Nikkei 300 Index Weekly

Shanghai Composite Index
Mr Hendry’s Eclectica Credit Fund shorts against highly cyclical Japanese corporate credits which correlate to Chinese demand.
Company No. OC312442
Date of Incorporation: 30/03/2005
Chinese 4 Pillars Astrology
year 年柱 yin wood 乙(木)/ 酉(金) yin gold
month月柱 yin wood ) 己(土) /卯(木) 食神 yin woodday
日柱 yin water 癸(水) /丑(土) yin wet soil
hour yin fire 丁(火) /巳(火) yang fire---Fire=fortune財 here
This 2011 is yin gold 辛(金)/卯(木) yin wood year--Now the second half year of 2011 is ruled by 卯(木) yin wood which supports the fortune fire
The month of September is yin fire 丁(火)/酉(金) yin gold--yin fire 丁(火)is fortune 財 and 酉(金) yin gold supports the weak day ruler 日主(失時) to manage his fortune
2012 will be a yang water 壬水/辰土 soft soil year. Note the yang water 壬水 will seize the fortune財 yin fire 丁(火)away (壬丁合, 合走財)
2012 might not be a very good year for ECLECTICA ASSET MANAGEMENT LLP.
Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 宣傳封建迷信:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定
1 comment:
Hey Porky just wanted to tell you that i respect your work very much. I was on hkej forum today and see that some gave due credit to ejfq, but surely have forgotten about your analysis and forecasts. I'm sure a lot of people, like me, weight your work highly. With so much fiancial readings to g through daily, i often have to just fly through valuable research once, but with your work, i often find myself reading at least twice a piece to make sure i'm not missing anything out. I can't post on hkej, so i post here. I appreciate your work, thanks a lot! If you dont mind to leave me your email, we can keep in touch. Mine: cpyleitz@gmail.com
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