017壬午 (2002壬午 2008戊子)
so check Dow Jones Industrial Average (1900 - Present Monthly) Free Charts of
Today Oct 5 is 戊子 day. I remember the concept of self-similarity was mentioned in the book book :Misbehaviour of Markets
take a look
戊 丁 丙
子 亥 戌
08------07-----06 (years)
Dec----Nov- ----Oct (2010 months)
5th---- 4th---- 3th--- 2010 Oct days
any chance to repeat the pattern?? Porky asks QQKK bro for such possibility before. Anyway 子
day could mean change.丁亥暗合 so see today戊子
Porky's disclaimer-
Of course--「市場玄學」係mystic, esoteric religion而唔係有效嘅trading methodology-
(quote 竹本疋虫 Bro)
新加坡前景堪憂(朱樹松 )
Porky--"jack wong tai sin" ahould read this
"報載香港創業板上市公司訊通(上市編號:8082),前些時宣佈進軍蘇州墓園業務,並邀請到楊天命師傅作風水顧問。該公司並向其授出 1040萬股購股權,認購價為 0.198元。報道又指該批認股權的有效日期長達 10年,夠晒「長命」---此單新聞最令人矚目者,卻原來是披露了天命師傅的真實姓名:姚偉豪。"
Porky-Which pricing modelshould be used for 10年認股權??
8th, 15th, 23th,31th
Re-October 2010 Spiral Calendar Score Chart
US mkt
Date----- Score
Oct 3-----1.0 (trough)
Oct 8-----4.0(peak)
Oct 13----1.0 (trough)
Oct 16----4.5 (peak)
Oct 21----1.0 (trough)
Oct 25----3.5 (peak)
Oct 27----1.0 (trough)
Oct 28----2.5 (peak)
Oct 30----0.5 (trough)
RE-江恩理論並非事後孔明 (HK mkt)(
螺旋历法: 29.5(Sep 31) 12(Oct 12) 10 (Oct 22)
Time will tell
"股市, 10 月份早段情況不會太差, 甚至仍然有一點升幅。接著下來, 股市應該進入呆滯狀態, 然後才大幅下瀉!
10 月份的股市頗為反覆, 完全沒有持貨的朋友, 見到港股下跌 500 點左右, 應該先入一點貨。此月真的要越跌越買, 因為以後的反彈頗為強勁, 不容忽視。--買金或黃金 ETF 的朋友, 相信有機會於 1,080 美元至 1,150 美元之間入貨。
需要買歐元、英鎊、澳幣的朋友, 更要密切注視, 因為除了美元之外, 很多主要商品貨幣都潛藏下跌 8% 至一成的風險, 這是大家入貨的機會"
Time will tell--ref NYSE 1997 -2017壬午大運 --2010庚寅 Oct丙戌--午寅戌 3合火(???)
2010庚寅 Nov丁亥--寅亥合木(???)
Time will tell
Oct 5港股開市-地產股跌幅較大, 在金融股倒升
Oct 5戊子--戊(solid soil=real estate)
子(flood water); 地產股跌幅(戊 clashed by 子)
金融股倒升(金 溫和 戊土衝子水 )
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Founded March 8, 1817
時 日 月 年
辛 乙 癸 丁
巳 丑 卯 丑
身弱 (食傷強)-??
