Sunday, 25 April 2010

De Beers鑽石生產減少 vs HK 珠宝股

FT-25 Apr-De Beers to cut diamond production
> De Beers plans to reduce production in an attempt to extend the life of its mines, in a move that analysts say could be a precursor to the privately held group relisting
德比爾斯De Beers鑽石生產減少

Key people Nicky Oppenheimer-Chairman(born 8 June 1945)
主要負責人-尼基奧本海默主席(生於 1945年6月8日 )
日 月 年
戊 壬 乙
申 午 酉
62 ~ 71 乙亥

Founder-Cecil John Rhodes DCL (5 July 1853 )
創始人, 塞西爾約翰羅德斯 DCL(1853年7月5日)
日    月    年  
癸    戊    癸
酉    午    丑 
1942 →  1951 己酉
2002-2011 癸卯 

拋光鑽石三月價格高Polished Diamond Prices Higher in March: IDEX Online Research
April 7, 2010 in Diamond Jewelry
Tags: diamond industry, Diamond Jewelry, diamond news, diamond prices, index online research

Global polished diamond prices continued to rise in March 2010, according to the IDEX Online Global Polished Diamond Price Index. After languishing for most of 2009, this is the fourth consecutive month that polished diamond prices have risen. It is clear that this is a trend, and it is likely to be sustainable for the remainder of 2010.全球拋光鑽石價格繼續上漲 2010年3月,根據線全球拋光鑽石價格指數。對於2009煎熬後,這是2010第四個連續月,拋光鑽石價格上升。很顯然,這是一種趨勢,它很可能是可持續的,其餘的2010年。

Four key factors continue to push polished diamond prices higher:

· Rough diamond prices have risen – Rough diamond prices rose by an estimated 10 percent in 2009, while polished prices remained about flat during the year. After three diamond sales weeks so far in 2010, rough prices are already up by 10 percent so far this year (on an annualized basis, this would equate to a 40 percent rise). Rough diamond pricing pressure is finally having an impact on polished diamond prices. 粗鑽石的價格已經上漲 - 粗鑽石價格上漲了約 10個百分點 2009年,而拋光價格仍然在這一年基本持平。經過 3個星期鑽石銷售在2010年至今,粗略的價格已經上升了百分之十,今年迄今(按年度計算,這相當於增加了百分之40)。毛坯鑽石的價格壓力,終於產生了影響拋光鑽石的價格。

· Anticipation of re-stocking throughout the diamond pipeline – Inventory levels in the diamond pipeline are very low, especially at the retail store level. Some retailers have begun to re-stock jewelry, after selling down their inventories over the past two years. This increased demand – and the prospects for growing demand, both at the consumer and retail level – have caused polished diamond producers to increase their prices. 預測重新放養整個鑽石管道 - 庫存水平鑽石管道很低,尤其是在零售商店的水平。一些零售商已經開始向重購首飾,減持後其庫存在過去的兩年。這增加的需求 - 日益增長的需求的前景,無論是在消費者和零售層面 - 造成拋光鑽石生產商增加其價格。

· Some retailers have raised prices for diamond jewelry – As diamantaires see that major chain retailers have begun to raise prices at the retail level, they have been emboldened to raise wholesale prices further. Signet Group announced that it raised jewelry prices – including diamond and gold jewelry – between February 15 and March 15. ·一些零售商提高價格,鑽石珠寶 - 鑽石商看到,隨著大型連鎖零售商已開始提高價格在零售層面,他們已經敢於批發價格的進一步提高。西格內特集團宣布,它提出了首飾的價格 - 包括鑽石和黃金首飾 - 2月15日至3月15日。

· Global economy recovering – The global economy is showing solid signs of shaking off the recessionary environment that has existed since late 2007. Further, the U.S. economy has posted solid growth – fourth quarter 2009 GDP rose by a dramatic 5.6 percent (revised) while third quarter 2009 GDP was up a solid 2.2 percent. Two back-to-back quarters of economic growth bode well for diamond demand. Further, the OECD, the international economic think-tank, has released forecasts calling for the global economy to continue to recover this year.全球經濟復甦 - 全球經濟正顯示出紮實的跡象擺脫衰退的環境,2007年底以來一直存在。此外,美國經濟已發布的穩健增長 - 2009年第四季度國內生產總值增長了百分之5.6戲劇性(修訂本),而2009年第三季度國內生產總值增長了2.2個百分點堅實。兩個後端到後端季度經濟增長好兆頭鑽石的需求。此外,經合組織,國際經濟智囊團,已發布的預測,要求在全球經濟繼續復甦,今年

明丰珠宝集团有限公司Ming Fung Jewellery (860.HK). Listing Date : 3/9/2002
時 日 月 年
己 甲 戊 壬
巳 戌 申 午
大運: 3 ~ 12 己酉
2010 庚寅
億鑽珠寶NOBLE JEWELRY HOLDINGS LTD (475:HK0)-17/4/2007
時 日 月 年
癸 辛 甲 丁
巳 巳 辰 亥
大運: 5 ~ 14 癸卯(2012-2021)

六福 LUK FOOK HOLD (0590)-6/5/1997
時 日 月 年
丁 戊 乙 丁
巳 申 巳 丑
11 ~ 20 癸卯
周生生CHOW SANG SANG (0116)-6/4/1973.
時 日 月 年
乙 壬 丙 癸
巳 申 辰 丑
31 ~ 40 壬子
景福 KING FOOK HOLDINGS ( 28/3/1988
時 日 月 年
乙 壬 乙 戊
巳 午 卯 辰
23 ~ 32 戊午
謝瑞麟Tse Sui Luen Jewellery (International)(
時 日 月 年
辛 庚 丙 丁
巳 戌 午 卯
19 ~ 28 甲辰

時 日 月 年
癸 辛 己 丁
巳 未 酉 丑
大運: 7 ~ 16 戊申

2010 庚寅???

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