Saturday, 23 May 2015




李正豪 漢能5月20日在香港、北京兩地發生的故事,讓市場大跌眼鏡。 在港交所,漢能薄膜發電(00566.HK)從當日上午10:15跌破7港元開始,“斷崖式”下跌至10:40停牌時的3.91港元。當日,以7.35港元開盤的漢能薄膜發電股價下跌46.95%;該公司市值從開盤時的3066億港元,縮水至1435億港元;該公司董事局主席李河君持股比例為80.85%,身價蒸發1167億港元。 在北京,李河君當日上午10:40在位於奧林匹克公園的漢能清潔能源展示中心發表了時長不超過9分鐘的演講,重申“漢能的夢想”——希望有一天像蘋果、微軟在美國一樣,像三星在韓國一樣,成為中國企業的國家名片。 對股價暴跌的原因,有香港媒體報道稱,5月14日,有高達逾18.8億股漢能(約占已發行股份4.5%)股份轉入東方證券;可見大部分股份由實物股票市場轉入,大有部署沽貨意味。交易數據顯示,漢能薄膜發電在5月20日發生了6次超過600萬股、19次超過100萬股的拋售,可見多家機構參與了該股的拋售。 漢能相關負責人在接受《中國經營報》記者採訪時表示,“我們也不知道股價大跌的原因,一切以公告為準。” 再發新品 5月20日上午,漢能薄膜發電在香港九龍香格里拉召開股東大會,該公司董事局主席李河君並未出席,會議由行政總裁代明芳主持。相關報道顯示,代明芳在會議期間突然離開座位接聽電話,直至會議結束才返座。代明芳當日也拒絕就股價大跌置評,僅稱將發佈公告。 身著白襯衫、條紋西裝的李河君,當日則出現在北京奧林匹克公園舉行漢能清潔能源展示中心落成典禮暨薄膜充電新品發佈會。漢能清潔能源展示中心是全球首座“以太陽為主線,以清潔能源為主題”的專業展館,占地面積達到7119平方米,據稱耗資超億元。 李河君在不到9分鐘的演講中提到,“風能、核電、潮汐能等新能源各有局限,唯一可靠的能夠大規模替代傳統化石能源的,只有太陽能。”他表示,“我們在三五年的時間里,已經把薄膜太陽能發電的成本降到5毛錢,而且每提高一個轉化率百分點,成本下降5%。”李河君借此闡釋漢能薄膜發電未來的市場空間,因此又在演講中重提“漢能的夢想”。 當日,漢能還發佈了便攜、移動、專業三個系列共計12款薄膜發電充電新品,並邀請中國登山界青年代表、北京市應急志願者服務總隊、瓦努阿圖能源部官員等為新產品站台,講述其應用場景。但據記者瞭解,這些新產品的價格不菲,在消費市場上推廣並不容易。 空方“突襲”? 2014年11月滬港通開啓以來,漢能薄膜發電成為港股明星。 數據顯示,漢能薄膜發電自2006年上市至2013年以前,股價基本上都處於0.3港元以下; 2012年年末,股價為0.35港元,市值為145.7億港元;2013年以後,漢能股價進入上升通道,2013年年末升至1.43元,市值接近600億港元;2014年漢能股價加速上升,出人意料地上漲5.5倍;2015年以來,漢能股價從年初的2.81港元上漲至5月初的9港元高點,總市值則高達3778億港元,李河君也藉此超越馬雲、王健林等成為“中國首富”。 對於5月20日漢能股價的暴跌,有券商分析師表示,主要是大量機構拋售所致。交易數據顯示,當日大單賣出的股數為4105萬股,占當日早盤成交量的23%。還有券商分析師透露,賣盤主要來自UBS、高盛等。 另據《福布斯》網站報道,漢能股價暴跌期間,兩家華爾街對沖基金Dialectic Capital、Lakewood Capital都相繼在做空漢能。福布斯稱,整個市場對漢能的做空沽盤多達3100萬股,使得漢能成為當前中國兩岸股市上交易量最高的股票之一。港交所的記錄也顯示,最高峰時漢能的股票每天有多達1.4億股換手。 暴跌之前漢能的市值約為3066億港元,相關測算顯示,這幾乎相當于所有A股、H股以及美股光伏企業的市值總和。上述光伏業人士指出,中美兩國的同業公司目前的市盈率不超過20倍,但暴跌之前漢能的市盈率高達200倍,因此大幅調整只是時間問題。 據記者瞭解,2014年12月18日,比亞迪的股價也曾在一天內從36.7港元暴跌至18.7港元,但截至5月21日,該股股價已經回升至50港元以上。漢能股價能否複制比亞迪的逆轉之路,業界正拭目以待。當然,基本面沒問題將成為漢能股價逆轉的根本支撐。 面對股價暴跌,李河君似乎並不為此所動。他仍然信心滿滿地表示,希望能夠成為中國企業的國家名片。 面對股價暴跌,李河君似乎並不為此所動。他仍然信心滿滿地表示希望能夠成為中國企業的國家名片。本報資料室圖.jpg