大運----------------- Crash Years
1818 → 1827 壬寅
1827 → 1837 辛丑
1837 → 1847 庚子
1847 → 1856 己亥
1856 → 1866 戊戌
1866 → 1876 丁酉
1876 → 1887 丙申
1887 → 1897 乙未
1897 → 1907 甲午
1907-------1917 癸巳
1917------ 1927 壬辰(1920庚申 1921辛酉 己巳29)
1927------ 1937 辛卯 (1931辛未 1932壬申 )
1937------ 1947庚寅 (1938 戊寅)
1947------ 1957己丑
1957------- 1967戊子
1967------ 1977丁亥 (73癸丑74甲寅77丁巳)
1977 ------ 1987丙戌 (1982壬戌1983癸亥)
1987------- 1997乙酉 (丁卯)
1997 ------ 2017壬午 (2002壬午 2008戊子)
so check Dow Jones Industrial Average (1900 - Present Monthly) Free Charts of
Today Oct 5 is 戊子 day. I remember the concept of self-similarity was mentioned in the book book :Misbehaviour of Markets
take a look
戊 丁 丙
子 亥 戌
08------07-----06 (years)
Dec----Nov- ----Oct (2010 months)
5th---- 4th---- 3th--- 2010 Oct days
any chance to repeat the pattern?? Porky asks QQKK bro for such possibility before. Anyway 子
day could mean change.丁亥暗合 so see today戊子
Porky's disclaimer-
Of course--「市場玄學」係mystic, esoteric religion而唔係有效嘅trading methodology-
(quote 竹本疋虫 Bro)
Oct-陶尚 asks abt 386,Final Updating
Re-金木水: Martin Armstrong同porky大師有偈傾
Ha, Ha--I do not want to do my time in Stanley Prison But his article on Gold is an interesting
Harmonic Trading (FT) download-the author allows people to download his good stuff
-1901.7.20~12.25 & 1902.5.22~開始進入未宮=>辛丑條約
-1914.9.24~12.14 & 1915.7.20~1916.3.19 & 1916.5.3~開始進入午宮=>第一次世界大戰 & 袁世凱稱帝及去世
-1928.9.22~1929.2.19 & 1929.7.25~開始進入巳宮=>世界經濟大蕭條開始
-1942.10.4~1943.4.17 & 1943.8.3~開始進入辰宮=>第二次世界大戰
-1956.6.20~1957.6.15 & 1957.8.7~開始進入卯宮=>美蘇爭霸時代開始
-1970.1.5~5.1 & 1970.11.7~開始進入寅宮=>浮動匯率時代開始
-1984.1.20~6.23 & 1984.11.22~開始進入丑宮=>1984甲子年 1985廣場協議
-1998.1.30~8.23 & 1998.11.28~開始進入子宮=>後亞洲金融風暴時代開始
-2011.4.5~8.5 & 2012.2.4~開始進入亥宮=>海王星進入雙魚座(守護星座)
Porky-enjoy the party while it lasts (2011.4.5 ???)
陶尚 :Porky, any comment on 386, especially under the current M&A
Porky Search-2000年2月28日
Check one data for trial
2000年 2月28日设立中国石化股份有限公司
日 月 年
丙 戊 庚
辰 寅 辰
身弱 (食強),
2002 → 2012 己卯
I cannot find the corporate dates for Repsol,etc
Porky's disclaimer-
Of course--「市場玄學」係mystic, esoteric religion而唔係有效嘅trading methodology-
(quote 竹本疋虫 Bro)
Ha, Ha--I do not want to do my time in Stanley Prison But his article on Gold is an interesting
Harmonic Trading (FT) download-the author allows people to download his good stuff
-1901.7.20~12.25 & 1902.5.22~開始進入未宮=>辛丑條約
-1914.9.24~12.14 & 1915.7.20~1916.3.19 & 1916.5.3~開始進入午宮=>第一次世界大戰 & 袁世凱稱帝及去世
-1928.9.22~1929.2.19 & 1929.7.25~開始進入巳宮=>世界經濟大蕭條開始
-1942.10.4~1943.4.17 & 1943.8.3~開始進入辰宮=>第二次世界大戰
-1956.6.20~1957.6.15 & 1957.8.7~開始進入卯宮=>美蘇爭霸時代開始
-1970.1.5~5.1 & 1970.11.7~開始進入寅宮=>浮動匯率時代開始
-1984.1.20~6.23 & 1984.11.22~開始進入丑宮=>1984甲子年 1985廣場協議
-1998.1.30~8.23 & 1998.11.28~開始進入子宮=>後亞洲金融風暴時代開始
-2011.4.5~8.5 & 2012.2.4~開始進入亥宮=>海王星進入雙魚座(守護星座)
Porky-enjoy the party while it lasts (2011.4.5 ???)
