Tuesday 5 May 2015

Financial System in 2015/16 UK?

received a FB message--

"no body is paying attention on the surging of bond yields since last week.--terestingly, UK treasury is even higher in yield than Spain and Portugal....the EUR QE twisted a lot of things--and once "returns to normal"----(Your)Chinese zi-wei astrology

hints for a loss in QE II's house of property/estate . -> I love this--

it can mean a collapse of UK property mkt (which are collapsing) ---

can affect the stability of their financial system unless UK gov't and BOE are decisive enough to inject sufficient amount of money to prevent that from happening---
otherwise UK banking system won't have their balance sheets shrinking

The current "strength" is only due to a difference in relative speed of shrinking between US and UK. Yet US shrink is healthy: they sold the treasuries they hold, while credits from consumers and industry are expanding. But UK is the other way round
seems the sanction on Russia hurts not only Germany but also UK"

This is my comment

(1)Mark J. Carney (born March 16, 1965) is the Governor of the Bank of Canada(wiki)
日    月    年
己    己    乙
巳    卯    巳
大運 2009/18甲 戌
正印(丙)3刑--正印=Bank of England (BOE)

Mark Carney's Chinese Bai Zi astrology hints for Bank of England (BOE) in hard square aspects in 2016-a tough time?

(2) UK is in the North East part of Europe
Bad feng shui Fly-star 5will be in NE in 2016

(3)Canary Wharf. --Rives Thames is in the West--Fengshui fly-star 5 (jinx) on the west in 2015-bad business in Canary Wharf in 2015

(4)'the City' or 'the Square Mile' -River Thames is in the south-Fengshui fly-star 7 (money loss) in the south in 2015--new tax policy means money loss to financial institutions in the City in 2015

 Seems 2015/2016 could mean hard times for financial institutions in London




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