Thursday, 31 January 2013

Michel Sapin 's joke-"France Is Bankrupt And The Euro Will Collapse "

France Is Bankrupt And The Euro Will Collapse Says Labor Minister: Is He Joking?--France's Labour Minister has sent shivers down the spines of his compatriots after announcing that the country is a bankrupt state - in a radio interview on Sunday.
In a radio interview on Sunday, Labor Minister Michel Sapin defended French austerity measures, saying that the budget cuts are needed for the economy to get back on track, and that “there is a state, but it is a totally bankrupt state.” (Before-It-Is-News)

Michel Sapin was born on April 9, 1952

Chinese Astro-

年柱 正印 壬(水) 辰(土) 正財

月柱 劫財 甲(木) 辰(土) 正財

日柱 日主 乙(木) 酉(金) 七殺

大運2011/21--58~68 正官 庚(金) 戌(土) 正財


庚=申, 甲=寅---申寅巳3刑

seems Michel Sapin might need to face some bad consequences woh--   Just Wild Guess

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