Saturday 1 May 2010

The International Crisis Group (ICG)

Prevention of International Conflicts seems to be increasingly difficult
國際危機組織 (ICG) 是一個 非營利組織,也是一個 非政府組織 其任務是防止和解決致命性的地區性衝突以及在世界各地進行實地分析和高級別宣傳(wiki)

Thomas Reeve "Tom" Pickering (born November 5, 1931), is a retired United States ambassador.前駐聯合國大使 托馬斯皮克林
日 月 年
甲 戊 辛
子 戌 未
80 ~ 89 庚寅
hard time for pickering as 2010=大運

Christopher Francis Patten, Baron Patten of Barnes, CH, PC (born 12 May 1944) 彭定康
日 月 年
丙 己 甲
子 巳 申
2010庚寅 clashes 彭定康's yr pillar (institution )

Louise Arbour, CC, GOQ (born February 10, 1947)
since July 2009 served as President and CEO of the International Crisis Group
日 月 年
庚 壬 丁
申 寅 亥
59 ~ 68 戊申
Institution(印)=戊/己 is weak in 2010,2011辛卯' Her trend now 申 also weakens 戊.
2012壬辰 - 食-偏印 is devestating

ICG reports that Thailand is at the brisk of the outbreak of civil war??

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