GBPAUD weekly Chart
GBPJPY Weekly Chart

Received a request to update financial astrology on British Pound- My early article on cable were-
Here is my update-
(1)Monday, August 3, 2009
British Pound Long Term Cycle: Chart
1993-mid /late 1998=5 3/4 yrs
2001-late 2007=6 3/4 yrs
2009 +6 yrs=2015
An extropolation of the chart can tell a weaker pound by 2015
(2)British Pound-ERM Since 8 October 1990
Withdrawn 16 September 1992 (Black Wednesday)
年柱 正印 壬(水) 申(金) 正官
月柱 偏財 己(土) 酉(金) 七殺
日柱 日主 乙(木) 未(土) 偏財
Note 2015 is a 乙(木) 未(土) yr, a chinese bai zi astrology notation same as the Black Wednesday-
?-- the occurrence of two or more events that appear to be meaningfully related but not causally related.
(3) Note GBPCNY weeklychart-
British Pound/Chinese Yuan (CURRENCY)
(4) NoteGBPEUR weekly chart-
British Pound/Euro (CURRENCY)
(5) Note GBPJPY weekly chart-British Pound/Yen (CURRENCY)
(6) Note GBPAUD weekly chart-British Pound/Aussie Dollar (CURRENCY)
(7) Natal astrology of Queen Elizabeth the Second( 1926-Apr-21 2:40)
陽曆:1926年4月21日丑時生 [時區:GMT +8]
陰曆:丙寅年3月10日丑時生 [換日:0時]
紫微-10年運勢至:乙未 事業 83~92(1)2015
流年 田宅(戊戌)--太陰運化忌流年化忌, 地空 ,
流年田宅(己亥)--廉貞化忌流年化忌 ,貪狼
流年田宅(庚子)-- 巨門流年化忌 ,
Chinese zi-wei astrology hints for a loss in QE II's house of property/estate .
(8)Mundane Astrology
Feb 19/20-Mars/Venus enters Aries--Aries could stand for UK-Venus is fortune in adversity with Mars
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