紫微 -丁亥年12月1日巳時生-土5局
紫微( )- 命( 戊)5~14
2015 流年
流年遷移(丑)-天同 ,巨門忌-
3 化

七殺 ,地劫 , ,陰煞 ,流羊

北京汉能控股集团总部在:北京市朝阳区安立路0-A号(北五环仰山桥北,奥林匹克森林公园北园)坐快三公交3 到仰山桥北 下车,森林公园北园东门 往南300米
北京汉能控股集团总部立极, 水从西来--2015- 7赤破军在西

Wednesday, 20 May 2015


廓爾喀之役[/平定廓爾喀/廓藏戰爭,尼泊尔方面称为尼泊尔-中国战争廓爾喀之役,又稱平定廓爾喀、廓藏戰爭,尼泊尔方面称为尼泊尔-中国战争(Sino-Nepalese war)是清乾隆年間由廓爾喀(尼泊爾王國)入侵中國西藏引發的戰爭--中國拒絕了尼泊爾要求援助英尼戰爭(1814年至1816年)The Gorkha War (1814–1816), or the Anglo–Nepalese War-
無夏之年(英語:Year Without a Summer),指1816年。因為受1815年印尼坦博拉火
即1815年,4月5日–4月15日荷屬東印度(今印尼)森巴瓦島(Sumbawa)上坦博拉火山(Mount Tambora)爆發。坦博拉火山的爆發是人類歷史上最大規模的火山爆發之一,威力為火山爆發指數VEI-7,所噴出的火山灰總體積多達150立方公里,而且抵達高至44公里之平流層。遠至英國倫敦亦可見因火山灰而出現的日落彩霞。



1816年7月,年方十九的瑪麗·雪萊前往拜倫在瑞士的別墅度假,卻遭遇到了連日降雨和反常低溫,迫使眾人待在室內。為了排遣時間,拜倫決定舉行一場比賽,讓大家寫出最恐怖的故事。結果瑪麗·雪萊寫出了名著《科學怪人》,而拜倫的私人醫生約翰·波里多利則寫出了現代吸血鬼小說的開山之作,短篇小說《吸血鬼》(en:The Vampyre)







1815-8月17日——拿破仑到达被放逐的圣赫勒拿岛。 9月26日——俄、普、奥三国在巴黎


Monday, 18 May 2015

Saudi Aramco in Dhahran

Saudi Aramco officially the Saudi Arabian Oil Company, most popularly known just as Aramco (formerly Arabian-American Oil Company) is a Saudi Arabian national petroleum and natural gas company based in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Saudi Aramco's value has been estimated at anywhere between US$1.25 trillion[7] and US$7 trillion, making it the world's most valuable company.
Saudi Aramco has both the world's largest proven crude oil reserves, at more than 260 billion barrels (4.1×1010 m3),[ and largest daily oil production (wiki)

Note Persian Gulf is in the east of Saudi Aramco
2015 purple-white flying star  1 in the east-OK?
2018 purple-white flying star 7 in the east-bad?

