Wednesday 5 February 2014


"去年十一月,踢爆政府處理免費電視發牌中,扭曲顧問報告原意的伍珮瑩,向政府當頭棒喝,獲得公眾激賞。不過,伍珮瑩今年一月底「被辭職」 。本刊收到一封信件,去年十二月,有人寫投訴信郵寄到意大利總公司,批評伍的言論「違反顧問規矩,破壞合約保密精神」。據悉公司創辦人Giorgio Rossi Cairo農曆新年前特別飛來香港,伍珮瑩即時要離開任職九年的威普諮詢顧問亞洲區總監一職。"

(1)Giorgio Rossi Cairo is all after China business??--"In the telecommunications area, for example, countries such as
South Korea and, for some specific segments, China, have emerged as examples of global best practice in the wireless telephony and VAS"---

Giorgio Rossi Cairo (15 July 1947)--
年柱 食神 丁(火) 亥(水) 正印
月柱 食神 丁(火) 未(土) 偏財
日柱 日主 乙(木) 未(土) 偏財
大運 2010/20正官 庚(金) 子(水) 偏印
2013 癸巳 沖 年柱丁亥
2014甲午沖 大運 2010/20庚(金) 子(水)
2015乙 未=日柱
He is just doing what serves his interests best

Just groundless wild guess

(2)Universal Values??
Revenge Is Sweet
"People react to fear, not love,” Richard Nixon once told his aide, William Safire. Buttressing the concept, the Trickster added: “They don’t teach you that in Sunday School—but it’s true.”
It is the elemental nature of politics that Chris Christie was describing when, in a press conference Thursday (which just happened to fall on Nixon’s 101st birthday) the governor of New Jersey defended his somewhat pugnacious operating style by citing the Chicago axiom: “Politics ain’t beanbag.”

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