Monday, 29 April 2013

Terminating Bailouts for Taxpayer Fairness Act--2014?

The bipartisan bill, Terminating Bailouts for Taxpayer Fairness Act, sponsored by senators Sherrod Brown, an Ohio Democrat, and David Vitter, a Louisiana Republican, is a courageous attempt to address the undercapitalization that led to the global financial crisis

Sherrod Campbell Brown (born November 9, 1952) is the senior United States Senator from Ohio and a member of the Democratic Party.
年柱  偏財  庚(金)  申(金)  偏財
月柱  劫財  丁(火)  亥(水)  七殺 
日柱  日主  丙(火)  戌(土)  食神 

2009/19   庚(金)  寅(木)  偏印 '
2013癸(水)  巳(火 )
2014 甲(木)  午(火)

David Bruce Vitter (born May 3, 1961) is the junior United States Senator from Louisiana and a member of the Republican Party.
年柱  正財  辛(金)  丑(土)  傷官 
月柱  七殺  壬(水)  辰(土)  食神 
日柱  日主  丙(火)  申(金)  偏財 

2010/20 劫財 丁(火)  亥(水)  七殺
2013癸(水)  巳(火 )
2014 甲(木)  午(火)

Wild Guess-The passage of the Acts will be in 2014

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