My facebook friend Ivan Leung made a request recently
"Can u make a comment on 2005 by 紫微斗數...謝謝"
Ivan, here u are
Lijun International Pharmaceutical (Holding) Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company incorporated in the Cayman Islands on 28 September 2004.
For a male born on that day 巳時
2009 己丑
2009流年命-天同,巨門 (武曲化科化年祿,天相,祿存,天馬 and 貪狼化運祿-夾)--2祿夾--good
2010流年命-武曲,天相,祿存,天馬--流年祿存,流年天馬相對 good (太陽化忌,天梁,,鈴星,擎羊 and 天同化年忌,,巨門夾 bad)
2010 top-off
2011流年福德--天機化運忌-地劫地空夾--運擎羊運陀羅夾--very bad
2012流年命-七殺,地劫,天刑運陀--流年陀羅相對--天機化運忌and 太陽化忌夾--no good??
2012流年 事業--破軍化權--武曲化年忌,天相相對---no good ??
So for a male born on 28 September 2004 巳時, the astrological co-incidence is 2012 might not be a very good year
Lijun International Pharmaceutical Holding Co. Ltd.
HK CR F0014044
13 Jun 2005
For a male born on 13 Jun 2005 巳時
年柱 正官 乙(木) 酉(金) 傷官
月柱 偏財 壬(水) 午(火) 正印
日柱 日主 戊(土) 辰(土) 比肩
時柱 正印 丁(火) 巳(火) 偏印
2007/17 傷官 辛(金) 巳(火)
2009 己丑--巳酉丑--傷官生財 good
2010庚寅--巳寅申 (庚= 申) 3刑 bad--2010 top-off
2011辛卯沖年柱 乙 酉--bad
2012壬辰--壬偏財 vs 辰比肩--爭財?
So for a male born on 13 Jun 2005 巳時, the astrological co-incidence is 2012 might not be a very good year
Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 宣傳封建迷信:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定
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