Thursday 31 March 2011

Re-Can Syria’s dictator reform

MANY OF THE members of Congress of both parties who have gone to Syria in recent months have said they believe he’s a reformer.” Thus did Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton respond to a question on Sunday about Bashar al-Assad, the latest Arab dictator to respond with fusillades to calls by his people for democratic change
Ms. Clinton was only reflecting a piece of wishful thinking to which the Obama administration and its congressional allies have tenaciously clung: that Mr. Assad, despite his brutality, sponsorship of terrorism and close alliance with Iran, can somehow be turned into a Western ally.


Bashar al-Assad born 11 September 1965) is the President of the Syrian Arab Republic, He assumed office on 17 July 2000 (wiki)

born 11 September 1965
日    月    年 
戊    乙    乙
辰    酉    巳
2008 →  2018 庚辰
2011辛卯 -卯=正官---庚辛=食傷

assumed office on 17 July 2000
日    月    年
丙    癸    庚
子    未    辰
2007 →  2017 甲申
no much luck by 2012??

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