陶尚 :Porky, any comment on 386, especially under the current M&A
Porky Search-2000年2月28日
Check one data for trial
2000年 2月28日设立中国石化股份有限公司
日 月 年
丙 戊 庚
辰 寅 辰
身弱 (食強),
2002 → 2012 己卯
I cannot find the corporate dates for Repsol,etc
Porky's disclaimer-
Of course--「市場玄學」係mystic, esoteric religion而唔係有效嘅trading methodology-
(quote 竹本疋虫 Bro)
Oct 3 Updating--Gann九方=Ulam Spiral; 占星--
(1)Re-雪兒的私密手記-瑪法達看星星9/30~10/6 -"「天秤座之月」甫在上周展開;緊接著 9月30日的「太陽/土星合相」,是水星在10月1日先後和土星與天王星的對衝;一年一度的西洋幸福吉日 ---「金星/火星合相」隨後在10月3日露臉;令財星觀察家不敢掉以輕心的「金星退行」則是將於10月8日開始--短期內星象訊息由極正面快速轉為及負面顯示,未來一週歐美股市在一片牛市氣氛中,突然逆轉拉回的機率不低 "
(2)Porky 's Wild Guess on HKEX
Monday Oct 4:
possible adjustment on Oct 5,6 Tues and Weds??
see link??
(3) Porky's Wild Guess on HK-SAR
HKSAR-本命1997-Jul-1 (2:30 am raised flag)
行運相位趨勢圖 getting worse after Oct5,6 ??
see link
PS-邵康節四字斷 Daily Mkt Open
(Just For Fun)Oct
1(Holiday)下弦 Last quater Moon
8-垂柳鳴蟬(寒露); 初一朔月
朔月 New moon: 2010-10-08 Fri 02:44:52
Beware Oct 8--sun and moon co-effect???
Re-Gann九方图的数学表达即应用问题-乌兰螺旋Ulam Spiral
Porky-given passage of time T
45 deg line=4*T square+1
135 deg line=4*Tsquare-2T+1
"1963 乌兰教授(S.Ulam)-素数好像是很喜欢挤成直线!如3和11以及13,29,53等等可以联成直线--任何整数可以唯一分解成为素因子的乘积。素数对乘法来讲就像是组成“整数分子”的“原子--江恩方图可以称为“偏知识”。顾德巴赫猜想在未证明之前,也属于偏知识。"
Prime Nos are used in developing encryption加密 (cryptography密碼學)
波浪理论和江恩理论 as Fourier Transform
Porky's disclaimer-
Of course--「市場玄學」係mystic, esoteric religion而唔係有效嘅trading methodology-
(quote 竹本疋虫 Bro)
(1)Re-雪兒的私密手記-瑪法達看星星9/30~10/6 -"「天秤座之月」甫在上周展開;緊接著 9月30日的「太陽/土星合相」,是水星在10月1日先後和土星與天王星的對衝;一年一度的西洋幸福吉日 ---「金星/火星合相」隨後在10月3日露臉;令財星觀察家不敢掉以輕心的「金星退行」則是將於10月8日開始--短期內星象訊息由極正面快速轉為及負面顯示,未來一週歐美股市在一片牛市氣氛中,突然逆轉拉回的機率不低 "
(2)Porky 's Wild Guess on HKEX
Monday Oct 4:
possible adjustment on Oct 5,6 Tues and Weds??
see link??
(3) Porky's Wild Guess on HK-SAR
HKSAR-本命1997-Jul-1 (2:30 am raised flag)
行運相位趨勢圖 getting worse after Oct5,6 ??
see link
PS-邵康節四字斷 Daily Mkt Open
(Just For Fun)Oct
1(Holiday)下弦 Last quater Moon
8-垂柳鳴蟬(寒露); 初一朔月
朔月 New moon: 2010-10-08 Fri 02:44:52
Beware Oct 8--sun and moon co-effect???