Nordea Bank AB

Nordea Bank AB (STO)

Nordea Bank AB
, commonly referred to as Nordea, is a Nordic-based financial services group operating in Northern Europe. The bank is the result of the successive mergers and acquisitions of the Finnish, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish banks of Merita Bank, Unibank, Kreditkassen (Christiania Bank) and Nordbanken that took place between 1997 and 2000. The Baltic countries and Poland are today also considered part of the home market. The largest share holder of Nordea is Sampo, a Finnish insurance company with around 20% of the shares. Nordea is listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange, Helsinki Stock Exchangeand Stockholm Stock Exchange
. (wiki)

Björn Wahlroos (Chairman) Oct 10,1952

Christian Clausen (President andCEO) Mar 6, 1955

2017 could be the bank's crucial year

Monday, 11 May 2015

Aneesh Chopra

 A Conversation With Aneesh Chopra--Aneesh Chopra discusses how technology and innovation affect public policy.

Aneesh Paul Chopra (born July 13, 1972) served as the first Chief Technology Officer of the United States (CTO), appointed by President Barack Obama. Chopra previously served as Virginia’s fourth Secretary of Technology. Chopra was a candidate in 2013 for the Democratic nomination for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia. He recently started a new company called Hunch Analytics (wiki)

His Bazi Astrology
July 13, 1972

2016,2017 would be his interesting years-will see



A Snapshot of the New UK Cabinet

Below are Chinese Bazi astrology analysis of key people in the new UK cabinet
Seems there might be hectics after the honey moon period. Wonder if pound will stimble

Cameron 卡梅倫October 9, 1966

George Osborne、歐思邦May 23, 1971
Theresa May、文翠珊October 1, 1956 
丙申, 丁酉,辛丑日

Philip Hammond、夏文達 December 4, 1955
流年2016丙申合刑大運2014/23辛巳合; 申巳刑

Michael Fallon房應麟 May 14, 1952
丙辛合; 申亥刑

Re-Quantifying Frictions: Long-run Average a Useful Guide for Future?

Economics Group Well Fargo Securities
Quantifying Frictions: Long-run Average a Useful Guide for Future? 11 May 2015
Executive Summary
Keynes said, “This long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all
dead.” Still, many analysts utilize the “long-run average” (also known as frictionless) concept as a
guideline without regard to possible changing future circumstances. Such projections reflect the
presence of the anchoring bias. In addition, some analysts extend past trends to predict the
future. Is the past trend useful to predict the future? Is there a long-run average that decision
makers can utilize for future guidance? Our answers to both questions: it depends on the
In other words, we must determine the behavior of a data series before decision makers make a
prediction or utilize a long-run average of the dataset. When we utilize past information, or longrun
averages, the implicit assumption is that the future will be similar to the past. The assumption
that the future would be consistent (similar) with the past has serious consequences, if incorrect,
for econometric analysis and forecasting. The first part of the series explains how standard
econometric models, which assume frictionless (future is similar to the past), may provide
misleading analysis in the presence of frictions.1 The second part of the series presents methods to
quantify frictions in an economy.
Several econometric methods are utilized to quantify frictions in the U.S. economy.2 Some of the
major sectors of the economy, including the labor market, interest rates, financial sector, output,
exchange rates and others, are analyzed. Our econometric analysis found that many series
(employment, productivity, dollar-index, S&P 500, 10-year Treasury and money supply, for
example) are not mean-reverting and experienced structural breaks. Put differently, these
findings imply that if an analyst expects that these series move around a stable average value over
time, then that assumption is incorrect. Furthermore, evidence of structural breaks provides
caution to analysts that future behavior of these series may be different than the past. In addition,
econometric analysis using traditional tools (OLS for example) would provide misleading results
and inaccurate forecasts as well as forecast-bands (confidence intervals). Decision makers should
not put heavy weight on the past average behavior of the series and expect the future will be the

