Tuesday 22 May 2012

June 4/5

From my previous post
Mars at 16 Virgo35 on 4/5 June 2012

Larry Pesavento in his Planetary Harmonics of Speculative Markets states that Mars at 16 deg 35 of any sign might trigger some market ripples and reversals
Mars should be at 16 deg 35 sec at Virgo on 4/5 June 2012



Virgo means in Chinese astrology-a sign for changes  

June 4th-Neptune will retrograde after 22:44 (Hong Kong Time Zone) in Pisces

Virgo and Pisces are in opposition
Moon will transit  from Scorpio to Sagittarius on June 4th

There will be a Moon Partial Eclipse in Sagittarius on June 4th
Sagittarius corresponds to 寅 in Chinese astrology
June 4th will be a 丙申 day-申corresponds to Gemini (雙子座)

申(Jun 4)--寅(Moon Partial Eclipse in  Sagittarius)--巳(Mars should be at 16 deg 35 sec at Virgo) is a square aspect 3

June 4th-Neptune will retrograde after 22:44 (Hong Kong Time Zone) in Pisces 

June 4 is the 15th day of Chinese Lunar Leap 4th month
prone to peak/change--容易出現峰值/變化

June 4th in Chinese astrology would be
月柱 正印 乙(木) (火) 比肩

日柱  丙(火) 申(金) 偏財
 申=庚 so both 巳 and 乙 would like to seize 申-

June 5 th will be 日--a more probable for the market to go south

Watch-out for June 4/5-- 當心6月4/5日

possible peak off 可能峰值下降

Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定

1 comment:

Mikey said...

Hi, Can you please tell starting from 5th is the train to south or just one day?