Re-Gann九方图的数学表达即应用问题-乌兰螺旋Ulam Spiral
Porky-given passage of time T
45 deg line=4*T square+1
135 deg line=4*Tsquare-2T+1
"1963 乌兰教授(S.Ulam)-素数好像是很喜欢挤成直线!如3和11以及13,29,53等等可以联成直线--任何整数可以唯一分解成为素因子的乘积。素数对乘法来讲就像是组成“整数分子”的“原子--江恩方图可以称为“偏知识”。顾德巴赫猜想在未证明之前,也属于偏知识。"
Prime Nos are used in developing encryption加密 (cryptography密碼學)
波浪理论和江恩理论 as Fourier Transform
Porky's disclaimer-
Of course--「市場玄學」係mystic, esoteric religion而唔係有效嘅trading methodology-
(quote 竹本疋虫 Bro)
Oct 2-keep Updating(市場玄學=astro calendar)
24节气和60甲子存在大周期统一,小周期则要有提前或落后的差异--对应立春这个节气,查看曰辰干支的60甲子循环,如果甲子曰已经过去,此为有余,木气旺;甲子曰还没有到,称为不足,木气虚;如果甲子曰正好是立春,方为木气适中。同理其他节气也是对应着用甲子曰来分析的。同样是一个节气,每年对应的五行却有强有弱,此为大周期固定,小周期波动的根本原因-2005年没有立春,甲子曰出现在了立春之后,所以顶底都落后于节气。2006立春是2月4曰,也正好是甲子曰,所以春天的波动符合节气的变化规律。 20065月5曰是甲午曰,早于5月6曰的立夏节气,所以今年夏季火旺;因此真正的喷发是在立夏之后,因为火旺本来到5月22曰的小满节气到顶的,提前到了5月16曰乙巳曰(干支为木生火)。6月6曰芒种的顶也提前到了2曰。6月14曰的甲戌开始新的涨势
UK stonehenge-
新月逢春分日 新月逢夏至日
满月逢春分日 满月逢夏至日
新月逢秋分日 新月逢冬至日
满月逢冬至日 满月逢冬至日
二十四节气*满月初一=48 critical tops/bottoms
2. 月食过后几天变动趋势出现大幅扭转,而且持续一个月以上;
3. 月食当天变化与月食前几天有明显不同,且最高值较前一天上升,最低值则更低;
Re-庚寅年之木土沖 by 杰赫 (自然之道命理術數研習社 » 天文占星 » 庚寅年之木土沖)
Porky- 2011 Mar Doomsday??辛卯年辛卯月文昌年忌月忌
2002年9月16日 华晨汽车集团控股有限公司正式成立 (
日 月 年
丁 己 壬
亥 酉 午
2009 → 2019 庚戌
身弱 , 建議以比劫印星為用神
2388 Bank of china (Hong Kong)
HK CR no 0010745
previously registered under the name of Po sang Bank寶生銀行(1964-10-16)
started to use the name BOC(HK) from 2001-Oct-01
日 月 年
丁 丁 辛
酉 酉 巳
身弱 (財星強), 建議以比劫印星為用神
2009 → 2019 丙申--丙(印)
Gahl Eden Sasson:Venus Retrograde(Oct 8-Nov 18) in Scorpio: A Hell of a Time for the US Midterm Elections ; the Sun will transit(Oct 8-Nov 7) the Via Combusta(Burning Path)
Porky- Oct 7th庚寅 (2011庚寅 yr)
Oct 8th-辛卯日文昌日忌-丙戌月廉貞月忌-庚寅年天同年忌卯,寅爭合戌
Via Combusta(天秤15度--天蝎15度)黄道带上的邪恶区(带有火星,土星,天王星的不可预知的烧毁一切的威力
From the CRB Research Team of Commodity Research Bureau-
(1)Copper prices are approaching the 2-year high posted in April. Demand concerns are limiting price gains(Fundamental Outlook-Bull Market Correction)
(2)Corn prices have fallen back from the recent 2-year high(Fundamental Outlook-Bull Market Correction)
Porky:Any furthur inter-markets contagions?
