HSI Daily

2012-02-03 09:30:00 HKSAR 114°06' E , 22°12' N Placidus (Geocentric/Tropical/True Node
月亮離開第02財富宮頭(金牛04°05)進入 第03宮頭:雙子03°16' --金星和火星(逆行)兇刑月亮--北交:射手12°27'(逆行)衝月亮
The moon has left Taurus and enters Gemini--Venus and Mars (Retrograde) square Moon and North Moon Node (Retrograde) is in opposition to Moon
奇門從下6,變上8局--Chinese Strange Door Divination changes to Upper 8 from Lower 6 Plate
大件不宜--a jinx day
八字 Chinese 4-Pillars Astrology
日柱 日主(失時) 甲(木) 午(火) 傷官
時柱 正財 己(土) 巳(火)食神
甲己合土財 --巳午合傷食火
Synastry between day and hourly pillars (9-11 am)
Zi-Wei-Dou-Shou Astrology (2012-Feb-3 9-11 am) natal chart--bad for 1st house and house of properties
HSI--peaking point? 峰值點? the fall 然後下降?
Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定
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