Monday, 13 September 2010

Sep 13 Articles Review

Sep 13 Articles Review
一篇好文章-A grand projet we can do without
Sir Howard Davies (born 12 February 1951)
M-正印(庚寅)傷官--戊 丙甲
D--日主(癸未)七殺--乙 丁 己

大運甲申 衝月庚寅----突破
倫敦經濟學院幸運 Anthony Giddens之後又另一紮實director
Tony Blair-born 6 May 1953
M--比肩丁巳劫財--丙(庚戊 )
D--比肩丁巳劫財--丙(庚戊 )

西元 實歲 大運 流年
2010 57 辛亥 庚寅 -地支亥寅合忌印耗盡辛庚財

評論家不好評Tony Blair新書"Good Journey"'
第一個家樂福商店開門 6月3日,1957年,
yr--劫財丁酉正財-- 辛
m- 正印乙巳比肩--庚 戊 丙
D- 日主丙午劫財--己 丁
放弃东南(SE)亚 E=木 S=火

康節四字斷終生: 蟠桃帶露
西元 實歲 大運 流年
2010 53 庚子 庚寅 
大運庚子 clashes日主丙午
John Andrew Boehner (pronounced /ˈbeɪnər/ BAY-nər; born November 17, 1949
YR-偏印-己丑-偏印 (辛 癸 己)
M-偏財-乙亥-傷官 (甲 壬 )
D-日主-辛亥-傷官(甲 壬)


Chinese Remake the ‘Made in Italy’ Fashion Label
Mayor, Roberto Cenni (since June 22, 2009
yr--劫財--己丑--劫財--辛 癸 己
D-- 日主--戊戌--比肩 丁 辛 戊- 日支化火
庚--食 citizens --寅(transport--immigrants)
戊戌--bad day
(1)Two years after arriving in Washington on a message of hope and change, Democratic candidates are not extolling their party’s accomplishments, but rather distancing themselves from their party’s agenda.--
they are trying to personalize their contests and avoid being defined as ideological partners of President Obama’s or as part of the Washington establishment.
(2)Evan L. Tracey, president of the independent Campaign Media Analysis Group.
, which monitors political advertising. “This will be the most negative election we’ve probably ever seen, because everyone is trying to tap into voters on an emotional level and no one is looking to entertain right now.”
(3)Senator Harry Reid of Nevada in one of his latest commercials, he said nothing about his time as majority leader, but instead talked about milk. A dairy owner offered a testimonial that Mr. Reid “really came through for us.”
(4)A Democratic candidate in Nebraska’s Second District, Tom White, does not mention that he is a Democrat, branding himself “Nebraska Independence for Congress

(In Ad Wars, Democrats Shy From Ties to Own

Leader-Harry Mason Reid (born December 2, 1939)
日    月    年
癸    乙    己
酉    亥    卯
2009 →  2019 戊辰
Sep乙酉 衝 年己卯
Paul Krugman有運
China, Japan, America--By PAUL KRUGMAN
(1)Chinese purchases of our(US) bonds don’t help us — they hurt us. The Japanese understand that
(2)An undervalued currency promotes inflation, erodes the real wages of Chinese workers and squanders Chinese resources. But while currency manipulation is bad for China as a whole, it’s good for politically influential Chinese companies — many of them state-owned. And so the currency manipulation goes on.
(3) why has such action(to impose a temporary tariff on imports from China that offsets the China-subsidy) never been on the table-- fear of what would happen if the Chinese stopped
buying American bonds is completely misplaced: in a world awash with excess savings, we don’t need China’s money — especially because the Federal Reserve could and should buy up any bonds the Chinese sell.
(4)the dollar would fall if China decided to dump some American holdings. But this would actually help the U.S. economy, making our exports more competitive.
(5)a more sinister cause of U.S. passivity: business fear of Chinese retaliation- the clearly illegal subsidies China provides to its clean-energy industry should have led to a formal complaint from American businesses(the steelworkers union filed a complaint )The Times reported, “multinational companies and trade associations in the clean energy business, as in many other industries, have been wary of filing trade cases, fearing Chinese officials’ reputation for retaliating against joint ventures in their country and potentially denying market access to any company that takes sides against China

Paul Krugman-born February 28, 1953
日    月    年
庚    甲    癸
戌    寅    巳 
2010 →  2020 戊申 衝月甲寅
Goldman Sachs- “de-partnering.”
On Wall Street, becoming a partner at Goldman Sachs is considered the equivalent of winning the lottery. This fall, in a secretive process, some 100 executives will be chosen to receive this golden ticket, bestowing rich pay packages and an inside track to the top jobs at the company. As many as 60 Goldman executives could be stripped of their partnerships this year to make way for new blood, people with firsthand knowledge of the process say. Inside the firm, the process is known as “de-partnering.” Goldman does not disclose who is no longer a partner, and many move on to jobs elsewhere; some stay, telling few of their fate.Goldman weeds out partners because it is worried that if the partnership becomes too big, it will lose its cachet and become less of a motivational tool for talented up-and-comers, people involved in the process say. If too many people stay, it creates a logjam.

Goldma Sachs- Listing date 04 May 1999
Record gains for US poverty with elections looming
--The number of people in the U.S. who are in poverty is on track for a record increase on President Barack Obama's watch, with the ranks of working-age poor approaching 1960s levels that led to the national war on poverty.
A formula by Richard Bavier, a former analyst with the White House Office of Management and Budget who has had high rates of accuracy over the last decade, predicts poverty will reach 15 percent.
Basel III歐洲銀行將最終要募集數百億元計的歐元資金。
ECB委員:銀行需補充數千億歐羅的額外資本歐洲央行(ECB)管理委員會委員兼巴塞爾委員會主席魏霖克(Nout Wellink)表示,根據在銀行業資本新規方面達成的協議,銀行需要補充數以千億計歐羅的額外資本。

魏霖克今日接受荷蘭電台節目NOS Radio 1 Journaal採訪時稱,他於提及具體數字時有些猶豫,主要因為這包含一段很長的過渡期,將需要約8年,且數字將隨著時間的推移而變化,金額將以數千億歐羅計算。
It will be hundreds of billions (of euros)," European Central Bank Governing Council member and head of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Nout Wellink said of total capital-raising needs.

"Partly they will have to retain profit for years which they cannot use to pay shareholders or bonuses. For another part, this will vary from bank to bank, they will have to get it from the capital market," Wellink, who heads the Dutch central bank, told Dutch NOS Radio 1 Journaal.

Dr. Arnout Henricus Elisabeth Maria (Nout) Wellink (Bredevoort, 27 augustus 1943)
日    月    年
丁    庚    癸
巳    申    未
身弱 (財星強), 建議以比劫印星為用神
2006 →  2016 丁卯比劫印大運(西元)
魏霖克(Nout Wellink)有運--提防歐洲銀行

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