梁業豪-(HSI) 往下突破的機會略大--自上月8日低位21028起升幅的0.382倍 / 0.5倍 / 0.618倍調整水平為21920 / 21750 / 215800若見淡友連0.236倍調整水平22131也無力攻佔,各位淡友便須小心。--我(梁業豪)正著手為中、長線投資港股作部署,準備於短期調整浪正式出現後,入市增持。
---於港股上升的同時,內地股市的升幅會較大。本港投資者如欲於內地股市上升時受惠,最佳投資對象莫如安碩A50中國 (2823)(
戊 丁 丙
子 亥 戌
08------07-----06 (years)
Dec----Nov- ----Oct (2010 months)
any chance to repeat the pattern?? Porky asks QQKK bro for such possibility before
Rampant Inflation In 2011? The Monetary Base Is Exploding, Commodity Prices Are Skyrocketing And The Fed Wants To Print Lots More Money
2011年四化:巨門化祿,太陽化權(outside china),文曲化科,文昌化忌(contractual complication)
(1)谢国忠:未来五年大城市房价平均跌一半 来源:财新网 作者:谢国忠 我现在正式通知大家,楼市已见顶,接下来将逐步下跌,熊市将持续五年(Mainland China)
2010庚寅??2011辛卯??2012 壬辰?? not good for Mainland china楼市
Porky's disclaimer-
Of course--「市場玄學」係mystic, esoteric religion而唔係有效嘅trading methodology-
(quote 竹本疋虫 Bro)
24节气和60甲子存在大周期统一,小周期则要有提前或落后的差异--对应立春这个节气,查看曰辰干支的60甲子循环,如果甲子曰已经过去,此为有余,木气旺;甲子曰还没有到,称为不足,木气虚;如果甲子曰正好是立春,方为木气适中。同理其他节气也是对应着用甲子曰来分析的。同样是一个节气,每年对应的五行却有强有弱,此为大周期固定,小周期波动的根本原因-2005年没有立春,甲子曰出现在了立春之后,所以顶底都落后于节气。2006立春是2月4曰,也正好是甲子曰,所以春天的波动符合节气的变化规律。 20065月5曰是甲午曰,早于5月6曰的立夏节气,所以今年夏季火旺;因此真正的喷发是在立夏之后,因为火旺本来到5月22曰的小满节气到顶的,提前到了5月16曰乙巳曰(干支为木生火)。6月6曰芒种的顶也提前到了2曰。6月14曰的甲戌开始新的涨势
UK stonehenge-
新月逢春分日 新月逢夏至日
满月逢春分日 满月逢夏至日
新月逢秋分日 新月逢冬至日
满月逢冬至日 满月逢冬至日
二十四节气*满月初一=48 critical tops/bottoms
2. 月食过后几天变动趋势出现大幅扭转,而且持续一个月以上;
3. 月食当天变化与月食前几天有明显不同,且最高值较前一天上升,最低值则更低;
Re-庚寅年之木土沖 by 杰赫 (自然之道命理術數研習社 » 天文占星 » 庚寅年之木土沖)
Porky- 2011 Mar Doomsday??辛卯年辛卯月文昌年忌月忌
2002年9月16日 华晨汽车集团控股有限公司正式成立 (
日 月 年
丁 己 壬
亥 酉 午
2009 → 2019 庚戌
身弱 , 建議以比劫印星為用神
2388 Bank of china (Hong Kong)
HK CR no 0010745
previously registered under the name of Po sang Bank寶生銀行(1964-10-16)
started to use the name BOC(HK) from 2001-Oct-01
日 月 年
丁 丁 辛
酉 酉 巳
身弱 (財星強), 建議以比劫印星為用神
2009 → 2019 丙申--丙(印)
Gahl Eden Sasson:Venus Retrograde(Oct 8-Nov 18) in Scorpio: A Hell of a Time for the US Midterm Elections ; the Sun will transit(Oct 8-Nov 7) the Via Combusta(Burning Path)
Porky- Oct 7th庚寅 (2011庚寅 yr)
Oct 8th-辛卯日文昌日忌-丙戌月廉貞月忌-庚寅年天同年忌卯,寅爭合戌
Via Combusta(天秤15度--天蝎15度)黄道带上的邪恶区(带有火星,土星,天王星的不可预知的烧毁一切的威力
From the CRB Research Team of Commodity Research Bureau-
(1)Copper prices are approaching the 2-year high posted in April. Demand concerns are limiting price gains(Fundamental Outlook-Bull Market Correction)
(2)Corn prices have fallen back from the recent 2-year high(Fundamental Outlook-Bull Market Correction)
Porky:Any furthur inter-markets contagions?
