Friday, 16 April 2010

Mexico'古惑仔s - Drug Cartel 楂Fit人

Ref-Mother Jones
Mexico's New Super-Cartel Ups Violence in Power Play

(1)Los Zetas -
Los Zetas is a criminal organization in Mexico dedicated mostly to international illegal drug trade. This drug cartel was founded by an elite force of assassins from Mexican Army deserters and is now integrated by corrupt ex-federal, state, and local police officers, as well as ex-Kaibiles from Guatemala.Since February 2010 Los Zetas have gone independent and became enemies of its former employer/partner, the Gulf Cartel(wiki)
Los Zetas are led by Heriberto "El Lazca" Lazcano
Born December 25, 1974
日 月 年
庚 丙 甲
子 子 寅
35 ~ 44 庚辰

(2)New Federation cartel
(a)Sinaloa Cartel
The Sinaloa Cartel (Pacific Cartel, Guzman-Loera Cartel) (Spanish: Cártel de Sinaloa) is a Mexican drug cartel primarily operating out of the states of Baja California, Sinaloa, Durango, Sonora and Chihuahua.[1][2] The cartel is also known as the Guzmán-Loera (wiki).It is named after
the Mexican pacific coast state of Sinaloa where it was initially formed.
Joaquín Guzmán Loera (born April 4, 1957)[citation needed], nicknamed "El Chapo" (Spanish: "Shorty") is a Mexican drug lord who heads the Sinaloa Cartel
日 月 年
丙 癸 丁
午 卯 酉
51 ~ 60 戊戌
The Gulf Cartel (Spanish: Cártel del Golfo) is a Mexican drug cartel based in Matamoros, Tamaulipas. The cartel is present in 13 states with important areas of operation in the cities of Nuevo Laredo, Miguel Alemán, Reynosa and Matamoros in the northern state of Tamaulipas; it also has important operations in the states of Nuevo León and in Michoacán. The Gulf works closely with corrupt law officials and business people in Mexico and the United States.[(wiki)
Co-leaders are
Jorge Eduardo Costilla Sánchez(August 1, 1971)
日 月 年
戊 乙 辛
午 未 亥
39 ~ 48 辛卯
Antonio Ezequiel Cárdenas Guillen (a.k.a.: Tony Tormenta)(Born March 5, 1962 )
日 月 年
壬 壬 壬
寅 寅 寅
41 ~ 50 丁未, 51 ~ 60 戊申

Note that 2010-2012 are the 庚寅,辛卯 and壬辰 year

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