Thursday 3 March 2011

沽神保爾森(John Paulson)來港開檔

John Alfred Paulson (born December 14, 1955)
乙未y 戊子m 己酉d

Paulson Asia Ltd
HK CR 1273379
17 Sep 2008
For a male born on that day
時    日    月    年
辛    庚    辛    戊
巳    申    酉    子 
命宫: 乙卯 胎元: 壬子
2008-2014大運=月辛酉 "clashes" 命宫: 乙卯???
John Alfred Paulson大運壬午
"clashes" Paulson Asia Ltd年戊子

名字: Paulson Asia Limited(AWN913)
發牌日期: 21/02/2011
For a male born on that day
辛卯y 庚寅m 丁未d 乙巳hr (寅卯空亡)
命宫: 戊戌 胎元: 辛巳
(2) 庚=申,寅申巳3刑
(3)2017/26己丑--- 丑未戌3刑

Once again--All are ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to 宣傳封建迷信:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-

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