梁業豪-(HSI) 往下突破的機會略大--自上月8日低位21028起升幅的0.382倍 / 0.5倍 / 0.618倍調整水平為21920 / 21750 / 215800若見淡友連0.236倍調整水平22131也無力攻佔,各位淡友便須小心。--我(梁業豪)正著手為中、長線投資港股作部署,準備於短期調整浪正式出現後,入市增持。
---於港股上升的同時,內地股市的升幅會較大。本港投資者如欲於內地股市上升時受惠,最佳投資對象莫如安碩A50中國 (2823)(
戊 丁 丙
子 亥 戌
08------07-----06 (years)
Dec----Nov- ----Oct (2010 months)
any chance to repeat the pattern?? Porky asks QQKK bro for such possibility before
Rampant Inflation In 2011? The Monetary Base Is Exploding, Commodity Prices Are Skyrocketing And The Fed Wants To Print Lots More Money
2011年四化:巨門化祿,太陽化權(outside china),文曲化科,文昌化忌(contractual complication)
(1)谢国忠:未来五年大城市房价平均跌一半 来源:财新网 作者:谢国忠 我现在正式通知大家,楼市已见顶,接下来将逐步下跌,熊市将持续五年(Mainland China)
2010庚寅??2011辛卯??2012 壬辰?? not good for Mainland china楼市
Porky's disclaimer-
Of course--「市場玄學」係mystic, esoteric religion而唔係有效嘅trading methodology-
(quote 竹本疋虫 Bro)
2010 Oct 1 (Keep Updating)
Mid-Week Market Report on SP500, Oil, Gold & Dollar-
USO as a leading indicator-no good??
[10-10-01] 美元美股波浪划分——江恩2588(鼎砥投资论坛)
(1)DJIA(US)4月的11257之后走平台型调整浪,现在B完成即将开始C杀跌道--今天(Oct 1)应该是已经见顶
1(Holiday)下弦 Last quater Moon
危机重临爱尔兰 或需500亿欧元救银行
Porky-Dublin Bay is the East of Dublin
2011辛卯年 紫白飛星
yr 飛星5 is in the East
二月 Mar 2011 month 飛星5 is in the East
2011 March-troublesome
So HSI should have a rally before the 2011 March doomsday ??
Martin O. Hutchinson in How to Profit From the Metal That's More Precious Than Gold(Seeking Alpha)mentions-
ETFS Physical Platinum Shares (NYSE: PPLT).
Porky-similar pattern to HSI
10/01/10 US Dollar Index Targets New Lows by Stewart Solaka of futuresMONSTER-
"the US dollar index has made lows down to 78.620. (-- anticipating QE2?) Technically, a head and shoulders is in the charts, 89.10 head, 80.00 neckline, giving a range of 9.10. The market has broken below its neckline giving a potential target of 70.90 (80.00-9.10=70.90). This would lead the dollar to test it's lows from 2008 of 71.05. Short term, the US dollar may be oversold, any retraces back to 80.00 should resist and be seen as an opportunity to sell"
Porky- after short term consolidation/adjustment,HSI will resumes its rally???
The Dow Jones Industrial Average, for the first time since 2005, is approaching the formation of a 50-day MA“golden cross” 200-day MA chart usually seen as bullish. If history is a guide, investors should ignore the signal, said Bespoke Investment Group LLC. (Bloomberg)
QQQQ Price Action Suggests a Correction Is Incoming
Porky-Power shares QQQQ trust追蹤納斯達克指數
財政部的問題資產紓解方案(Troubled Asset Relief Program,TARP)下周一(4日)到期結束,部分小銀行因集資困難,料難趕及於限期前還款。惟多家一線尾大行,即使有錢也寧暫不還債,因還債後需再集資恐不利股東,引起儲局官員不滿。
惠普HP指派Leo Apotheker(Sep 18,1953)擔任執行長 盤後下挫3%
日 月 年
壬 辛 癸
申 酉 巳
身強 (印比皆強), 建議以食傷-財官殺為用神,
2008 → 2018 乙卯傷官good
clashes月辛酉 big change
Listing date 17 Mar 1961
時 日 月 年
己 己 辛 辛
巳 酉 卯 丑
Porky:New CEO Leo Apotheker 2008 → 2018 乙卯大運木
Chart:DJ-UBS Sugar Sub-index
" September 30th of a mid-term year, is a big day. This marks the market’s historic low point during the Presidential Election Cycle. Historically, September 30th of the mid-term year is the best time to buy stocks."(
Porky--大概調整down rather??$SPX&p=D&yr=1&mn=0&dy=0&id=p76690869386
Porky's disclaimer-
Of course--「市場玄學」係mystic, esoteric religion而唔係有效嘅trading methodology-
(quote 竹本疋虫 Bro)
USO as a leading indicator-no good??
