Friday, 8 October 2010

Oct 8 Updates

江西铜业(0358 ) surgesHK CR (1211602) 2008 Feb 18
時    日    月    年
丁    戊    甲    戊 
巳    子    寅    子
小運2010庚申 Wait till
2010 Aug-庚申 clashes 月甲寅
That explains 竹本疋虫兄's磨爛蓆
国泰君安2010-10-8港股报告:2868‎ (首創置業 )low P/B
Porky notices in Taifook research "A mania lies ahead"
(1)"Optimism over increased Asian trade flows ---should benefit container shippers such as OOIL 0316.HK--the container shipping
sector is likely to see 13% growth this year
RE-Gao Hua(Goldman Sachs) Economics Research-"China’s 12th Five-Year Program preview: Changes in policy makers’ expectations will be key"
"consumer staples, retail,healthcare, IT/internet and alternative energy sectors as likely beneficiaries with a unilaterally
positive exposure to the next Five-Year Program :autos,industrials/machinery are in
tune with most themes"
Porky-Domestic Demand for the next Five years as expected
Elliott Wave Index Trader -Looks like jobs (Report) will do it (SPX-CBOE Wave 5 top) on Friday US market
Porky-Next Week then??



1994年 3月22日(HKCR)
日    月    年
丁    丁    甲
未    卯    戌
1998 →  2008 戊辰(傷) opposite年甲戌

1997年 9月23日10時(IPO)
時    日    月    年
丁    戊    己    丁
巳    辰    酉    丑 

HKCR大運1998 →  2008 戊辰

日    月    年
丙    丙    庚
寅    戌    戌 
1992 →  2002 癸未(正官--傷官)
The new euro-yen bearish pattern might turn things upside down at least for a short while and Porky recalls the Venus Retrograde (read link pls)

John Roque with WJB Capital Group provides us a very happy picture on Gold prospects in the long run (see attached link below)
Wild Guess on HK-ADR
HBC(005)---3 tops?? bearish RSI(14)??
CEO(883)--- %B(20,2)slightly bearish divergence?
CHL(941)-%B(20,2) slightly bearish divergence?
ACH(2600) down?

RE-The Banker
"According BIS in early September, an average of $4000bn is being traded every day, up from $3200bn in 2007, when the BIS last carried out a survey of the global market.---$1500bn per day, and reflects increasing trading activity by 'other financial institutions', a segment that includes hedge funds and other non-bank counterparties such as pension funds and mutual funds."
Porky-FX volume bubble as commented by the other experts??

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