“A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words:” Frictions or Frictionless?
The first method to identify frictions (a different behavior than the past) in a variable (or a sector)
is the estimation of a long-run trend using the Hodrick-Prescott (H-P) filter
The employment
series’ trend moves upward, most of the time, and since 2000, the series also showed cyclical
behavior. The upward long-run trend of employment, on average, has some noticeable points as
well as a strong indication of frictions (structural breaks). First, the trend experienced several
shifts (breaks) and every break reduced the pace of employment growth (trend becomes flatter).
Second, since early 2000, the trend has flattened and becomes more like a horizontal line, which
indicates a loss of the pre-2000 momentum. Finally, since 2000, the trend shows strong cyclical
behavior and that is different than the pre-2000 behavior, which was an increasing trend. In sum,
the H-P filter based trend shows different behaviors for the various time periods for employment
growth. In other words, a long-run average of employment growth may not be a useful guide for
the future.
The H-P based unemployment rate trend shows strong cyclical patterns The cyclical
behavior of the unemployment rate trend is expected, as unemployment typically tends to move
up during recessions and declines during the expansionary phase of a business cycle. The fed
funds rate trend, on average, has declined over time The long-run trend of productivity
growth  has moved upward over time.4 The rate of growth has accelerated since the
mid-1990s, as trend moved upward (toward left).
In sum, these four graphs show that underlying economic series may have different behavior
during various time periods. That is an indication of frictions, as a frictionless series will show a
consistent behavior over time.

Let’s Put Statistics to Work: Does Volatility Differ Over Time?
We divided employment growth into sub-samples including the pre-Great
Recession (2000-2007) and post-recession (2009-2015) eras. The 1990s experienced high and
stable employment growth, as the highest mean and lowest stability ratio were seen in the 1990s
period. The average growth rates for the 2000-2007 and 2009-2015 periods were similar, but the
post-recession era (2009-2015) showed higher volatility The
2000-2015 period saw the slowest employment growth, on average, and highest stability ratio
(most volatile employment growth). Overall, employment growth showed different behavior in
terms of mean and stability ratio in the various sub-samples.

Two other key indicators of the U.S. labor market, the unemployment rate and average hourly
earnings, also showed signs of frictions The post-Great Recession period observed the
highest unemployment rate along with the lowest wage growth, on average. For all three
measures of the labor market, the 2000-2015 period was most volatile The post-Great Recession era (2009-2014) showed the smallestproductivity growth, on average, and the pre-recession period (1996-2007) saw the highestaverage growth rate. The highest stability ratio was recorded for the 1973-1995 period, whichmarked the most volatile period for productivity growth

Are Markets’ Behaviors Frictionless in the Long-run? Mean-Reversion
Keynes said that the long-run concept is a misleading guide to the current affairs. We can
rephrase the question. Is there a long-run average growth rate, and does the series move around
that average? Basically, we can test whether a variable is mean-reverting (frictionless) in the sense
that the variable moves around its mean growth rate and deviations from that average are
temporary in the long-run. In the next step, we test whether measures of the labor market exhibit
mean-reverting behavior. That is, for example, does employment growth move around an average
value over time and are deviations from the average values temporary?

Are Markets’ Behaviors Frictionless in the Long-run? Mean-Reversion
Keynes said that the long-run concept is a misleading guide to the current affairs. We can
rephrase the question. Is there a long-run average growth rate, and does the series move around
that average? Basically, we can test whether a variable is mean-reverting (frictionless) in the sense
that the variable moves around its mean growth rate and deviations from that average are
temporary in the long-run. In the next step, we test whether measures of the labor market exhibit
mean-reverting behavior. That is, for example, does employment growth move around an average
value over time and are deviations from the average values temporary?

Moving Beyond the Labor Market: Not All Frictions Are Equal
An economy consists of several sectors (markets) and the various markets may perform
differently over time. In addition, individual markets may react to a shock (or to a recession)
differently. Here, we apply the H-P filter on several variables representing several major sectors of
the U.S. economy. The long-run trend along with the log of housing starts, a proxy for the housing
sector  The housing starts trend bottomed out in 2010, well after the official
end date of the Great Recession. Furthermore, the current level of the trend is significantly below
the pre-recession peak, which indicates a slower recovery in the housing sector compared to the
overall economy. The long-run trend of the trade-weighted broad dollar index  ), a proxy
for the foreign exchange market, shows a completely different behavior than the housing starts
series. That is, the dollar’s long-run trend peaked in 2001 and, since then, it showed a declining
trend and bottomed out in 2012. Basically, the dollar trend does not show any significant change
during the Great Recession..

