XX:01--KOSPI 200 Index

HSI 15 min chart

Just to update my Feb 13 Wild Guess post with Friday close charts
2012-Feb-13 9.30 am Hong Kong Placidus (Geocentric/Tropical/True Node) Chart
香港Placidus天宮圖2012-Feb-13 9.30 am
眾星雲集格局 <太陽:水瓶23°44'> - <水星:水瓶28°10'> - <海王:雙魚00°21'> 力量是相當偉大
The Stellum with Sun, Mercury and Neptune in in/around Aquarius is very powerful
Jupiter(Tauruis) 120 degree good aspects wuth MC (Capricorn)
Moon (Scorpion) and Jupiter (Taurius) in opposition-overspending/bullish prone
Moon (Scorpion) and Saturn(Libra) in conjunction-materialistic soul
Chinese 4 Pillars Astrology - 2012 Feb 13 9-11 am Mundane Chart
2012-02-13 巳時
年柱 偏印 壬(水) 辰(土) 偏財
月柱 偏印 壬(水) 寅(木) 比肩
日柱 日主 甲(木) 辰(土) 偏財
時柱 正財 己(土) 巳(火) 食神
甲(木) 辰(土)日柱-- 對應寅月辰年
甲(木)合 己(土) --財合日主
2012-02-13 巳時八字排盤容易看漲
The Chinese 4 Pillars Chart is bullish -prone
Zi Wei Dou Shou for 2012 Feb 13 9-11 mundane chart
2012-02-13 巳時紫微排盤容易看漲
Zi Wei Dou Shou for 2012 Feb 13 9-11 mundane chart is bullish prone
Ding-Fire-168 (Porky) suspects rally around 13 Feb
Ding-Fire-168 (Porky)懷疑2月13日反彈
Note the South Korean KOPSI 200 Index 10D hrly chart has done 4 noticeable upswing/Topping to BB(20,2) Upper Band level. Both Slow Stochastics and William%R suggest one more upswing and ROC indicates a weakening. If a 5th upsticks occurs on Feb 13, then we should be cautious--5 implies change
注意:韓國KOPSI200指數10日分時圖已完成了4 明顯回升 /打頂至BB(20,2)上帶的水平。慢速隨機指標和威廉的%R建議回升; ROC減弱。如果的的第五回升發生在02月13日,然後應謹慎-5意味著變化-
For the HSI 30-min chart the Macd(3,4,1) line is getting lower and lower Oscillators do suggest an more upswing coming
對於恆生指數的30分鐘圖表, 振盪指標,建議回升, 但MACD(3,4,1)線越來越低的
The HSCI (Heng Seng Composite Weekly) do suggest a sell signal
Ding-Fire-168 (Porky) wonders if a true sell-off will occur by Wednesday market open 15 Feb 9.30 when the moon is inconjunction with its own Lunar North Node. The Lunar North Node was still in Retrograde on the 14th 9.30. The Node goes direct on the 15th when the Moon comes to in-conjunction with it
Ding-Fire-168 (Porky)想週三真正的拋售,2月15日9.30,月亮合自己的月北交點。月北交點在14日9.30仍然逆行。2月15日9.30,月亮合自己的月北交點, 月北交點順行
Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定
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