Sunday, 29 January 2012


Twitter’s announcement this week that it was going to enable country-specific censorship of posts is arousing fury around the Internet. Commentators, activists, protesters and netizens have said it’s “very bad news” ( Twitter’s censorship is a gray box of shame, but not for Twitter-By Paul Smalera-Reuters-January 28, 2012)

wiki search-

The first Twitter prototype was used as an internal service for Odeo employees and the full version was introduced publicly on July 15, 2006.
Chinese 4-Pillars Astrology
年柱 傷官 丙(火) 戌(土) 正財
月柱 比肩 乙(木) 未(土) 偏財
日柱 日主 乙(木) 巳(火) 傷官
2012 壬(水) 辰(土) 沖年柱

Jack Dorsey (born November 19, 1976) is an American software architect and businessman widely known as the creator of Twitter
Chinese 4-Pillars Astrology
年柱 傷官 丙(火) 辰(土) 正財
月柱 偏財 己(土) 亥(水) 正印
日柱 日主(得時) 乙(木) 亥(水)
大運 2003/13~ 正印 壬(水) 寅(木) 劫財
2012 壬(水) 辰(土) 印耗財

2012 might not be too good a year for Twitter

Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定

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