The Great Recession did affect consumer sentiment, as the long-run trend of the consumer
confidence index  dropped to its lowest level since 1985. However, the current level of
the trend is fairly close to the pre-recession peak, which suggests a solid recovery in consumer
sentiment. The recovery in the production side was not the same as the housing sector and
consumer sentiment recoveries. The long-run trend of industrial production, a proxy
for the production sector, is presently at the highest level in our sample period, which starts in
1985. In sum, these variables, representing major sectors of the economy, showed different
behavior and reactions to the Great Recession.6 This finding does shed light on the different types
of frictions issue.

How Volatile Are Some Major Sectors of the U.S. Economy?
. To represent credit/U.S. Treasury markets, the U.S. 10-year Treasury
yield and federal funds target rate are utilized. The lowest 10-year average yields along with the
fed funds rate are for the post Great Recession era (2009-2015). For the 2000-2015 period, the
stability ratio for the fed funds rate was above 100, indicating the most volatile period for the fed
funds rate. The growth rate of the dollar index was very volatile for the complete period as well as
for the sub-samples, as the smallest stability ratio is 442.7. Housing starts and the consumer
confidence index series were also very volatile, as the lowest stability ratios were 182.9 and 136.2,
respectively. S&P 500 returns were very stable during the 1990s, where the stability ratio was
74.2. The pre-Great Recession era (2000-2007) was most volatile for S&P 500 returns, as the
stability ratio was 596.6. The 2000-2015 period reported the highest stability ratios for industrial
production and the ISM manufacturing index. The post Great Recession era observed the highest
average growth rate of the money supply and the highest stability ratio for the PCE deflator was in
the same era. Overall, consistent with the labor market analysis, these major sectors also
experienced different behavior in different sub-samples

Are These Sectors Mean-reverting?
In the next step, we test whether these major sectors were mean-reverting. We found that the
U.S. 10-year Treasury, fed funds and dollar-index were not mean-reverting . The growth
rates of consumer confidence and housing starts were mean-reverting in our sample period
However, these two series were volatile and our econometric analysis found several
outliers in each series. The ISM manufacturing index was also mean-reverting, with possible
volatile behavior The growth rates of money supply and the PCE deflator along with
S&P 500 returns are not mean-reverting
Summing up, we have characterized 14 different variables, representing major sectors of the U.S.
economy, and only three of them (consumer confidence, housing starts and ISM manufacturing
index) turned out to be mean-reverting. The rest of the 11 variables were not mean-reverting. That
indicates the long-run average as a guideline for future can be misleading when projecting future
values of these economic indices.

Concluding Remarks
Several major sectors of the U.S. economy were analyzed to verify Keynes’ notion that the long-run average is a misleading guide for the future. Our econometric analysis found that many series (employment, productivity, dollar-index, S&P 500, 10-year Treasury and money supply, for example) were not mean-reverting and experienced structural breaks. This finding is consistent with Keynes’ idea.
The findings imply that if decision makers expect that these series move around an average value over time, that assumption is incorrect. Furthermore, evidence of structural breaks provides caution that future behavior of these series may be different than in the past. In addition, econometric analysis using traditional tools (OLS for example) would provide misleading analysis and forecasts. In sum, decision makers should not put heavy weight on the past average behavior of these variables as predictors of future values without testing.

