Friday, 29 March 2013

Before and After April 20th (穀雨)grain rain

Luigi Z on 941

$HSI:$USD ratio weekly chart

HSI Daily Count

From Luigi Z on 28 Mar (2 days ago)
"If the market is going south, we should be seeing it in 941. Below 80 is its longest support, and the short selling has been much less aggressive. Any indication here?"

Kimble Charting Solution highlights on USD strength and It is now the 78th week count in my HSI:USD weekly ratio chart
 Apr 14-Apr 19 will then be the 81th week count
81 =9 sq

My HSI count is that the next market open day on April 2 will corresponds to the 36th day count (36=6 square).  Apr 19 will then be the 48th day count. April 19t will also be the 13th day since the April 2 market open
(47 a Lucas No; 49=9 square; 13-a Fib No)

April 20th will be  the (穀雨)grain rain solar term day
Mar 20 was the vernal equinox day 春分
while vernal equinox was 0 deg Longitude along the ecliptic, April 20th (穀雨)grain rain  will be the 30 deg day

April 20 will be 丙辰月丙辰日

Just Wild Guess

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