[10-10-01] 美元美股波浪划分——江恩2588(鼎砥投资论坛)
(1)DJIA(US)4月的11257之后走平台型调整浪,现在B完成即将开始C杀跌道--今天(Oct 1)应该是已经见顶
1(Holiday)下弦 Last quater Moon
危机重临爱尔兰 或需500亿欧元救银行
Porky-Dublin Bay is the East of Dublin
2011辛卯年 紫白飛星
yr 飛星5 is in the East
二月 Mar 2011 month 飛星5 is in the East
2011 March-troublesome
So HSI should have a rally before the 2011 March doomsday ??
Martin O. Hutchinson in How to Profit From the Metal That's More Precious Than Gold(Seeking Alpha)mentions-
ETFS Physical Platinum Shares (NYSE: PPLT).
Porky-similar pattern to HSI
10/01/10 US Dollar Index Targets New Lows by Stewart Solaka of futuresMONSTER-
"the US dollar index has made lows down to 78.620. (-- anticipating QE2?) Technically, a head and shoulders is in the charts, 89.10 head, 80.00 neckline, giving a range of 9.10. The market has broken below its neckline giving a potential target of 70.90 (80.00-9.10=70.90). This would lead the dollar to test it's lows from 2008 of 71.05. Short term, the US dollar may be oversold, any retraces back to 80.00 should resist and be seen as an opportunity to sell"
Porky- after short term consolidation/adjustment,HSI will resumes its rally???
The Dow Jones Industrial Average, for the first time since 2005, is approaching the formation of a 50-day MA“golden cross” 200-day MA chart usually seen as bullish. If history is a guide, investors should ignore the signal, said Bespoke Investment Group LLC. (Bloomberg)
QQQQ Price Action Suggests a Correction Is Incoming
Porky-Power shares QQQQ trust追蹤納斯達克指數
財政部的問題資產紓解方案(Troubled Asset Relief Program,TARP)下周一(4日)到期結束,部分小銀行因集資困難,料難趕及於限期前還款。惟多家一線尾大行,即使有錢也寧暫不還債,因還債後需再集資恐不利股東,引起儲局官員不滿。
惠普HP指派Leo Apotheker(Sep 18,1953)擔任執行長 盤後下挫3%
日 月 年
壬 辛 癸
申 酉 巳
身強 (印比皆強), 建議以食傷-財官殺為用神,
2008 → 2018 乙卯傷官good
clashes月辛酉 big change
Listing date 17 Mar 1961
時 日 月 年
己 己 辛 辛
巳 酉 卯 丑
Porky:New CEO Leo Apotheker 2008 → 2018 乙卯大運木
Chart:DJ-UBS Sugar Sub-index
" September 30th of a mid-term year, is a big day. This marks the market’s historic low point during the Presidential Election Cycle. Historically, September 30th of the mid-term year is the best time to buy stocks."(
Porky--大概調整down rather??$SPX&p=D&yr=1&mn=0&dy=0&id=p76690869386
Porky's disclaimer-
Of course--「市場玄學」係mystic, esoteric religion而唔係有效嘅trading methodology-
(quote 竹本疋虫 Bro)
和记黄埔 13
--上市日期 1978-01-03
時 日 月 年
辛 乙 壬 丁
巳 丑 子 巳
Aug 甲申 2001庚寅
乙 依靠甲 甲具有根寅 乙(13 和记黄埔) is then strong
Aug Up
Sep 乙酉--巳酉丑trine
Sep Up
時 日 月 年
辛 乙 壬 丁
巳 丑 子 巳
Aug 甲申 2001庚寅
乙 依靠甲 甲具有根寅 乙(13 和记黄埔) is then strong
Aug Up
Sep 乙酉--巳酉丑trine
Sep Up
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