My comment-
(1) 2000-辰--a chinese bazi  astro combination of big changes
(2) 2009-子--a chinese bazi astro combination for new start

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Re-These Asian Bankers Face $43 Billion Dead Deals After Oil Plunge

Re-These Asian Bankers Face $43 Billion Dead Deals After Oil Plunge
This is the article re-produced for reference

"It’s a tough time to be an investment banker in Southeast Asia
Singapore, the region’s biggest stock market, is having its driest spell in six years with no initial public offering bigger than $25 million in 2015. Mergers involving Southeast Asian companies have dropped 45 percent this year to the lowest level since 2009, bucking a 39 percent rise in the broader Asia Pacific. Adding to the woes, more than a fifth of all acquisitions, or $43 billion worth, announced in the past 12 months were scrapped, data compiled by Bloomberg show.
The dearth of mergers, down to $20 billion, is taking a toll on bankers. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. has reduced its investment-banking team in Singapore about 30 percent, while HSBC Holdings Plc’s top equity capital markets banker in the region and the merger headsat Bank of America Corp. and UBS Group AG are departing. Companies are reluctant to do deals or go public in the wake of low commodity prices that have curtailed growth in Southeast Asian economies including Malaysia and Indonesia.
“The mood on the street is very dismal,” said Nicholas Teo, a Singapore-based strategist at CMC Markets. “In Southeast Asia, the big companies and tycoons have been sitting on the sidelines.”
Representatives for Bank of America, HSBC and UBS declined to comment.
“While our Southeast Asia strategy and client coverage model remains unchanged, we do expect activity levels to be challenged,” Tim Leissner, chairman for Southeast Asia at Goldman Sachs, said by e-mail. Leissner said Goldman Sachs sees opportunities from the consolidation of Vietnamese and Indonesian banks.

Richest Man

Falling oil prices earlier this year helped undo several announced deals. CIMB Group Holdings Bhd. in January terminated a $20 billion three-way merger that would have formed Malaysia’s biggest banking group, citing unfavorable economic conditions following the plunge in oil prices. The same day, Sona Petroleum Bhd. abandoned a proposed $281 million investment in Thai energy assets.
Another withdrawn deal involved Thailand’s richest man, Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi, who in February abandoned plans to buy control of Singapore builder United Engineers Ltd. after failing to reach agreement on price.
Last month Malaysia scrapped a plan to seek buyers for the $3 billion power arm of state investment company 1Malaysia Development Bhd., reversing course just a week after saying it appointed a bank to field interest in the assets. No reason was given. It will now pursue a long-delayed IPO of the business.
“There was certainly a sense of optimism three to four years ago, when both local and international banks were hiring aggressively,” said Nick Gardiner, a Hong Kong-based managing director at Boston Consulting Group. “They probably didn’t see the kind of activity levels they were hoping for.”

Tough Market

Firms led by Standard Chartered Plc and Macquarie Group Ltd. have eliminated about 400 investment-banking jobs across Asia since the start of the year, according to Boston Consulting Group estimates. More cuts could come if deal flow continues to slow, Gardiner said.
“The market is tough,” said Peter Cheng, a former Standard Chartered technology banker in Singapore who now runs a Vietnamese property website. “I know a lot of people who left banking who are facing challenges in looking for other positions.”
One bright spot has been Thailand, which hosted Jasmine Broadband Internet Infrastructure Fund’s $1.7 billion February share sale. That accounted for more than half of IPO fundraising in Southeast Asia this year. The only other IPO above $500 million in the region was last month’s $770 million share sale from Malaysian power producer Malakoff Corp., Bloomberg data show.

Interest Rates

Singapore’s IPO activity has been hurt by an anticipated rise in interest rates. That dents the appeal of property trusts, which typically comprise many of the new offerings there, said Kelvin Ho, Nomura Holdings Inc.’s head of Southeast Asia investment banking.
Only two companies sold shares in the city-state this year, raising a combined $33 million, down from $721 million a year earlier, and both have slumped from their offer prices. Singapore Exchange Ltd. is trying to court mining companies, develop closer ties with China and attract IPO candidates from overseas as part of a goal to double the market value of companies listed there within five years.
There’s little hope for deal activity to pick up this year, said Alan Richardson, a Hong Kong-based money manager at Samsung Asset Management Co., which oversees about $112 billion.
“The growth outlook in Southeast Asia is weakening and there’s uncertainly over the global economy,” he said."

My comment-
Actually south-east Asia is south of China
By Flying-star Feng Shui--2015 is star-7 in the South
7 means money loss now
Wonder if there is any relevence