HK:682--Chaoda Modern Agriculture (Holdings) Ltd. (HKG)
Hong Kong Company Registry
Date of Registration
In Chinese 4 Pillars Astrology Notation八字排盤
year pillar年柱 偏印 庚(金) 辰(土) 七殺
month pillar月柱 正財 丁(火) 亥(水) 比肩
day pillar 日柱 日主 壬(水) 辰(土) 七殺
hour pillar時柱 傷官 乙(木) 巳(火) 偏財
10-yr trend 2003/13大運干支--戊土/子水
Note 2011 卯 is in hard aspects with 10-yr trend 子
Note 2012 壬(水) 辰(土) year same notation as daily pillar 日柱
HKEJ--研究機構Anonymous Analytics日前發表超大現代(682)的報告後,集團再爆出負面消息,全球最大互惠基金公司之一的美國富達投資(FMR),涉嫌於2009年6月就超大進行內幕交易,超大主席兼執行董事郭浩和執行董事兼首席財務官陳志寶亦牽涉其中。富達投資發言人力撐被控的基金經理George Stairs,相信他沒有違規。
Chaoda Plunges After Hong Kong Sues for Misconduct Amid Land Allegations
Chaoda Modern Agriculture Holdings Ltd. (682) plunged the most in eight-and-a-half years after the Hong Kong government accused it of market misconduct amid allegations the Chinese food producer overstated its land holdings.
The shares tumbled 27 percent to HK$1.10, the most since March 2003, before trading was suspended pending a price- sensitive statement. Chaoda was the second-biggest decliner on the MSCI AC Asia Pacific Index.
Chaoda’s market value has been cut by HK$11.9 billion ($1.5 billion) since Next Magazine’s May 26 report alleging it exaggerated its farmland, which was denied by the company. Increased scrutiny of Chinese companies including Toronto-listed Sino-Forest Corp. (TRE), accused of fraud by short-seller Muddy Waters LLC, has driven down the Bloomberg Chinese Reverse Mergers Index down 58 percent this year.
The Hong Kong Financial Secretary’s office on Sept. 23 confirmed the case against Chaoda in the Market Misconduct Tribunal. Securities and Futures Commission spokesman Jonathan Li declined to comment today on whether the regulator had conducted an investigation of the company before the Financial Secretary filed the case.
Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism
宣傳封建迷信:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定
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