Friday, 4 October 2013

Yandex (Nasdaq; YNDX)

Yandex (Russian: Яндекс) is a Russian Internet company which operates the largest search engine in Russia with about 60% market share in that country.[3] It also develops a number of Internet-based services and products. Yandex ranked as the 4th largest search engine worldwide, based on information from, with more than 150 million searches per day as of April 2012, and more than 50.5 million visitors (all company's services) daily as of February 2013.[4] The company's mission is to provide answers to any questions users have or think about (explicit or implicit). Yandex also has a very large presence in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, providing nearly a third of all search results in those markets and 43% of all search results in Belarus.
The home page has been rated as the most popular website in Russia(wiki)

Arkady Yurievich Volozh (born February 11, 1964, Atyrau, Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic) is the principal founder of Russian search engine Yandex. He has been the company’s CEO and a director since 2000. Arkady founded Yandex in 1997; in 2000, he left his position of CEO at CompTek International to become the CEO of Yandex.(wiki)
Arkady Yurievich Volozh--
庚日男性-Yandex=印土--2014甲午木火生土 ,2015乙未木損土
大運2012/2022 辛未劫財坐正印--Yandex=印土 看到劫財

Just Wild Guess

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