Saturday 4 February 2012

Feb 6,7 Wild Guess


TWII Index




The correlation between (Canadian Dollar Spot Price : USD Index ratio ) and $SPX seems to peak off. The CCI (20) value for Canadian Dollar Spot Price : USD Index ratio chart (Daily)appears to peal off as well. The Canadian Dollar Spot Price : USD Index ratio (Daily)seems to shift away from the BB(17,2) upper band. $SPX Index might tumble

The CCI (20) for HSI hints for some tumble as well.

Gold tumbled on Friday.

Taiwan Weighted Index starts to shift a bit away from the BB (17,3) upper line. Its CCI(20)drops as well

South Korean's Kospi Index hints for a tumble in SPX Index

Feb 6 is be the midst of First Chinese Lunar Month (初15) Feb 4 was Lập xuân (立春)literally: "start of spring") ,the 1st solar term. It begins when the Sun reaches the celestial longitude of 315°(Feb 4) and ends when it reaches the longitude of 330°(Feb 18)

The Placidus mundane chart for Hong Kong 2012 Feb 6 9.30
Moon (Cancer) and (Libra) Saturn square - pessimistic

Venus conjunct Uranus is in opposition to Mars (Retrograde) and square the MC (Capricorn)--unpredictable
金星合天王星---衝火星(逆行) - 刑 天頂(摩羯座)-變幻莫測

The Chinese 4 pillars Mundane Astrology for Feb 6 9-11 am (Mkt Open)年柱 正官 壬(水) 辰(土) 傷官
月柱 正官 壬(水) 寅(木) 正印
日柱 日主 丁(火) 酉(金) 偏財
時柱 偏印 乙(木) 巳(火) 劫財
There seems to be some inherent instability underneath the Feb 4 mkt(s)

The Chinese Zi-Wei Mundane Astrology for Feb 6 9-11 am (Mkt Open)紫微排盤
The Feb 6 HK mkt might seems to have some upswings but might proves to be
disappointing by mkt close

The Chinese 4 Pillars Mundane astrology for Feb 7 noon
年柱 偏財 壬(水) 辰(土)
月柱 偏財 壬(水) 寅(木)
日柱 日主 戊(土) 戌(土)
時柱 比肩 戊(土) 午(火)
There seems to be too many competitions for the fortune leading to disappointing result for Feb 7

The Chinese Zi-Wei Mundane Astrology for Feb 6 9-11 am (Mkt Open)
The mkt might have some blow-offs but the closes could be disappointing

Feb 7 大件不宜--jinx day

Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定

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