Saturday, 1 May 2010

Aung San Suu Kyi昂山素姬,彭家聲 & Myanmar 緬甸

(4)Aung San Suu Kyi昂山素姬 & Myanmar 緬甸
NYUNT SHWE in The Japan Times bluntly says "Change is in the wind in Myanmar but not in the way that Aung San Suu Kyi and her colleagues would like. --The new form of parliamentary dictatorship could, initially, replace the military dictatorship with the incumbent regime's proxies at the helm alongside limited liberalizations that will eventually open up opportunities toward political democracy in the end."

69 ~ 78 乙巳born 19 June 1945
日 月 年
己 壬 乙
未 午 酉
2010虛歲:66 歲
57 ~ 66 戊子
67 ~ 76 己丑
2010庚寅 --傷官-正官
later 67 ~ 76 己丑 means 丑 clashes未
Aung San Suu Kyi 's English husband might have some complications
2011辛卯 clashes年乙酉-2011 a difficult time for her Political Party
Note 57 ~ 66 戊子 is 劫財-偏財 which means fortune was lost
and this coming 67 ~ 76 己丑 means 比肩 who are new-comers who will crowd her out

Her political party-National League for Democracy of Burma 全國民主聯盟founded on 27 September 1988,
日 月 年
乙 辛 戊
酉 酉 辰
2010虛歲:23 歲
2011辛卯 clashes日乙酉
25 ~ 34 甲子

Shan States撣邦-The Kokang incident was a violent conflict or series of skirmishes that broke out in August 2009 in the Kokang Special Region (also known as Special Region 1) in Burma's (also known as Myanmar) northern Shan State2009年果敢軍事衝突,是2009年8月在緬甸果敢發生的一場軍事衝突,交戰一方為忠於果敢彭氏政權的緬甸民族民主同盟軍,另一方為緬甸聯邦政府。自8月8日開始的軍事對峙而引發難民潮,始稱八八事件。兩週後戰爭爆發,最終在緬甸軍政府的優勢軍力之下,瓦解了果敢特區的反抗軍隊

農曆:1931 年 12 月 29 日
日 月 年
丙 辛 辛
申 丑 未
2010 虛歲: 80 歲
71 ~ 80 甲午
2009己丑= 傷官=lose position
午=劫(being ripped off)
2010 2010庚寅 clashes日丙申

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